Biography of Edward Cockrell Hoffman

Statistics show that more than ninety per cent of men are failures in business and investigation brings to light another fact that too many are prone to make constant changes in business instead of concentrating along a single line and developing a thorough mastery of the work undertaken. A notable example of this rule is Edward Cockrell Hoffman, who is now engaged in the line of business in which he started out as a young tradesman, being the secretary, treasurer and manager of the Hoffman-Speed Printing Company of Muskogee. He has been instrumental in building up a substantial business at … Read more

Biography of C. B. Mitchell

Although one of the more recent additions to the Miami bar, Charles B. Mitchell has already demonstrated his ability to cope with the intricacies of the law and is building up a good practice. He is also well known as a writer of ability and has contributed many interesting articles to leading magazines. He was born at Brunswick, Maine, on the 9th of October, 1870, his parents being George E. and Agnes E. Mitchell, also natives of the Pine Tree state, the former born at Brunswick, August 3, 1850, while the birth of the latter occurred at Oldtown in 1854. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Roscoe Simmons Cate

Roscoe Simmons Cate, an attorney of Muskogee, was born in Bradley county, Tennessee, on the 2d of September, 1876, his parents being William Lea and Joanna E. (Julian) Cate, the former an educator. Roscoe Simmons Cate obtained his education in the public schools of St. Louis, Missouri, and of Little Rock, Arkansas, while his professional training was received in the Benton College of Law of St. Louis, from which he was graduated in June, 1901. He first located for practice at McAlester, Oklahoma, and there followed his profession until 1908, when he became chief clerk to the superintendent of the … Read more

Biography of David Nicholas Fink

David Nicholas Fink, banker and oil man of Muskogee, was born August 4, 1868, in Russia, Shelby county, Ohio. His father, Henry David Fink, now eighty-four years of age, is residing in Spokane, Washington. His mother, Mrs. Clara Elizabeth Fink, nee Work, passed away in Vernon County, Missouri, in August, 1876. The educational advantages of David Nicholas Fink were only such as the common schools afforded. He never had the opportunity of attending college and his life is a verification of the fact that no matter what the advantages of education one may enjoy he must essentially formulate and determine … Read more

Biography of Thomas K. Stout

Thomas K. Stout, who has been actively identified with merchandising interests in Bartlesville during the past sixteen years, has since 1919 been the proprietor of Stout’s Specialty Shop at No. 217 East Third street and in this connection enjoys an extensive and high-class patronage. He was born in Shelbyville, Shelby County, Kentucky, on the 4th of January, 1875, his parents being J. K. and Sarah L. (McCallister) Stout, the latter also a native of Kentucky. J. K. Stout removed with his family to St. Clair County, Missouri, in 1885 and throughout the remainder of his active business career successfully devoted … Read more

Blokland, Emma L. Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Pioneer Mother Dies at La Grande Mrs. Emma L. Van Blokland, of Island City who crossed the plains by wagon train with her parents, Daniel and Sarah Henderson and several brothers and sisters, and homesteaded on Alder Slope, passed away in La Grande on Monday, January 13, 1964. She was born at LaPlata, Missouri 89 years ago, and had made her home in Island City for many years. She was a member of the First Methodist church, and a 50-year member of the Eastern Star. Survivors include three sons, Milo and Clifford Van Blokland, both of … Read more

Terry, B.C. (Frances) Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Memorial Services For Mrs.Terry Mrs. B.C. (Frances) Terry of Lostine passed away at her home Monday morning, June 17, 1974. She had been in ill health. She was born on Dec. 15, 1896 in Green City, Mo., daughter of Michael and Elizabeth Rhoads. On Jan. 12, 1916 she was married at Eugene to B.C. Terry and the couple had lived in Wallowa County since 1917. They had recently moved to Lostine from a farm up South Fork. She was a member of the Stitch and Chatter Club. Survivors include her husband, B.C. Terry; three sons, Clifford … Read more

Himelwright, Mellisa Jane Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Pioneer Mother Services Today Mrs. Mellisa Jane Himelwright, one of the oldest of Wallowa County pioneers and who had been in failing health for the last several months, passed away Tuesday, November 5, 1957 at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Robert Trezona in Enterprise. She fell last March and broke her hip and had since been confined to a wheel chair or her bed. Memorial services are being held this afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Booth-Bollman Chapel with the Rev. John Sinclair of the Christian Church officiating. Mrs. John Munsey will be organist and … Read more

Sheets, Margaret Mrs. – Obituary

Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon Pioneer Woman Dies At Joseph Mrs. Margaret Sheets, pioneer resident of Joseph, passed away Sunday morning, April 12, 1942, following a week’s illness, having been stricken with paralysis Easter Sunday. Margaret Ann Scott was born in Carthage, Mo., Aug. 20, 1854, and died at the age of 87 years, 7 months and 23 days. She came to Weston, Oregon, with her family by ox team in 1866 and later moved to La Grande where on Aug. 7, 1870, she was united in marriage to Adam Francis Sheets. To this union 11 children were born, four of … Read more

Brice, Lawrence I. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Death Claims Enterprise Jeweler, Larry Brice Lawrence I. (Larry) Brice, 63, passed away at Wallowa Memorial Hospital October 3, after being a patient for eight days. He had been in failing health approximately three years. He had lived in Enterprise for 61/2 years where he and his wife were owners of the Brice’s Jewelry store. Born June 15, 1913 in Putnam County, Missouri, the son of Fred and Sylvia Brice. He married Eloise Thomas June 16, 1936 at Glascow, Montana. He was a jeweler by occupation and was a member of the American Watch Makers Institute, … Read more

Biography of Robert A. Wilkerson

Since 1915 Robert A. Wilkerson has resided in Pryor and he is recognized as one of the prominent and representative members of the Oklahoma bar. He was born near Carthage, Smith county, Tennessee, on the 30th of January, 1884, a son of James A. and Elizabeth (Hale) Wilkerson, both natives of Tennessee and still living. The father is actively engaged in farming and has won substantial success in that connection. Five sons and four daughters have been born to their union, of whom Robert A. is the youngest. On reaching school age Robert A. Wilkerson attended the public schools of … Read more

Biography of G. W. Lucas

G. W. Lucas, a progressive farmer residing near Ochelata, in Washington county, is a member of a family that has contributed to the agricultural development of Oklahoma from pioneer times to the present and in addition to his farming interests he also engages in teaming, meeting with success in both branches of activity. He was born in Mercer County, Missouri, November 16, 1869, and when four years of age was taken to Missouri by his parents, John W. and Susan (Hatfield) Lucas, who came to Indian Territory in 1874, settling on Double creek, a mile south of Ochelata, where they … Read more

Biography of Irwin Donovan

Irwin Donovan, who has been admitted to practice in all of the Oklahoma state courts and also before the United States supreme court, is now devoting his attention to civil law in Muskogee, having an extensive clientele, who recognize the strength and power of Mr. Donovan as advocate and counselor. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri, August 3, 1879, and is a son of Joseph Thomas and Mary Lucy (Mahoney) Donovan, the former a well known real estate dealer of St. Louis. Reared in his native city, Irwin Donovan supplemented his early education by study in Smith Academy of … Read more

Biography of S. B. Ward

S. B. Ward, a pioneer farmer and stock raiser of Oklahoma residing near Ramona, in Washington county, is conducting his operations on an extensive scale and in the management of his business interests he displays marked executive ability, firm determination and sound judgment. A native of West Virginia, he was born January 21, 1860, and his parents, Simon and Savannah (Hammer) Ward, were also born in that state. In 1881 they removed to Missouri, settling near Appleton City, where the father engaged in farming and in that year he planted five hundred acres to corn which averaged between sixty and … Read more

Biography of John F. Denton

Denton & Limbocker. More of the business of the town of South Mound in Neosho County, is handled through the firm of Denton & Limbocker than any other one commercial organization. They are grain dealers, merchants, farmers, bankers, and both partners also have an important part in public affairs, Mr. Denton being postmaster of South Mound, while Mr. Limbocker is a county commissioner. John F. Denton was born in Pulaski County, Missouri, September 9, 1878. His ancestors were Scotch-Irish people who were early settlers in Kentucky. His grandfather, Thomas Denton, was born in Kentucky, moved into Missouri, and died in … Read more

Biography of Glenn Limbocker

Denton & Limbocker. More of the business of the town of South Mound in Neosho County, is handled through the firm of Denton & Limbocker than any other one commercial organization. They are grain dealers, merchants, farmers, bankers, and both partners also have an important part in public affairs, Mr. Denton being postmaster of South Mound, while Mr. Limbocker is a county commissioner. Glenn Limbocker, of the firm of Denton & Limbocker, and present county commissioner of Neosho County, was born at South Mound, Kansas, on a farm, September 15, 1877. His ancestors came from Germany, the family having lived … Read more

Biography of Oliver W. Sparks

Oliver W. Sparks. In a greater degree than is true of most towns the City of Galena is the result of the enterprise of a comparatively small group of men. Oliver W. Sparks came along and discovered zinc and lead on the Schermerhorn farm. That marked the opening chapter in the industrial history of one of the most progressive mining towns of Southeastern Kansas. After his first strike Mr. Sparks opened up other mineral deposits on the Maston land, later on the Bunco farm, and now for many years he had been continuously operating in that vicinity. Today he is … Read more

Biography of Max J. Kennedy

Max J. Kennedy. An enterprise which, founded in 1904, had grown to large and important proportions is that of the Kennedy Printing Company, of Fredonia. In an era of specialization, the proprietor of this business, Max J. Kennedy, had confined the activities of his establishment to the printing of matter for banking houses, a field in which he had not only had phenomenal success in the immediate locality in which his business is located, but in towns and cities far distant, one of the most important branches of his house being that which handles the mail orders. Mr. Kennedy is … Read more

Biography of Cavaness, James M.

James M. Cavaness. The name Cavaness belongs to both the pioneer and modern era of Kansas. Anywhere in the southeastern part of the state the name is most closely associated with the newspaper business, and two generations are still active in that work, James M. Cavaness and two of his sons, Herbert and Wilfrid, all of whom are connected in some official capacity with the Chanute Tribune. The origin of the Cavaness family was undoubtedly in Ireland, but the first of the name came to America in the colonial period and settled in North Carolina. Urban C. Cavaness, father of … Read more

Biography of Warner E. Williams

Warner E. Williams. While now one of the great trunk railway systems of the country, the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad was largely developed as a Kansas corporation. The main offices of the company at Kansas are at Parsons, where 2,200 of its employes reside. The different lines of the road converge and diverge from that point in six directions: To Hannibal and St. Louis, Missouri; to Kansas City, Missouri; to Junction City, Kansas; to Joplin, Missouri, to Denison, Texas; and to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. For several years the general manager of the system with headquarters at Parsons was Warner … Read more