Biography of Judson Wheeler Mitchell

Judson Wheeler Mitchell, manager of The Emporia Ice & Cold Storage Company, had been a Kansas business man for a quarter of a century. He was born at West Damascus, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863, and was the son of Harvey Wheeler and Mary E. (Avery) Mitchell. The Mitchells were originally a Scotch family, one branch of which settled in England in the seventeenth century. Matthew Mitchell came to America in 1635, making the voyage in “The Good Ship James,” which was accompanied by an armed vessel, “The Angel Gabriel.” He landed at Boston, and later settled at Stamford, Connecticut, where … Read more

Biography of E. O. Sloan, M. D.

E. O. Sloan, M. D. The attainment of success in life along any path of endeavor demands energy, honesty, conscientiousness, self-reliance and proper preparation. The presence of genius is also desirable, but for permanency the homely virtues and practical qualities are absolutely necessary. To the undoubted possession of these may be, in large part, attributed the success that had attended the efforts of Dr. E. O. Sloan, who had figured prominently in the medical profession of Crawford County for more than a quarter of a century, as a practitioner at Pittsburg and had maintained throughout his entire career a high … Read more

Biography of Albert James Herrod

Albert James Herrod in 1916 was elected judge of the District Court of Wyandotte County for the short term of forty days in Division 3. He had the distinction of being the youngest judge in the state at the present time, and his attainments and ability give promise of a large career of usefulness for the future. Judge Herrod was born at Newark, England, April 14, 1885. He was the fourth in a family of five children, three boys and two girls, born to Walter and Catherine (Taylor) Herrod. His grandfather John Herrod was a successful English maltster and also … Read more

Biography of Thomas F. Morrison

Thomas F. Morrison. One of the prominent members of the Neosho County bar is Thomas F. Morrison, who as a practitioner at Chanute since 1903 had been connected with much of the important litigation tried in the courts of this district. He is also a leading member of the democratic party of this portion of the state, where his influence had been widely felt in political as well as professional circles, and had represented his community in the Kansas Legislature, as a member of which body he was the author of some exceedingly beneficial legislation. Mr. Morrison was born June … Read more

Biography of J. E. Zimmerman

J. E. Zimmerman. President of the Citizens State Bank of Bronson, Mr. Zimmerman had been a factor in the citizenship of Bourbon County for the past fifteen years, and had been an extensive farmer, stock man and oil producer as well as a banker. He was born in Ashland County, Ohio, October 10, 1873, descended from a family which as the name indicates came out of Germany and were early settlers in the State of Ohio. D. H. Zimmerman, his father, was born in Ohio in 1838, spent his early life in that state, was married in Ashland County, and … Read more

Biography of Owen M. Thomas

Owen M. Thomas. The Citizens State Bank of Bronson, of which Owen M. Thomas is vice president, is an institution which had grown rapidly and prospered since it was established less than ten years ago, and its success is largely due to the character of the men entrusted with its executive management. Mr. Thomas had been actively identified with banking for ten years, both in Oklahoma and in Kansas. Though a young man, his career had apparently been one of rapid accomplishment, and he had achieved as much in ten years as many men do in their entire active life. … Read more

Biography of Willis Grafton Robertson

Willis Grafton Robertson, member of the Muskogee bar, his attention being devoted to civil law practice, was born in Jefferson county, Missouri, December 10, 1850, and is a son of James A. and Mary J. (Cundiff) Robertson. The father, a farmer by occupation, was born in the year 1818, in what was then the territory of Missouri, and in the early days he hauled iron ore to St. Louis with ox team. He died at the notable old age of ninety-three years, while his wife lived to the advanced age of eighty-nine years. She was a native of Kentucky and … Read more

Biography of S. J. Miller

Among the substantial residents of Rogers county are Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Miller, who are residing on their farm seven and one-half miles northwest of Chelsea. Mr. Miller is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred at Butler, Bates county, on the 4th of June, 1884. His parents were John M. and Rachael (North) Miller, natives of Ohio. In 1866 they moved to Missouri and locating in Bates county, the father farmed until his demise in 1919. He was one of the well known agriculturists in that county and a representative and progressive citizen who did much toward … Read more

Biography of Judge Q. P. McGhee

The judiciary of Oklahoma finds an able representative in Judge Q. P. McGhee, county judge of Ottawa county and a man of high professional attainments, who has also won success in mercantile lines. He is a member of one of the prominent pioneer families of the state and was born on a farm situated on Cowskin prairie, in Delaware county, this state, November 22, 1886, his parents being Thomas Jefferson and Martha (Hannah) McGhee, the former a native of Georgia and of Cherokee descent, while the latter was born in Missouri. As a boy the father came to the Cherokee … Read more

Biography of Guy Fountain Nelson

Guy Fountain Nelson, judge of the Third judicial district of Oklahoma, his entire official record reflecting credit and honor upon the people who have honored him, came to Muskogee in 1909. At that time he had had sixteen years’ experience in law practice and had made steady progress to a point where he had left the ranks of the many to stand among the successful. He was born in Nevada, Missouri, August 16, 1872, and is a son of I. F. S. and Alice (Pottorf) Nelson. The father is a traveling salesman, having long devoted his attention to that line … Read more

Tyler, Annie Elizabeth – Obituary

Annie Elizabeth Tyler passed away Thursday, Dec. 18, 1941, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank J. Hambelton, where she had made her home during winter months for the past six years. Two and one half years ago Mrs. Tyler suffered a paralytic stroke, which resulted in her death. Her funeral was held in the Booth chapel Saturday morning, with Rev. O. M. Adams of the community church officiating. Annie Elizabeth Conley was born in Warrensburg, Mo., Feb. 10, 1862. On September 30, 1877, she was married to Henry Francis Tyler at West point, Mo. They came to Wallowa … Read more

Biography of George E. Easley

George E. Easley, a native son of Oklahoma and a member of one of the old and prominent families of the state, is now living retired at No. 1326 Johnstone avenue, Bartlesville, receiving a substantial income from his oil holdings. He was born near Pawhuska, Indian Territory, February 19, 1895, his parents being William and Margaret (Reward) Easley, the former a native of Kansas, while the latter was born in Indian Territory and is of Osage extraction. The father came to this state over forty years ago during-the territorial period and has since been an active and influential factor in … Read more

Womack, Crawford W. – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Lostine Pioneer Goes To His Rest Crawford Wallace Womack, a pioneer of Wallowa County, died at his home at Lostine last Saturday, February 14, 1920. Funeral services were held at the Lostine Cemetery on Monday, conducted by Rev. Eaton of the Christian church. Mr. Womack was born in Shelby County, Illinois, and the family moved when he was a boy to Missouri. When 19 years old he joined in the gold rush to Colorado and spent part of a year in the Pike’s Peak neighborhood. In the spring of the following year the call of the … Read more

Biography of J. Homer McCall, M. D.

Dr. J. Homer McCall, physician and surgeon of Fort Gibson, was born in De Kalb county, Illinois, April 2, 1859, and is a son of Alfred and Catherine (Durham) McCall, who were natives of Ohio and of New York respectively. The father was of Scotch-Irish descent, while the mother came of German lineage. In early manhood Alfred McCall devoted his life to the ministry but later became a railroad promoter and was active in connection with the building of the Florida, Memphis & Columbia River Railroad, which is now a part of the Santa Fe system. He was also active … Read more

Biography of John C. Asahl

John C. Asahl, a resident of Ramona since 1903 and connected with its mercantile interests throughout, the period, has also figured prominently in connection with public affairs of the city and no man has labored more earnestly, zealously and effectively to bring about public progress, reform and improvement than he Mr. Asahl is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred in the city of California, March 7, 1870. His father, Charles Asahl, was a native of Germany and came to the United States in 1850, settling in Chicago in the year of the yellow fever plague. He was a … Read more

Biography of Samuel Sondheimer

Samuel Sondheimer is a well known and prominent figure in mercantile circles of Muskogee as a partner in the firm of Joseph Sondheimer’s sons. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri, on the 21st of January, 1871, a son of Joseph Sondheimer who passed away July 10, 1913, at the age of seventy-three years, and who was the first merchant of Muskogee. At the time of his demise the Muskogee Times Democrat published the following interesting review of his life. “Joseph Sondheimer, the oldest citizen of Muskogee in point of years of residence and the pioneer merchant of this city, … Read more

Biography of Frank Harris

Modern progressive agriculture in Washington county finds a prominent representative in Frank Harris, who is the owner of a desirable farm near Ochelata which in its neat and thrifty appearance gives every indication of the practical methods and careful supervision of the owner. He was born in Greene county, Illinois, of the marriage of Martin A. and Mary (King) Harris, the latter also a native of that county. The father was born in France and was brought to the United States when but three years old. He is a farmer by occupation and is now residing at Ramona, where he … Read more

Biography of C. F. Reid

C. F. Reid, who has devoted much of his life to public service, is now acceptably filling the office of county treasurer and his thorough reliability and efficiency have won for him the confidence and respect of his fellow townsmen, who have found him faithful to every trust reposed in him. He was born in Bowling Green, Pike county, Missouri, and his parents were Alexander Finley and Anna M. (Blaine) Reid, the former a native of Kentucky, while the latter was born in Missouri. The ancestors of the subject of this review in both the paternal and maternal lines participated … Read more

Biography of Charles F. Armstrong

For many years Charles F. Armstrong has been farming in the vicinity of Coodys Bluff and is readily conceded to be one of the progressive farmers and stockmen in this section of the state. A native of Oklahoma, he was born at one of the first post office stations in Indian Territory, at that time known as Cooscoowie district, on the 27th of February, 1872. His father, Henry Armtrong, a pioneer citizen and registered Delaware, was a son-in-law of Chief Journeycake. For thirty years he was engaged in the mercantile business at Coodys Bluff and Nowata. He suffered a severe … Read more

Biography of J. H. Gorden

J. H. Gorden, a representative citizen and successful agriculturist of northeastern Oklahoma, where he has made his home for more than two decades, is busily engaged in the cultivation of a farm of fifty acres situated one mile north and four miles east of Dewey. His birth occurred in Henry county, Missouri, in 1861, his parents being J. B. and Anna (Parks) Gorden. The father is still living at the ripe old age of eighty-five years, and now resides at Wagoner, Oklahoma. The mother passed away in 1904. They reared a family of three sons, namely: J. H., of this … Read more