Biographical Sketch of F. M. Naylor

Francis Marion Naylor was born in Bath County, Kentucky, October 11, 1829, and is a son of Ignatius and Susan Kerns Naylor, both natives of the same State. His father was a carpenter by trade, and that in conjunction with farming was his business through life; he died in the month of February, 1875, in Platte County, Missouri; and his mother died when our subject was five years old. Young Naylor grew to manhood in his native State and was reared upon his father’s farm. In 1849, in company with his father he migrated to Platte County, Missouri, and settled upon a farm near Parksville.

On the 13th of November, 1854, Mr. Naylor married Miss Sarah A. West, daughter of J. C. West, residents of Platte County. After his marriage he commenced farming for himself, and with the exception of a short time, in which he served in the Missouri State Militia during the war, he continued that useful occupation in Platte County, until 1864, when he removed with his family to this County and settled upon the farm where he now resides. This farm consists of 160 acres of excellent land, well watered, improved and stocked; forty acres in timber, ninety-five under plow, sixty-five in blue grass, and all tinder fence, making one of the best farms in the County.

Mr. and Mrs. Naylor are members of the Christian Church. They have three children; namely, Katie, Emma and Eddie. Mr. Naylor is a member of Jamesport Lodge No. 201, A. F. & A. M., and is a Democrat in politics.

Naylor. Biography,

The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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