Madison County Alabama Cemetery Database

Chief Joseph Gravestone

This database contains 45,000+ known interments recorded in Madison County, Alabama from the 1800’s to present day. It encompasses 267 cemeteries throughout Madison County and is an exhaustive recording of every known gravestone in the county at the time it was taken.

Biography of Henry Bennett

Henry Bennett, of Topeka, has been a resident of Kansas over forty years. Before coming to Kansas he made an enviable record as a gallant soldier in the Union army, having served with the famous Chicago Board of Trade Battery. He has lived three-quarters of a century, but still retains his youth and the optimism of virile and aggressive manhood. No individual record could be more worthy of a place in Kansas history than that of Henry Bennett. He was one of the two sons of William and Rachel (Ludby) Bennett, and was born at Chicago, Illinois, June 15, 1841. … Read more

Biography of Charles Pope O’Fallon

Charles Pope O’Fallon, a representative in the third generation of the O’Fallon family in St. Louis, giving his attention to the management of estates, and invested interests, was born in Madison county, Alabama, August 3, 1868, and is a son of John Julius O’Fallon, mentioned elsewhere in this work. His ancestral line is one of which he has every reason to be proud and is given in detail in the sketch of his father. Dr. James O’Fallon served as a surgeon in the American army in the Revolutionary war and the great-granduncles of Charles P. O’Fallon included General William Clark, … Read more

Slave Narrative of Clara C. Young

Person Interviewed: Clara C. Young Location: Mississippi Age: 95 Place of Residence: Monroe County, Mississippi Clara C. Young, ex-slave, Monroe County, is approximately 95 years old, about five feet two inches tall, and weighs 105 pounds. She is a frail, dark skinned Negro, with the typical broad nose and the large mouth of the southern Negro. Her physical condition is especially good for a woman of her age. She is very talkative at times, but her memory appears to come and go, so that she has to be prompted at intervals in her story-telling by her daughter or granddaughter, with … Read more

Madison County, Alabama Census Records

  1830 Madison County, Alabama Census Free 1830 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1830 Madison County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Madison County, Alabama USGenWeb Archives Project Madison County, Alabama: 1830 Census Index 1830 Federal Census Madison County, Alabama (File 1 Of 9) 1830 Federal Census Madison County, Alabama (File 2 Of 9) 1830 Federal Census Madison County, Alabama (File 3 Of 9) 1830 Federal Census Madison County, Alabama (File 4 Of 9) 1830 Federal Census Madison County, Alabama (File 5 Of 9) 1830 Federal Census … Read more

The Spaniards in Alabama and Mississippi

History of Alabama and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period

England, having lost her West Florida provinces by the victories of Galvez, and having the American Whigs, as well as the natives of France, Spain and Holland, arrayed against her, was finally forced to retire from the unequal contest. A preliminary treaty of peace was signed at Paris. England there acknowledged our independence, and admitted our southern boundary to be as follows: A line beginning at the Mississippi, at 31° north of the equator, and extending due east to the Chattahoochie River; down that river to the mouth of the Flint, and thence to the St. Mary’s, and along that … Read more

Biography of R. D. C. Griffin

R. D. C. GRIFFIN. The name of Griffin is well known throughout Searcy County, for it has been connected with the business interests of this section for a long term of years, and is the synonym of honesty, industry and business integrity. Mr. Griffin was born in Huntsville, Ala., August 31, 1828, a son of Jesse and Sarah W. (Brooks ) Griffin, who removed first from Alabama to Tennessee, and in 1846 to Searcy County, Arkansas, where they entered a tract of land on which the father lived until his death, which occurred in 1886. Throughout the active years of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin M. Edens

Benjamin M. Edens, one of Moore County’s pioneer citizens, was born in Madison County, Alabama, July 13, 1822, and is one of five surviving members of a family of nine children born to Samuel and Nancy (Franks) Edens. The father was a native of South Carolina, and came to Limestone County, Alabama, where he married the mother of our subject. They came to Lynchburg, this county, in 1825, located, and engaged in farming. The father’s death occurred about 1866, and the mother followed him about 1870. Our subject remained with his parents until his majority, after which he began farming … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mr. F. H. Griffin

Mr. F. H. Griffin, a farmer of the Fourth District of Lake County, is the son of John T. and Miriam (Bailey) Griffin. The father was born in North Carolina October 12, 1803 and his mother in Madison County, Alabama in 1805. They were married in Madison County Alabama in January 1826, and had eight children, only two of them living to be grown: our subject and Martha J., who was born January 11, 1829, and married Mr. J. S. Williams, of Lake County, Tennessee, where she died in 1867. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin were devout members of the Christian … Read more

Madison County, Alabama Cemetery Records

Most of these cemetery listings are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Hosted at Madison County, USGenWeb Archives Project Allison Cemetery, Madison, Alabama Benjamin Ellis Cemetery, Madison Co., Al Bibb Cemetery, Madison, Alabama Brown Cemetery Chandler Cemetery Collier Cemetery, Madison, Alabama Crowson Hill Cemetery, Madison, Alabama Donaldson Family Cemetery, Madison, Alabama Drake Cemetery, New Hope, Madison County, Alabama Eva Court Road Cemetery, Madison, Alabama Farley Cemetery, Madison Alabama Golightly Cemetery, Madison County, Alabama Hobbs Cemetary, Madison County, Alabama Jordan/Lanier Cemetery – Madison County Al … Read more

Madison County Alabama Marriage Records

  Hosted at Alabama Marriages, 1809-1920 $ This database is a collection of marriage records from the state between 1809 and 1920. Researchers will find the names of both bride and groom along with the marriage date. Madison, 1809-1843; 1853-1882 Alabama Marriages, 1807-1902 $ Alabama marriage information taken from county courthouse records. Many of these records were extracted from copies of the original records in microfilm, microfiche, or book format, located at the Family History Library Madison, 1818-1820 Hosted at Madison County, USGenWeb Archives Project Marriages To 1825, Madison, Alabama Hale Marriages Of Madison County, 1870 – 1925 Tribble … Read more

Early Incidents in the Mississippi Territory

History of Alabama and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period

Napoleon Bonaparte had turned his eagle eye to the rich province of Louisiana, and it was ceded by Spain to France. He contemplated its occupation, with a large army, and probably entertained designs of conquest against portions of the United States; but, becoming deeply involved in wars with the whole of Europe, he reluctantly relinquished these intentions, and ceded Louisiana to the United States for sixty millions of francs. Governor Claiborne, with a large number of emigrants, who had already flocked to Natchez from all parts of the Union for the purpose of occupying Louisiana, sailed down the Mississippi, with … Read more

Biography of Pines R. Dunn

Pines R. Dunn was born in Huntsville, Alabama, October 20, 1836. His. parents left that State in 1838, and went to Indiana, where they lived until December, 1841. In this latter year they came to Missouri and settled at Versailles, in Morgan county, where he lived with them until he reached his sixteenth year. He received his education by attending the common schools at Versailles, and at Osceola, one year after he left home. When seventeen years of age, in 1853, he began to clerk in the store of Aaron Trippet, of Osceola, and was in his employ until 1860, … Read more

Biography of Earl M. Robinson

Earl M. Robinson is one of the younger business men of Emporia, and his name at once suggests in that section of Kansas the Robinson greenhouses, which have become noted for the perfection of their cut flowers. This is a business which he had built up to extensive proportions, and its product now supplies not only Emporia but a wide surrounding territory. He is an alert and enterprising factor in business circles. Descended from the family of Robinsons that were in Virginia during colonial days, Earl M. Robinson is himself a southerner by birth and was born at Huntsville, Madison … Read more

Biography of James M. Drake

James M. Drake is one of Riverside’s representative and well-known businessmen, and has for years been the treasurer of the city, which responsible and important office he fills with honor and credit to himself and the municipality whose interests he so ably guards. Although not a pioneer of Riverside, her history would be incomplete without a fitting mention of Mr. Drake’s eight or ten years’ association with her interests. He is a native of Louisville, Kentucky, and dates his birth April 12, 1837. His parents were Charles and Mahala J. (Jeter) Drake. His father was a native of Virginia, a … Read more