Biographical Sketch of John Markey

Last Updated on July 31, 2012 by Dennis

John Markey. This gentleman, who ranks among the largest farmers of the county, is a Dative of Pennsylvania, born June 18, 1846. While he was but a child his parents moved west and settled in Illinois, where John grew to manhood and was educated. On leaving school, he commenced farming as his calling in life, and is still engaged in the same essential occupation. In the-spring of 1867 he came to Daviess county, Missouri, where he has ever since-resided, giving his attention to farming and stock-raising. Mr. Markey-owns a large farm of 900 acres in Lincoln township, well watered and _fenced, and having a large maple grove of twenty acres for stock protection, and, in fact, has his place every way adapted to stock-raising. This farm yields, annually, from 500 to 600 head of cattle, which are-shipped to market. His farm has a fine orchard of about 200 trees, and one acre of superior grape vines, the fruit of which is pressed into wine. Mr. Markey is a thorough business man, and his reputation for fair and honorable dealing has won him many friends.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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