Biography of James McCaskill

JAMES MCCASKILL. This resident of Texas County, Missouri, owes his nativity to Maury County, Tennessee, where he was born February 13, 1854. His parents, William and Mary (Blassingame) McCaskill, were born, reared and married in Giles County, Tennessee They immigrated to Shannon County, Missouri, in 1855, where they entered land and began making a home for themselves and family. Mr. McCaskill served in the Confederacy under “Old Pap” Price during most of the war and was with him in his famous raids through Arkansas and Missouri. He was captured on Pike Creek, Shannon County, but effected his escape and returned … Read more

Dan McCaskill

Private, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Montgomery County; son of K. W. and Mrs. Flora McCaskill. Entered service Oct. 12, 1917, at Troy, N.C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Calais, France, May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Hindenburg Line and all battles of his company. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C., April 17, 1919.

Biography of John C. McCaskill

JOHN C. MCCASKILL. This prominent citizen is one who has built byyears of industry and good management a business that is recognized as being one of the best in the vicinity. In the life of Mr. McCaskill we have a character representing integrity, industry and unconquerable will that overcomes all obstructions, which brings success under all circumstances; at least so it has been with him. Mr. McCaskill was born in Winona in 1860, and is a son of William and Mary (Blossingame) McCaskill, natives of Giles County, Tennessee, the father born in 1827 and the mother in 1833. There they … Read more

Biography of George Washington McCaskill

GEORGE WASHINGTON MCCASKILL. This gentleman is one of the leading farmers and stockmen of Shannon County, Missouri, and in the development of this section he has done heroic work, for here he was born in 1856, and has all his life devoted his attention to agriculture. His parents, William and Mary (Blassingame) McCaskill, were born in Giles County, Tennessee, in 1827 and 1833, respectively, and were reared and married there. In 1855 they came to Shannon County, Missouri, and located in the woods several miles from any other settlement. Here he improved a good farm and lived until about 1879, … Read more

John M. McCaskill

1st Class Sergt., Med. Corps, 20th Div. Born in Moore County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McCaskill. Entered the service March 30, 1918, at Carthage, N.C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C., and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Promoted from Private to Sergt. Aug. 1, 1918, and from Sergt. to 1st Class Sergt. Dec. 15, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C., Feb. 27, 1919.