Biography of Pines R. Dunn

Pines R. Dunn was born in Huntsville, Alabama, October 20, 1836. His. parents left that State in 1838, and went to Indiana, where they lived until December, 1841. In this latter year they came to Missouri and settled at Versailles, in Morgan county, where he lived with them until he reached his sixteenth year. He received his education by attending the common schools at Versailles, and at Osceola, one year after he left home. When seventeen years of age, in 1853, he began to clerk in the store of Aaron Trippet, of Osceola, and was in his employ until 1860, when he became associated with his employer as a partner in the mercantile business, under the firm name of Trippet & Dunn. In 1861 Jim Lane made a raid on the town of Osceola, and they, with other business men, were burned out and their business destroyed. After his loss at Osceola he returned to Versailles, where he remained until July, 1863, then came to Daviess county. In 1864 he engaged in general merchandising and dealing in grain at Gallatin, with E. Mann, under the firm name of Mann & Dunn.

In 1869 they dissolved partnership and he engaged in buying and shipping grain, continuing that business until 1873, when he went to Jamesport, in the same county, and was associated with William A. Wynn in the mercantile business, as Dunn & Wynn. In 1875 he retired from the firm to act as deputy county clerk under John P. Smith, and served as such until 1876, in which year he again engaged in the grain business, and followed it. until November, 1878, when he was elected clerk of Daviess county, and is now filling that position with honor and credit to himself and the county.

Mr. Dunn was joined in marriage to Miss Mary V. Anderson, of Osceola, Missouri, on the 2d day of July, 1857. Their union has been blessed with five children; named, respectively, Henry, a clerk in his father’s office and a student of medicine; Alice Virginia, wife of J. C. Irving; Annie Lee, Mary Cornelia and Pines R., Jr., living at home.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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