Biography of William C. Gillihan

Last Updated on November 13, 2012 by Dennis

William C. Gillihan was born near McComb, McDonough county, Illinois, April 1, 1841. When he had reached the age of four years his parents removed to Arkansas, and settled near Crawfordsville, Crawford county, and there his father died after a two years residence. In 1847 his mother removed to Iowa, and after several changes, finally settled in Warren county, near Indianola, where they lived until 1855, when (his mother having become Mrs. M. R. Richardson) they removed to Daviess county, seven miles south of Gallatin, and here he lived until 1858. He then left home and began the struggle of life for himself, and obtained most of his education after that date, attending the common schools of Daviess county in 1858 and 1859, and the high school at Gallatin in 1860 and 1661.

In February, 1862, he joined the Federal army, enlisting in Company A, First Regiment, Volunteer Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, and served three years, participating in the battles and skirmishes in which his command en: gaged, the most severe being the battles of Independence, Boonville, Mine Creek, Jefferson City and Big Blue, during Price’s last raid through Missouri in 1864. Receiving his honorable discharge from the service he re-turned to Gallatin, arriving February 11, 1865. He entered the office of Judge Samuel A. Richardson and began the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in 1867. He began practice in Gallatin, and in 1868, entered into. partnership with D. L. Kost, under the firm name of Gillihan & Kost, and they continued to practice until 1870, when Mr. Kost retired, and the pres=ent firm of Gillihan & Brosins was formed, and now enjoys a large practice.

Mr. Gillihan was appointed county attorney of Daviess county in 1868, was elected prosecuting attorney in 1872, and was financial agent of the county. during the years 1872, 1873 and 1874, and served with great credit.

Mr. Gillihan was united in marriage to Miss Mary J. Brosins, daughter of Dr. G. W. Brosins, of Gallatin, on the 22d of February, 1867. This-union has been blessed with five children; named, respectively, Tessora L., Paul C., Edith M., William L., and Venna. Mr. ;and Mrs. Gillihan are members of the Christian Church of Gallatin, of which he is an elder. He is, also, a member of Gallatin Lodge No. 106, A. F. & A. M., Gallatin Chapter R. A. M. No. 11, and Gallatin Lodge No. 167, I. O. O. F.


The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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