Biographical Sketch of Charles M. Hutchison

Charles M. Hutchison was born in Casey county, Kentucky, October 15, 1837, and is a son of Thomas Hutchison. He was reared and educated in Livingston county, Missouri, and began life as a school-teacher at the age of twenty-three, and followed that business with some interruption for a period of thirteen years. He came to Jamesport in 1870 and began merchandising, which is his present avocation.

Mr. Hutchison was married in Daviess county, Missouri, January 1, 1870, to Miss Annie, daughter of James and Rebecca Lindsay, natives of Virginia. Mrs. Hutchison was born in Iowa. They are the parents of three children: William T., Minnie Lee, and Marietta. Mrs. Hutchison is a member of the Christian Church. In politics, Mr. Hutchison is a strong Democrat, and is highly respected as a man and merchant.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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