Wisconsin Gold Star List – Door County

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Door County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

See abbreviations on main Wisconsin’s Gold Star List page.


Ahlswede, Walter, 19, Brussels; pvt 121mgbn; Badricourt, Fismes, Tardenois ; dw Oct 12, ’18.

Anderson, G. D., 33, Sturgeon Bay; pvt 128inf; Alsace, 2Marne, Soissons; dw Aug 29,’18.

Bennett, William L., 30, Sturgeon Bay; sgt 2engnrs ; dw Nov 11, ’18.

Bowman, Edward W., 27, Detroit Harbor; pvt 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 5, ’18.

Bridenhagen, Arthur, 21, Sturgeon Bay; pvt 28inf; kia May 29,’18.

Corbisier, Andrew, 20, Brussels; pvt 128inf ; Alsace, Champagne, Montfaucon; kia Oct 14, ’18.

Cunningham, Walter, 30, Sturgeon Bay; pvt 121mgbn; Hagenbach, Badricourt, Chateau Thierry, Valpriez Farm, Juvigny, TernySorny, Verdun; dw Oct 11, ’18.

Dier, Walter E., 26, Sturgeon Bay; pvt 1cl 354inf; Verdun; kia Nov 1, ’18.

Duwe, William, 34, Sturgeon Bay; pvt 1cl 28inf; Montdidier- Noyon, Aisne-Marne, defsec; dw Jy 23, ’18.

Eatough, Emery, 23, Baileys Harbor; sgt 1cl 128inf; Alsace, Chateau Thierry; dd (pneu) Sept 16,’18.

Erickson, Harry, 28, Sturgeon Bay; pvt 28inf ; Cantigny, Soissons; kia Jy 18, ’18.

Erskine, Lester Dewey, 19, Jacksonport; pvt hqco 121fa; overseas; dd (mening) Apr 30, ’18.

Felhofer, Henry, 23, Jacksonport; pvt 128inf; Alsace, 2Marne, Soissons, Champagne; kia Oct 11,’18.

Gislason, Charles, 28, Sturgeon Bay; sgt 128inf; Alsace, 2Marne, Soissons, Champagne; kia Oct 6,’18.

Goetz, George W., 21, Forestville; pvt 345inf; U. S.; dd (pneu) Dee 20, ’17.

Graf, Fred Ernest, 28, Jacksonport; pvt 56inf; overseas; d (accident) Feb 8, ’19.

Holtdorp, Henry, 24, Sawyer; pvt MD rplrrartyregt; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 24,’18.

Jenkins, Melvin L., 21, Jacksonport; core 121mgbn; Hagenbach, Badricourt, Chateau Thierry, Fismes, Valpriez Farm, Juvigny, Terny-Sorny; dw Sept 1,’18.

Jindra, Joseph, 23, Sawyer; corp 38inf ; kia Jy 21, ’18.

Johnson, George, 22, Jacksonport; pvt 27fa; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 24, ’18.

Kerscher, Anton F., 28, Forestville; pvt 30inf; kia Jy 25,’18.

Knutson, Leonard A., 22, Sister Bay; pvt 28inf ; Soissons ; kia Jy 21, ’18.

Krueger, Edwin, 26, Forestville; pvt MD Camp Greenleaf rplunit58; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 10,’18.

Lackshire, Archie, 25, Sturgeon Bay; pvt 28inf; Cantigny; kia May 28, ’18.

Lafontaine, Joseph Felix, 26, Egg Harbor; pvt Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 6,’18.

Langohr, Elton Melvin, 25, Ephraim; pvt 124TC; overseas; drowned Jan 15,’19.

Murray, Delbert, 24, Sturgeon Bay; pvt 28inf ; kia June 19, ’18. Nieman, Herman, 22, Sturgeon Bay; pvt inf Camp MacArthur Sept rpldrft; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 8,’18.

Norstrum, Oliver E., 25, Ellison Bay; pvt 28inf ; Cantigny; dw May 31, 18.

Olson, Ole Thomas, 23, Sawyer; pvt 332mgbn; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 27, ’18.,

Richmond, Earl Oakley, 20, Sturgeon Bay; pvt 1c1 128inf; Alsace, Marne, Soissons; kia Sept 1,’18.

Sawdo, Roy R., 23, Brussels; pvt 5engnrs; overseas; dd (tuberc) Aug 6, ’18.

Smith, Harry Albert, 22, Sister Bay; corp 161depbrig; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 8,’18.

Soderberg, Arnold W., 25, Detroit Harbor; pvt Icl 10fa; 2Marne; dw Jy 18, ’18.

Sullivan, Thomas A., 27, Forestville; sgt 30inf; Mount Bonniel, Marne, Jaulgonne, Vesle, Argonne; kia Oct 10,’18.

Tweeddale, Elmer J., 26, Sturgeon Bay; WNG; pvt 121mgbn; Fismes; dw Aug 4, ’18.

Vetting, Gilbert, 22, Egg Harbor; pvt 28inf ; kia Jy 18, ’18. Walker, Henry W., 26, Sevastopol; pvt 28inf; Cantigny; kia May 28, ’18.


Hasten, August Frederick, Forestville; cm 2cl; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 24, ’18.

Swenson, Sherman, Detroit Harbor; 1dsm for mach mate av; dd (influ) Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 27, ’18.


Gregory, John G., Wisconsin’s Gold Star List : Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Nurses from the Badger State Who Died in the Federal Service During the World War, Madison : State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1925.

Door County WI,

Gregory, John Goadby. Wisconsin's gold star list; soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses from the Badger state who died in the federal service during the world war. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 1925.

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