Confederate States Staff Officers – S Surnames

Last Updated on August 26, 2013 by Dennis

List of Staff Officers of the Confederate States Army 1861-1865

Surnames that start with S

  • Sabal, Emile T., surg., staff of Brig. Gen. John B. Grayson, September 28, 1861; ordered to Richmond October 24, 1861.
  • Saffarans, Isaac, asst. Q. M. Prov. Army of Tennessee, 1861; Q. M. 2d Tennessee (Col. J. Knox Walker), 1st division Western Department.
  • St. Clair,______, capt., staff of Gen. J. O. Shelby, 1862.
  • St. John, Isaac M., chief engr. to Maj. Gen. J. B. Magruder; in charge of defenses at Yorktown, Va., November 25, 1861; capt., Corps of Engineers, C. S. Army, February 15, 1862; maj., (artillery) superintendent Nitre Corps, October 16, 1862; lieut. col, Nitre and Mining Corps, May 28,1863; brig. gen., Com’y Gen. C. S. Army, Richmond, Va., February 16, 1865.
  • Sale, Wm. F., V. A. D. C. to Gen.. J. C. Tappan, 1864.
  • Salmond, Thomas W., surg., staff of Maj. Gen. J. B. Kershaw, 1861. Sanchez, B. S., iieut., A. D. C. to Gen. J. K. Jackson, January 20, 1862; brig. com’y, April 1, 1862.
  • Sanders, David Ward, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. S. G. French, October, 1862 also November 5, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to same, October 24, 1863.
  • Sanders, Reid, maj., C. S. to Brig. Gen. J. M. Hawes.
  • Sanders, R. W., maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. Alfred Mouton, July 4, 1863.
  • Sandex, James L., A. I. G-. State of Tennessee, 1861.
  • Sandford, Jno. L., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. H. Marshall, December 27, 1862.
  • Sandick, Joseph, surg., with Maj. A. P. Stewart, commanding artillery.
  • Sandidge, John M., col., A. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles; appointed August 20, 1862; relieved January 1, 1864.
  • Sandidge, L. D., lieut., C. S. Army, A. A. and I. G. to Brig. Gen. D. Ruggles; appointed January 16, 1862; capt., C. S. Army, A. I. G. 1st District, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana; staff of Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles, January 25, 1863; relieved from staff, April 6, 1864.
  • Sandidge, S. S., Dr., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles, April 6 and 7, 1862.
  • Sandidge, T. L., lieut., A. A. and I. G. to Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles, May 20, 1862.
  • Sandy, P. A. capt., A. A. M. at Richmond, December 10, 1863. Sanford, John S., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. Wm. Preston, September 20, 1864.
  • Sanford, R. A., lieut., A. A. A. G. to Col. W. F. Slemons, November 3, 1663.
  • Sanford, Robert, maj., com’y to Brig. Gen. B. F. Cheatham, 1864, 1865. Saudex (or Sandex), Joseph, asst. surg., art’y, December, 1861.
  • Saugrain, A. P., lieut., A. I. G. to Gen. Price, August 29, 1864. Saunders, D. D., capt., asst. surg., staff of Brig. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, September 1, 1861 relieved December 3, 1862 transferred to Army Headquarters.
  • Saunders, James E., col., A. A. D. C. to Col. John Adams, May 10,1862; same to Brig. Gen. N. B. Forrest, June, 1862.
  • Saunders, John S., lieut. col., O. 0.; reports to C. O. at Richmond, Va., December 5, 1862.
  • Saunders, Lancaster K., asst. surg., North Carolina State forces, 1861.
  • Saunders, Thomas, capt., V. A. D. C. to Gen. G. T. Beauregard, April 6 and 7, 1862.
  • Saunders, Wm. J., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. J. C. Pemberton, August, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to Gen. Beauregard, November 11, 1862; maj. art’y.
  • Sawrie, W. S., lieut., A. A A. G. to Gen. Liddell, November, 1864; lieut., A. A. I. G. to Gen. D. C. Govan, October 8, 1864.
  • Sayers, Edward B., capt., Eng. Corps, August 18, 1862; capt., E. O. to Lieut. Gen. L. Polk, January 1, 1864.
  • Sayers, Joseph D., maj., A. A. G. to Lieut. Gen. R. Taylor, September 24, 1864; same to Brig. Gen. Thos. Green, May, 1864.
  • Sayre, Philip D., lieut., O. O. to Brig. Gen. D. W. Adams, August 16, 1862.
  • Scales, E. D., capt., asst. com’y to Brig. Gen. A. M. Scales; appointed July 20,1864.
  • Scales, J. A., maj., to Gen. Watie, 1864.
  • Scales, James, lieut., O. O. to Maj. Gen. Lomax, 1861.
  • Scales, Nat. M., asst. surg., North Carolina State forces, 1861. Scales, maj., Q. M. to Gen. C. M. Wilcox, 1864.
  • Scales, , Mr., P. A. D. C. to Gen. G. T. Beauregard, April 6 and 7, 1862.
  • Scanlan, ______, Mr., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson, January 1, 1864.
  • Schaumburg, Wright C., capt., A. A. G. to Col. Henry Little, March, 1862 A. A. G., April 16,1862; capt., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn, April 3, 1663; lieut. col., A. A. G. to Gen. E. Kirby Smith, January 13, 1664.
  • Schell, A. B., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. L. E. Polk, September 20, 1863. Schenck, David, capt., C. S., State service of North Carolina, May 31, 1861.
  • Scherek, Isaac, maj., C. S. to Maj. Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, December 13. 1862; maj., chief of sub. to Gen. D. H. Hill, September 20, 1863, assigned Army of Tennessee, April, 1861; maj.; asst. chief com’y to Gen. J. E. Johnston, 1865.
  • Scherek, S., lieut. (3d Mississippi Battalion), A. A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. S. A. M. Wood, January, 1862.
  • Schleicher, Gustave, capt. Engr. Corps, May 8, 1863.
  • Schley, W. C., 2d lieut., Signal Corps, November 3, 1863.
  • Schnierle, John M., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. R. S. Ripley, April-August, 1863.
  • Schoef, _____, maj., A. I. G. to Maj. Gen. William B. Bate until May, 1865.
  • Schooler, Samuel, lieut., O. O., at Richmond, Va., September 20, 1863; capt. O. O., at Richmond, Va., December 30, 1863.
  • Schreiber, A., capt., O. O. to Brig. Gen. Alfred Mouton, July 4,1863. Schultz, Charles G., capt., A. 1. G. to Brig. Gen. S. B. Maxey, May,-June 25, 1862; to Maj. Gen. Maxey, April 18, 1864. Schwartzman, Gus A., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. Pike, November 16, 1861; same to same March to July 4,162; maj. and A. A. G. to Gen. G. W. C. Lee.
  • Schwrar, John M., Rev., chap. Fourth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, September 26, 1863.
  • Scogin, John, capt., asst. insp. to Gen. Elzey, September 28, 1864.
  • Scott, Andrew G., maj., Q. M. .to Brig. Gen. C. W. Sears, October 28, 1862; same to Brig. Gen. W. E. Baldwin at seige of Vicksburg, June and July, 1863.
  • Scott, Charles L., col., presiding judge on military court of Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet, December 30, 1862.
  • Scott, Edward, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Daniel W. Adams, July 7, 1862.
  • Scott, Geo., lient., to Brig. Gen. Wirt Adams, February, 1864.
  • Scott, George W., lieut., com’y. Twelfth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers (Col. Thomas M. Scott), First Division, Western Department; lieut., A. D. C. to same, July 25, 1864.
  • Scott, H. G., maj., Q. M. to Gen. Sears, October 28, 1862.
  • Scott, H. T., 1st lieut., O.O. to Brig. Gen. J. B. Villepigue, June 9, 1862; capt. O.O. to Gen. J. E. Slaughter, November, 1863.
  • Scott, J. C., capt., A. U. C. to Brig. Gen. Jerome B. Robertson, November 1, 1861 to July 17, 1863 promoted from First Texas Infantry.
  • Scott, J. Howard, surg., staff of Gen. J. E. Johnston, Jannary 20, 1862.
  • Scott, John G., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. J. B. Robertson, November 12, 1862.
  • Scott, John S., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. J. M. Hawes.
  • Scott, Jno. T., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. M. M. Parsons, October 30, 1862.
  • Scott, Joseph T., surg, staff of Brig. Gen. D. M. Frost, March, 1862; M. I. to Maj. Gen. Sterling Price, commanding Army of the West, July 21, 1862.
  • Scott, J. T., capt., A. Q. M. to Gen. Cheatham, January 1, 1864.
  • Scott, Martin P., surg., on duty at Warrenton Springs, Va., January 20, 1862.
  • Scott, N., maj., C. S. to Brig. Gen. Louis Hebert, Maury’s division, Army of the West, February 8, 1863.
  • Scott, Preston B., surg., M. D. to Lieut. Gen. S. D. Lee, May 1, 1862; chief surg., staff of Gen. J. E. Johnston, summer of 1863; surg., M. D. to Lieut. Gen. L. Polk, June 10, 1861.
  • Scotts Robert Taylor, maj., chf. Q. M., to Gen. Geo, E. Pickett.
  • Scott, Spencer B., capt., A. C. S. to Gen. Thos. M. Scott, November 20, 1864.
  • Scott, S. S., acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Confederate States, March 8, 1862.
  • Scott, Thomas M., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. S. B. Maxey, March 24, 1862; at Shreveport, La., October 20, 1863; to Maj. Gen. Maxey, April 1S, 1864, to February 9,1865; A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. D. H. Cooper, March 12, 1865.
  • Scott, W. P., maj., A. A. G. to Gen. Arthur P. Bagby.
  • Scott, W. S., surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Scott, -, lieut., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. E. A. Perry, May, 1863.
  • Scoville, W. T., capt., A. Q. M., Valley Dist., October 1, 1864.
  • Screven, John H., capt., to Brig. Gen. W. S. Walker, commanding Third Military District of South Carolina, October 22, 1862.
  • Scruggs, L. S., capt., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. W. S. Featherston, July 14, 1862; promoted major in 1864 and served to close of war.
  • Scruggs, W. H., maj., Q. M. to Maj. Gen. E. M. Law, November 1,1862; promoted from private in 4th Alabama Regiment.
  • Scull, B. F., lieut., V. A. D. C. to Gen. Price, 1864.
  • Seabrook, C. A., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. M. Jenkins, July 22, 1862; killed Angust 29, 1862.
  • Seabrook, Cate E., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. John Bratton; appointed August 30, 1862; same to Brig. Gen. Jenkins.
  • Seabrook, E. M., capt., V. A. D. C. to Gen. Ripley, April, 1863; surg., Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Seabrook, Henry, lieut., O. O., with Col. B. G. Baldwin, Army of North-ern Virginia, July 11, 1863.
  • Seabrook, W., capt., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. N. G. Evans, March, 1862. Seal, John R., lieut., with Gen. Winder at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Searcy, Henry C., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Whitfield, May 2, 1863. Sears, J. H., surg., staff of Gen. Gano, 1864.
  • Sebastian, George C., maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. Wirt Adams; assigned from Adams’ cavalry, October, 1863.
  • Sebley, , chief surg., staff of Maj. Gen. W. B. Taliaferro, July, 1864.
  • Seckles, Richard, lieut. col., E. O. to G. M. Jeff. Thompson, July, 1861, May, 1862.
  • Seddon, John, capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles; appointed May 16, 1861; relieved June 7, 1862.
  • Sehon, John L., A. Q. M. Prov. Army of Tennessee, 1861.
  • Seibels, J. J., A. D. C. to Governor of Alabama, March 21, 1861.
  • Selden, H. H., maj., 4th Virginia Cavalry; brig. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. B. H. Robertson, W. E. Jones’ brigade.
  • Selden, Miles C., jr., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. H. Heth, January 22 and May, 1862, and May and July, 1863.
  • Seldon, M. A., surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Sellers, W. H., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. J. B. Hood, March 19, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to same, September-November 5, 1862, to July 17, November and December, 1863; lieut. col., A. A. G. to Gen. Lee, March 1, 1864.
  • Selph, C. McRae, lieut., A. A. Q. M., at Manasas, Va.; ordered to duty with Gen. A. S. Johnston at Bowling Green, Ky., January 20, 1862; capt., A. A. G. to Gen. E. K. Smith, July 15,1862 capt., A. A, and I, G. to Gen. Pemberton, July, 1863.
  • Selph, W. A., capt., A. C. S. 38th Mississippi Regiment, Brig. Gen. L. Hebert’s brigade, Maury’s division, Army of the West, February 8, 1863.
  • Semmes, A. J., surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1864.
  • Semmes, B. J., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. M. L. Smith, March 15, 1863.
    Semmes, S. S., capt., P. M., with Army of Tennessee, November 20, 1861 Semple, Charles, capt., A. O. O. to Col. R. P. Trabue, commanding Hanson’s brigade, December 31, 1862, and January 1, 1863; capt. 0. O. to Maj. Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, January 1, 1863-1864.
  • Semple, E. A., capt., on duty with Gen. Winder at Richmond, December 10, 1864.
  • Sengstak, C. P., lieut., O. O. in Army of Tennessee, Aug. 24, 1863. Seover, A. P., com’y 6th Battalion Tennessee Cavalry, (Lieut. Col. T. H. Logwood,) 1st Division, Western Department.
  • Seover, W. H., com’y 2d Tennessee, (Walker’s) 1st Division, Western Department.
  • Severson, Chas. S., maj., chief Q. M. to Maj. Gen. N. B. Forrest, January 24, 1864.
  • Sevier, A. H., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. T. J. Churchill, August 12, 1861, to January 18, 1864; capt., A. A. G. to Gen. E. Kirby Smith, May 13, 1864.
  • Sevier, T. F., lieut. coL, A. I. G. to Lieut. Gen. L. Polk, December 12, 1862, t o June 10, 1864; same to Gen. A. P. Stewart, December 2, 1862. Sewell, F. B., , acting asst. surg. July, 1864.
  • Sexton, Joseph C., maj., C. S. to Gen. J. A. Walker, July, 1864. Seymour, William J., capt., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. K. Duncan, May 13, 1862; capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Harry T. Hays, May 26-July, 1863; same to Brig. Gen. Z. York, November 4, 1864.
  • Shaaf, ____, A. Q. M., at Nashville, Tenn., October 18, 1861. Shaaff, Arthur, maj., A. I. G. to Gen. Bate, September 19, 1864. Shaaff, John T., capt., A. C. S. (depot) to Brig. Gen. J. B. Villepigue, June 9, 1862.
  • Shackleford, George D., maj., A. A. G. to Col. James P. Saunders (Missouri State Guard), March 17, 1862.
  • Shaler, J. R., col., insp. to Brig. Gen. D. M. Frost, March, 1862 col., A. I. G. to Gen. Price, August 29, 1864.
  • Shane, J. A., Q. M. 3rd Brigade (Russell’s); 1st Division, Western Department.
  • Shane, John N. F., lieut., A. I. G. to Maj. Gen. C. L. Stevenson, 1863; relieved 1864.
  • Shannon, A. N., lieut. col., chief of scouts; staff of Lieut. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, March 2, 1865.
  • Shannon, S. D., lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Richard H. Anderson, December 4, 1862, September, 1863.
  • Sharp, Jno. M., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Buckner, January 26, 1863. Sharp, Thomas, I., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. James P. Chalmers, May 18, 1862.
  • Shari, Thomas R., capt., A. Q. M., at Winchester, Va., December 11, 1861; capt., acting chief Q. M. to Maj. Gen T. J. Jackson, February, 1862.
  • Shattuck, J. W. M., asst. surg., staff of Brig, Gen. J. R. Chalmers, January 12, 1864.
  • Shaw, G. T., capt., A. C.. S. to Col. Trabue, June 16, 1862.
  • Shaw, – . , capt., com’y (post) at Tangipahoa, La., July 29, 1862.
  • Shay, C., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. W. H. C. Whiting, May, 1862. Shea, D. D., capt., special V. A, D. O. to Col. Earl Van Dorn, May, 1861.
  • Shearer, P. W., capt., A. Q. M. 45th Mississippi Regiment; A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. M. P. Lowry, October, 1863, and May 4, 1864, till close of war.
  • Sheeford, J. B., surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Shelby, Benjamin F., Q. M., C. S. Navy, February, 1863. Sheliha, Victor von, capt. Eng. Corps., March 17, 1862; major of artillery, July 16, 1862; chief of staff to Maj. Gen. S. B. Buckner, June, 1863.
  • Shelley, H. E., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Charles M. Shelley, September 17, 1861.
  • Shellman, Geo. K., lieut., staff of Gen. Bradley T. Johnson.
  • Shelly, M. M., lieut., 10th Mississippi; A. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. R. Chalmers, April 6 and 7, 1862; , prov. mar. at Saltillo, Miss., headquarters reserve division; staff of Brig. Gen. J. M. Withers, July 10, 1862.
  • Shelly, W. E., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Cantey, October 5, 1864.
  • Shepard, W. M., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. J. G. Martin, June 23, 1833.
  • Shepherd, A. S., maj. C. S., August 5, 1861.
  • Shepherd, J. B., capt. and asst. surg. to W. H. Payne, May 15, 1863.
  • Sheppard. C. B., capt., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Thomas Green, July 3, 1863.
  • Shepperd, Jacob, Iieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Pender, August 16, 1862; died December 13,1862.
    Shepperd, Lemuel, lieut., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. W. L. Cabell, October, 1862.
  • Shepperson, A. B., O. O., with Col. T. S. Rhett, Richmond, Va., October 14, 1862.
  • Sherrard, C. C., asst. surg., negro warehouse, District of Gulf, October 23, 1864.
  • Sherrod, J. W., asst. surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863. Sherwood, J. H., .maj., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. X. B. Debray, May 20, 1861.
  • Shields, J. C., col., commandant of conscription in State of Virginia, November 13, 1862, and 1863.
  • Shields, R. H., asst. surg., North Carolina State forces, 1861.
  • Shields, Thos., H., capt., A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. Jos. O. Shelby, September 18, 1864.
  • Shindler, _____,lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. O. Shelby, 1862.
  • Shingleur, James A., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. S. G. French, June, July, November, and December 8, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to same, November 2, 1863.
  • Shoemaker, Rufus, lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn, May 16 to July, 1862.
  • Shorter, Geo. D., capt., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. S. A. M. Wood, January 1, 1863.
  • Shorter, Henry R., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Battle, September 15, 1863.
  • Shoup, Francis A., maj., C. A. to Maj. Gen. W. J. Hardee, December 5, 1861, to April 6, 1862; A. A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. T. C. Hindman, 1862; maj., acting C. A. to Gen. G. T. Beauregard, April 10, 1862; maj., insp. of ordnance and artillery Western Department; staff of Gen. G. T. Beauregard, May 10, 1862.
  • Shropshire, B., capt., agent for the impressment of cotton in Trans Mississippi Department, June 1,1861; assigned by Gen. E: K. Smith. Shumaker, L. M., maj., C. A. to Maj. Gen. S. G. French, April, 1863. Shumate, Thomas, maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. J. D. Imboden, 1863, till close of war.
  • Shute, 3. D., , V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. W. E. Baldwin siege of Vicksburg, June and July, 1863.
  • Sibley, John T., capt., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson, April 6 and 7, 1862 maj., chief P. M. to Maj. Gen. S. D. Lee, November 1, 1863.
  • Sibley, W. C., capt., A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. J. K. Jackson, July 1,1862; capt., acting div. com’y to same, July 28 to October 19, 1862; relieved February 28, 1863, and assigned. as commissary of Dist. of Tenn.
  • Siebert, FerdInand, capt., A, Q. M. to Gen. E. Kirby Smith; in charge of depot for supplies Trans-Mississippi Department at Houston, Tex., December 3, 1864.
  • Sigourney, Andrew, capt., chf. P. M. Dist. of Ark.
  • Sikes, W. H., capt., 45th Tenn. Regt.; act. A. D. C., May 1-30, 1863; commander of provost guard, staff of Maj. Gen. C. L. Stevenson, 1863. Sill, E. E., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. J. D. Kennedy, March 31, 1865. Simkins, E. C., maj., Q. M. (depot) to Brig. Gen. Joseph Finegan, November, 1,1862; same, at Palatka, Fla., March, 1863.
  • Simkins, J. J., surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Simmons, J. B., asst. surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Simmons, J. F., maj., superintendent of the transportation of supplies from 5th Military District to the army; staff of Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers, March 25, 1861 maj., P. M. to Gen. W. H. Jackson, February, 1864.
  • Simmons, J. R., capt., A. C. S. 42d Regiment Georgia Volunteers; to Brig. Gen. S. M. Barton, 2d Military District, February 7, 1863.
  • Simmons, Robert W., capt., A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. Wirt Adams, February 8, 1863.
  • Simmous, William C., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. R. S. Ripley, July 22, August, 1863.
  • Simons, Maurice K., maj., C. S. to Brig. Gen. J. C. Moore, July 1, 1862, to February 8, 1863.
  • Simonton, A. G., surg., at Columbus, Ky., December, 1861.
  • Simonton, Charles A., -, A. A. G., appointed September 6, 1861.
  • Simontou, Charles H., , A. and I. G. of South Carolina, August, 1861.
  • Simpson, Geo., capt., A. I. G. to Gen. Franklin Gardner, May to July, 1863.
  • Simpson, G. W., lieut., A. D. C., A. A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. J. B. Villepigue, June 9, 1862.
  • Simpson, W. D., lieut. coI., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. M. L. Bonham, March, 1861.
  • Simpson, William, capt., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. S. A. M. Wood, October 10, 1862, January 1, 1863.
  • Simpson, William A., lient., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. L. E. Polk, October 10, 1862 capt., A. D. C., August, 1863.
  • Sims, Robt. G., capt. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Benjamin G. Humphreys, May 8, 1864.
  • Sims, Robert M., lieut. 6th South Carolina Regiment; capt. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. John Bratton, November, 1862 same, Jenkins’ brigade, January 1, October, 1863; to Brig. Gen. M. W. Gary, June, 1861; to Lient. Gen. J. Longstreet, October, 1864.
  • Sims, W. H., temporary capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. W. F. Tucker; col. 44th Mississippi Regiment.
  • Singleton, S., surg.. at Fort Fisher, November 16, 1861.
  • Skeen, W., prov. mar. of Alleghany, Va., August, 1862.
  • Slade, W. O., capt., acting engr. to Brig. Gen. H. Heth, May to July, 1863.
  • Slater, Leonard A., surgeon and inspr. to W. H. Payne, October 20, 1862.
  • Slaughter, James E., capt. (artillery C. S. Army), A. I. G. to Maj. Gen. Braxton Bragg, October 14, 1861; maj., A. A. G. to Bragg, November 16,1861; brig. gen., A. I. G. to Gen. A. S. Johnston, March 30,186 brig. gen., chief of Inspector-General’s Department; staff of Gem G. T. Beauregard, May 6, 1862; brig. gem, A. I. G. to Gen. Braxton Bragg, July 17, 1862.
  • Slaughter, P. C., surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Slaughter, Philip M., maj., C. S. to Brig. Gem William Mahone.
  • Slaughter, R. M., surg., M. P. to Maj. Gen. S. Price, July 13, 1863.
  • Slayback, A. W., capt., A.. A. G. to Col. M. E. Green, October 14,1862; col., O. O. to Brig. Gen. John S. Marmaduke, December, 1862.
  • Sledge, Joshua, capt., A. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. S. A. M. Wood, April 6 and 7, 1862, to January 1, 1863.
  • Slemp, Henry C., capt., 64th Virginia Regiment Infantry; A. Q. M. in. East Tennessee, December 10, 1863.
  • Sliep, Frederick, capt., O. O. at Richmond, Va., October 4, 1862; same to Gen. Joseph L. Brent, October, 1864.
  • Sloan, Benj., lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gem .Benj. Huger, June and July, 186 maj., A. A. G. to Huger, June 12, 1862.
  • Sloan, H. T., Rev., chap., staff of Col. J. Foster Marshall, June and July, 1862.
  • Sloan, James, capt., A. Q. M. State service of North Carolina, June 18, 1861.
  • Slocum,_____, capt., C. A. to General J. C. Breckinridge.
  • Slover, A. P., maj., C. S. to Gen. W. H. Jackson, January 6, 1863. Slover, Win. H., asst. com. Prov. Army of Tennessee, 1861.
  • Smallman, M. D., lient., 8th Tennessee Calvalry; A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. George G. Dibrell.
  • Smart, G. P., lieut., A. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. P. McCown, November 7, 1861.
  • Smead, Abner, lieut. col., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Edward Johnson, May 17, 1862; col., A. I. G. to Maj. Gen. T. J. Jackson, June to September, 1862, and April 14, 1863; same to Lieut. Gen. R. S. Ewell, July, 1863. Smedes, T. M., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. M. L. Smith, June 26, 1863.
  • Smiley, Thomas T., maj., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Robert C. Foster, Provisional Army of Tennessee, June, 1861.
  • Smith, A. C. F., capt., A. C. S. 20th Regiment Alabama Volunteers; staff of Brig. Gen. E. D. Tracy, Stevenson’s division, 2d Military District, February 7, 1863.
  • Smith, A. F., lieut., A. A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. E. C. Walthall; appointed June 18, 1864.
  • Smith, A. G., capt., May’s Virginia cavalry regiment; A. Q. N. in East Tennessee, December 10, 1863.
  • Smith, Albert J., maj., Q. M., June 22, 1861; chief of Pay Department, staff of Gen. A. S. Johnston, March 30, 1862; maj., chief of Pay Department, staff of Gen. G. T. Beauregard, May 6, 1862; maj., chief Q. M. Pay Department, staff of Gen. Braxton Bragg, July 17, 1862, August 10, 1863; lieut. col., Q. N. and chief P. N. to Gen. J. E. Johnston, 1865.
  • Smith, Alexander L., capt., A. A. C. S. to Col. Ro. C. Trigg, September, 1863; detailed by General Buckner; maj., brig. com’y to Brig. Gen. Jesse J. Finley, December 4, 1863.
  • Smith, A. Meade, maj., C. S. to Gen. T. L. Rosser, November, 1864. Smith, Austin E., maj., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. W. H. C. Whiting, July, 1862 col., A. D. C. to same, July 31, 1862.
  • Smith, Austin W., chap., staff of Brig. Gen. George G. Dibrell; promoted from infantry in 1865.
  • Smith, B. B., A. A. G. to Gen. S. R. Gist, 1864.
  • Smith, Benj. H., jr., capt., 3d Co., Richmond Howitzers, 1st Regiment Virginia Artillery; O. 0., May 25, 1863; relieved.
  • Smith, C. H., surg. at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Smith, Charles, surg., 13th Louisiana, December, 1861.
  • Smith, Chas. H., brig. surg., staff of Brig. Gen. T. J. Churchill, September, 1862; surg., staff of Brig. Gen. J. S. Marmaduke, March 4, 1864, to September 15, 1864; same to Brig Gen. John B. Clark, jr., 1864.
  • Smith, Clifton H., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. G. T. Beauregard, July 8, 1861, and February 15, April 6 to October, 1862; same to Brig. Gen. R. L. Page, 1864.
  • Smith, D. B., asst. surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Smith, D. E., asst. surg., city defenses, Dist. of the Gulf; October 23, 1864. Smith, D. Henley, V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. John Pegram, April, 1863.
  • Smith, Edward B., maj., O. O., at Richmond, December 1.0, 1863.
  • Smith, E. H., surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Smith, E. Kirby, brig. gen., A. A. G., chief of staff to Gen. J. E. Johnston, July 2, 1861.
  • Smith, E. R., capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. Alfred Cumming, November 7, 1862; A. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. C. L. Stevenson (at Baker’s Creek and Big Black Bridge), May and July, 1863; capt., A. A. G. to Gen. R. Taylor, October 31, 1862.
  • Smith, Eugene R., lieut., 25th Tennessee, A. A. I. G. to Gen. B. R. John-son, September 20, 1863.
  • Smith, Felix R. R., lieut., E. O. in Prov. Army of Tennessee; on duty at Fort Henry, August 5 to 23, 1861; capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. James S. Rains, December 30, 1862 capt., A. A. G. to- Gen. R. B. Vance, September 28, 1863; prisoner in August, 1864.
  • Smith, Francis W., capt., military secretary to Maj. Gen. R. E. Lee, commanding Virginia State forces, May 27, 1861.
  • Smith, Frederick L., capt., acting brig. com’y to Brig. Gen. J. B. Kershaw, April, 1863.
  • Smith, Fred. Waugh, cadet, C. S. Army, A. D. C. to Gen. Wm. Smith, May 2, 1863.
  • Smith, George H., lieut., A. 1. G. to Brig. Gen. B. R. Johnson, January 1, 1863.
  • Smith, George N., surg., 3d Mississippi, December, 1861.
  • Smith, Granville P., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Sam. R. Anderson, July 9, 1861.
  • Smith, Gustavus W., maj. gen., acting Secretary of War from Novem-ber 17 to 20, 1862.
  • Smith, H. Brownson, maj., C. S. to Maj. Gen. John P. McCown, January 1, 1863; same to Gen. Jackson, August 3, 1863; Army of Tennessee, February, 1864.
  • Smith, H. C., , A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. R. S. Ripley, October 6, 1863.
  • Smith, Henry W., Mr., S. O. to Maj. Gen. P. R. Cleburne, December, 1863.
  • Smith, Howard, asst. surg., M. P. to Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn, June 26, 1862; surg., M. P. for Trans Mississippi Department, staff of Gen. E. Kirby Smith, December 9, 1864.
  • Smith, James P., lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. T. J. Jackson, September 20,1862; lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Ewell, June 8, 1863; capt., A. A. G., October 18, 1863 resigned January 20, 1864.
  • Smith, James W. maj., C. S. Brig. Gen. John McCausland, May 18,1864.
  • Smith, J. B., capt., 27th Louisiana Volunteers; acting com’y (post) 2d Military District, February 7, 1863.
  • Smith, J. K., capt., V. A. D.C. to Brig. Gen. J. K. Duncan, May 13, 1862. Smith, J. Little, lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Forney, Nov. 21, 1862; capt., judge-advocate on military court of Maj. Gen. John H. Forney, 1)e
    cember 20,1862; at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Smith, John M., heat., A. D. C. to Gen. Roane, March 22, 1862.
  • Smith, John S., capt., A. D. C. to Maj. gen. J. B. Hood, Dec. 27, 1862.
  • Smith, John S., lieut., A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. E, W. Pettus, November 21, 1861; A. D. C. to Hood, December 27, 1862; capt., A. D. C., Army of Tennessee, January 10, 1863; capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Pettus, October 18, November and December, 1863.
  • Smith, Joseph B., capt., A. C. S. at depot at Shreveport, La., Jane 10, 1864.
  • Smith, J. P., lieut., A. A. G. to Gen. Arthur P. Bagby; promoted capt., 7th Texas Cavalry; capt., A. A. G. to report to Lieut. Gen. Lee, November 2,1863; same to Gen. Battle, December, 1803.
  • Smith, J. R., maj., C. S. to Col. Ed. Crossland, July 22, 1863, May, 1864.
  • Smith, J. W., lieut., Engr. Corps, October 14, 1863; at Richmond, December 10,1863; capt., March 17, 1864.
  • Smith, J. Webb, lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. B. F. Cheatham, March 25, 1863 to 1865.
  • Smith, Larkin, lieut. col., asst. Q. M. Gen., September 24,1861; at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Smith, Lewis E., , V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. M. Withers, March 18, 1862.
  • Smith, L. Jaquelin, capt., O. O. to Gen. Beauregard, March 5, 1863; same to Maj. Gen. L. McLaws, commanding division, February 10, 1865.
  • Smith, Lucius H., lieut., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. R. B. Vance, 1863; from 29th North Carolina.
  • Smith, Marshall J., col., A. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles; appointed September 1, 1862; relieved November 1, 1862; chief heavy artillery to Gen. F. Gardner, May-July, 1863.
  • Smith, Melancthon, capt., C. A. to Maj. Gen. B. F. Cheatham, commanding 1st Division, Army of the Mississippi, July 12, 1862; lieut. col., C. A. to same 1862 to 1864.
  • Smith, M. L., maj., Engr. Corps, March 16, 1861; maj., chief engr. at Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 5,1861.; maj., engr. to Maj. Gen. D. E. Twiggs, July 22,1861; U. O. Department No. 1, October, 1861; brig. gen., April 11, 1862 maj. gen., acting chief of Engr. Bureau, March 9, 1864; maj. gen., chief engr. Army of Northern Virginia, April 16, 1864; same, Army of Tennessee, July 20, 1864 same to Gen. G. T. Beauregard, October 17, 1864.
  • Smith, Norman W., maj., chief inspector field transportation, Department South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, October 19, 1863.
  • Smith, N. U., col., surg., staff of Brig. Gen. N. B. Pearce, May, 1861; M. D. to same, 1st Division, Army of Arkansas, August 12, 1861. Smith, N. W., maj., P. M. to Gen. Ripley, July 22, August, 1863.
  • Smith, Pleasant A., lieut., A. A. and I. G. to Gen. T. H. Bell, February 15, 1865.
  • Smith, Preston, brig. gen., A. A. I. G. to Maj. Gen. L. Polk, May 2, 1862; temporary.
  • Smith, R. B., maj.. C. S. to Brig. Gen. W. L. Cabell, October, 1862; maj., A. A. A. G. to General Gist, January, 1863.
  • Smith, R. H., maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. John S. Marmaduke, December, 1862-1863.
  • Smith, R. H., surg. 19th North Carolina State forces, 1861.
  • Smith, Robert, asst. com’y. Provisional Army of Tennessee, 1861.
  • Smith, Robert 1)., lieut., O.O. to Brig. Gen. L. E. Polk, August 10,1862; assigned from 15th Arkansas Regiment; capt., O. O. to same December, 1862; same to Maj. Gen. E. C. Walthall; same to Gen. Quarles, August 7,1864 appointed October, 1864.
  • Smith, Robert H., col., chief agent for impressment in the State of Alabama; staff of Maj. Gen. D. H. Maury, August 17, 1864.
    Smith, Rowland B., maj., C. S. to Gen. T. P. Dockery, March, 1863.
  • Smith, S. A., surg., M. D. to Maj. Gen. E. K. Smith, May 31, 1862, to March 10, 1863; same Trans-Mississippi Department hospitals, staff of Lieut. Gen. E. K. Smith, April 20, 1863, to October 7, 1864. Smith, S. C., asst. surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Smith, Summerfield, 2d lieut., Engr. Corps, June 24, 1862.
  • Smith, Sumner J., maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. A. R. Lawton, May 20, July, 1861 resigned, May 10, 1862.
  • Smith, T. H., capt., A. A. A. Gen. R. S. Ripley, October 30, 1863.
  • Smith, Thaddeus A., capt., O. O., with Col. H. Oladowski; C. O. Gen. Bragg’s staff, July 8, 1863; capt., O. O. to Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson, November 4, 1863.
  • Smith, W. H., capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. M. D. Ector, January, 1863. Smith, William A., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. J. G. Walker, April 23, October, 1862.
  • Smith, William D., maj., 1st Regiment Georgia Regulars; A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. A. R. Lawton, June 25, 1861.
    Smith, Wm. H., C. S., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Smith, William N., 1st lieut., M. S. K., at Richmond, 1861; capt., same, October 17, 1862.
  • Smith, William Proctor, lieut. col., chief engr. to Gen. R. E. Lee, July 31 to August 31, 1863.
  • Smith, Willoughby N., capt., A. Q. M., Nelson’s battalion, Artillery Corps, Army Valley District, October 23, 1862.
  • Smith, W. S., – 4th Alabama; A. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. E. M. Law.
  • Smoot, L. R., capt., A. Q. M. in charge of quartermaster general’s office of Virginia forces, December 24, 1861.
  • Smoot, ______, lieut to General Gano, 1864.
  • Smoote, G. T., capt., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. J. P. McCown, March 10 to June 21, 1862.
  • Smythe, Jno. W., capt., A. C. S. with Brig. Gen. D. C. Govan, November, 1864 (appointed, October 3, 1862); same to General Cleburne, October 21, 1864.
  • Snead, Claiborne, capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. A. R. Wright, May 17, 1863.
  • Snead, F. T., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. George Doles, November 1, 1862, May, 1863; same to Brig. Gen. Philip Cook, November 4-9,1864.
  • Snead, Thos. T.,to Gen. John B. Clark, sr., 3d Division, Missouri State Guard, July 19, 1861; A. D. C. to Gov. C. F. Jackson, of Missouri, August 12, 1861; col., A. A. A. G. Missouri State Guard. August 26, 1861, to March 22, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. Sterling Price, commanding Army of the West, March 20, July 21, 1862; maj., chief of staff to same, Department of Tennessee, September, 1862; rnaj., A. A. G. to same, March 8, 1864; resigned, June 23, 1864.
  • Snead, T. L., lieut., V. A. D. C. to Lieut. Gen. T. J. Jackson, April 4, 1863.
  • Snead, William E., maj., chief com’y to Brig. Gen. S. M. Barton, 2d Military District, February 7, 1863.
  • Sneed, S. G., lieut., A. A. A. G., to Brig. Gen. J. A. Smith, July, 1864; also staff of Brig. Gen. H. B. Granbury during part of Atlanta campaign July, August, 1864.
  • Snell, II. V., Q. M. G. State of Florida, October 25, 1861. Snoden, Chas., maj., Q. M. to Maj. Gen. L. L. Lomax, 1864.
  • Snodgrass, C. E., maj., Q. M. to General Early, May 6, 1862.
  • Snodgrass, Jno., capt., A. Q. M. 4th Alabama Battalion, June 12, 1862.
  • Snodgrass, William N., Dr., acting M. D. to Maj. Gen. S. Price, March 22, 1862.
  • Snowden, R. B., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. B. R. Johnson, January 1, 1863.
  • Snowden, Richard N., maj., A. A. G. to General Elzey, September 23, 1861; same to Maj. Gen. L. Polk, at Columbus, Ky., December 30,1861; same staff, April, 1862.
  • Snowden, ______, asst. surg., staff of Brig. Gen. James Longstreet, July, 1861.
  • Snowden, _____, lieut., E. O. to Maj. Gen. Leonidas Polk, November 7, 1861.
  • Solomons, Edward, maj., com’y to Brig. Gen. George P. Harrison, jr., Georgia State troops, 1861; disbanded, 1862.
  • Sorel, Francis, surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Sorrel, A. C., lieut., 1st Georgia Regiment; A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. R. B. Garnett, November 6, 1862; capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. John Bratton (assigned by War Department), July to November 4, 1864.
  • Sorrel, A. Claxton, lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Mackall, March 18, 1862.
  • Sorrel, G. M., capt., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. Longstreet, July, 1861; capt., A. A. G. to same, September 11, 1861; maj., A. A. A. G. to Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, June, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. James Longstreet, May 5, July 24, 1862; lieut. col., A. A. G. to Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet, June 18, November and December, 1863; brig.. gen. October 31, 1864.
  • Soule, Neville, capt., A. A. G. to Gen. Beauregard, August 29, 1863; temporarily on staff of Gen. Sam. Jones, at Charleston, S. C. Southall, S. V., lieut., adjt. 1st Virginia Artillery; A. A. A. G. artillery 2d Corps; staff of Col. J. Thompson Brown, July, 1863; same to A.L. Long, 1864.
  • Southgate, Robt., surg., on Army Med. Board, September 4, 1861; at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Spann, Jas. G., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Joseph Finegan, November 4, 1863; killed, August 21, 1864.
  • Spann, Ransom D., V. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Richard H. Anderson, September, 1863; capt., A.A. G., to report to R. E. Lee, November 2, 1863.
  • Sparks, Jesse W., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. P. O. Hebert, September 11, 1862, and December, 1863.
  • Sparks, William IL, A. A. A. G. to Col. J. Patton Anderson, commanding brigade, October 16, 1861; capt., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Jos. Wheeler, May 20, 1864; killed, July 22, 1864.
  • Speer, Daniel N., capt., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. A. R. Lawton, 1862; maj., Q. M. in charge of field transportation, etc., staff of Gen. E. Kirby Smith; reports to Maj. C. D. Hill, chief insp. field transportation, Trans-Mississippi Department, February 14, 1865; relieved March 20, 1865.
  • Spence, D. H., capt., V. A. D. C. to Col. W. E. Baldwin, February, 1862.
  • Spence, P. B., lieut., A. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. L. Polk, April 6 and 7, 1862 lieut., A. I. G. to same, August 27, 1862; same to Lieut. Gen. L. Polk, January 1, 1863.
  • Spence,______, surg., M. D. to Brig. Gen. Charles W. Field.
  • Spencer, A. J., asst. surg., Culpeper Battery, Dist. of Gulf:, October 23, 1864.
  • Spencer, F. M., maj., C. S. to Brig. Gen. M. D. Ector, June 16, 1862, to January, 1863.
  • Spencer, ______, capt., A. C. S. to Col. T. H. McCray, commanding 1st Brigade, 3d Division, Army of Kentucky, September, 1862.
  • Spencer,_____, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen.. G. M. Sorrel, November, 1864.
  • Spotswood, E. A.,A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. N. B. Forrest, May 15, 1864.
  • Spratley, Jas. W., maj., Q. M. to Gen. F. Gardner, May, July, 1863. Spring, James P., col., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. N. B. Pearce, May, 1861.
  • Squires, M. T., capt., C. A. to Brig. Gen. Alfred Mouton, July 4, 1863. Stackpole, E. M., maj., Q. M. to Gen. Gano, 1861.
  • Stafford, F. M., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. J. B. Pemberton, July 20, 1863; lieut., A. I. G. to Gen. Jackson, July 17, 1864.
  • Stafford, Geo. W., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. J. L. Brent, October, 1864.
  • Stafford, J. C., lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, June 21, 1864; wounded July 22, 1864.
  • Stainback, E. L., maj. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. Henry B. Davidson, June 30, 1864.
  • Stake, Thos. E., lieut., A. I. G. to Col. R. P. Trabue, commanding Han-son’s brigade, December 31, 1862, and January 1,1863; capt., A. I. G., A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. M. J. Wright, commanding Kentucky brigade, January 21, 1863.
  • Stanard, Hugh Mercer, lieut., A. D. C. to Col. J. B. Magruder, June 10, 1861; same to Brig. Gen. and Maj. Gen. Magruder, October 14, 1862, November 28, 1863.
  • Stanard, John B., lieut., Engr. Corps, August 1, 1863; capt., October 12, 1863.
  • Stanard, Hobert C., capt., O. O. to Maj. Gen. A. P. Hill, January, 1863.
  • Stallard, William B., maj., brig. com’y to Maj. Gen. William B. Taliaferro; appointed, March 4, 1862 transferred to Stuart’s brigade, September, 1863.
  • Standish, Austin M., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. M. M. Parsons’ Missouri brigade, April 9, September 24, 1862, to March 7, 1864.
  • Standley, J. S., lieut. (11th Mississippi Regiment), A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. W. H. C. Whiting, September 21, 1861.
  • Stanford, Frank A., maj:, surg., staff of Brig. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, December 21, 1862; same to Maj. Gen. Wheeler.
  • Stanford,______, capt., asst. div. com’y to Brig. Gen. J. K. Jackson, October 19, 1862.
  • Stansbury, Smith, maj., O. O., at Richmond, Va., October 1, 1862.
  • Stansifer, Jno. M., capt., A. A. G. to Gem Marshall, March 19, 1862; resigned, August 2, 1862.
  • Stanton, Henry T., capt., 5th Kentucky Regiment, 1861; capt., A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. John S. Williams, October 14, 1862, and 1863; maj., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. John Echols, 1864 and 1865.
  • Staples, S. G., capt., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, May, 1862.
  • Staples, Thomas J., 1st lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, July 3, 1864; killed September 6, 1864.
  • Stapleton, T. B., capt., A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. O. F. Strahl, July 18,1863; from 4th Tennessee Infantry.
  • Starke, L. D., capt., Act. B. I. to Brig. Gen. J. G. Martin, January and February, 1864.
  • Starke, W. M., lieut., assigned to duty as judge-advocate to Brig. Gen. W. W. Loring, 1861.
  • Starke, W. N., capt., A. A. G. to General Starke, August 9, 1862 maj., A. A. G. to Lieut. Gen. A. P. Hill, September 1; to November 4, 1864. Stebbins, C. N., capt., A. A. G. to General Finley, January 14, 1863. Stedman, A. J., lieut., Sig. Corps, October 10, 1862.
  • Steele, J. F., lieut., Engr. Corps, August 2, 1862.
  • Steele, S. W., lieut., asst. engr. to Gen. G. T. Beauregard, April 6 and 7, 1862 capt., Engr. Corps, August 18, 1862; capt., E. O. to Brig. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, November 1, 1862; capt., acting chief engr to Gen. B. Bragg, December, 1862 to January, 1863; to 1862, capt., Chief engr. to Maj. Gen. and Lieut. Gen. Wheeler, November 1, 1863.
  • Steiner, Frank, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Alfred Cumming, October 29,-November 10, 1862, November, 1863.
  • Stephens, John A., lieut., Sig. Corps, October 10, 1862.
  • Stephens, John H., senior surg., staff of Maj. Gen. John B. Gordon, July, 1864.
  • Stephens, Michael H., maj., A. Q. M. to Gen. John C. Vaughn, 1862-1863.
  • Stephenson, John, lieut., A. D. C. of division, staff of Brig. Gen. Charles W. Field, August, 1864.
  • Stevens, C. G., asst. surg., Winston’s battery, District of the Gulf,-October 23, 1864.
  • Stevens, John P., capt. A. Q. M. 6th Mississippi Regiment, (Col. J. J. Thornton,) 1st Division, Western Department.
  • Stevens, Walter H., capt., Engr. C. S. Army, June 12, 1861; capt., E. O. to Gen. G. T. Beauregard, July 1861; acting engr. to Brig. Gen. M. L. Bonham, July, 1861; maj., engr. (C. S. Army) to Gen. J. E. Johnston, June, 1862; acting engr. to Maj. Geri. G. W. Smith, June 30, 1862; col., Corps of Engineers, C. S. Army, 1862; brig. gen., P. A. C. S., August 28, 1864.
  • Stevens, William, capt., A. Q. M. to Lieut. Gen. R. Taylor, September 23, 1864.
  • Stevenson, Carter L., A. G. Army of the Northwest, Staunton, Va., December 17, 1861; col., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. W. W. Loring, July 21, 1861; brig. gen., February 27, 1862.
  • Stevenson, Vernon K., , Q. M. Gen. State of Tennessee, June, 1861; maj., chief Q. M. Department Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, and Arkansas, September 5, 10, 1861; Q. M. at Nashville, Tenn., November 16, 1861 resigned May 15, 1863; also A. D. C. to General Tyler, June 6, 1864.
  • Stevenson, William A., surg., lieut., A. D. C. to General Cabell, Sep-September 21, 1864.
  • Stewart, B. F., lieut., A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. H. Heth, May, 1863. Stewart, Daniel F., capt., asst. surg., September 30, 1862.
  • Stewart, James T., capt., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. A. R. Lawton, 1861; same to Brig. Gen. H. W. Mercer, November 16, 1861 maj., 1862; maj., Q. M. to same, 1863; brig. Q. M., 1864; maj., Q. M. to General Smith, May 3, 1864.
  • Stewart, J. M., 2d lieut., engr. to Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, December 16, 1864; same to Lieut. Gen. Wheeler.
  • Stewart, John W. F., capt., O. O. to Maj. Gen. A. P. Stewart, August 21, 1863.
  • Stewart, O. W., surg., at New Madrid, Mo., December, 1861.
  • Stewart, Robert C., lieut., A.. D. C. to Maj. Gen. A; P. Stewart, February 3, 1863; same December 9, 1864.
  • Stewart, Thos. R., capt., (1st Md.,) with General Winder at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Stewart, _______, lieut. col., S. O. to Brig. Gen. J. B. Magruder, August 20, 1861.
  • Stickney, George W., chap., staff of Gen. D. E. Twiggs, September 21, 1861.
  • Stickney, J. C., asst. surg., M. P., at Tupelo, Miss., July, 1862. Stiles, Robert M., lieut., Engr. Corps, May 17, 1862.
  • Stiles, W. H., capt., A. Q. M. to General Evans, September 15, 1864.
  • Stith, Donald C., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. H. E. McCulloch, September 18, 1861; A. A. G. at San Antonio, Tex., October 25, 1861; maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn, July, 1862 maj., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. S. D. Lee, December, 1862; col., to same May 16, 1863.
  • Stith, Ferdinand, capt., A. A. A. G. to Col. E. W. Rucker, September, 1861; same to Brig. Gen. A. W. Campbell, September 11, 1861. Stith, h. M., col., brig. Q. M. to Col. R. H. Weightman, 1st Brigade, Missouri State Guard.
  • Stockman, S. D., capt., A. C. S. (depot), at Corinth, Miss., November 20, 1864.
  • Stockton, Philip, col., -C. O. to Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn, June 26, 1862; col., O. O., commanding C. S. Arsenal at Jackson, Miss, October 15, 1862; relieved Maj. Sackfield Maclin, in command of C. S. Arsenal at San Antonio, Tex., July 10, 1863.
  • Stoddard, Albert, lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. W. W. Kirkland, October 21, 1863.
  • Stoddard, John J., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. H. W. Mercer, February 28, May 20, 1863.
  • Stone, Caleb, col., A. A. G. to Col. J. B. Clark, sr., March, 1862.
  • Stone. J. M., capt., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. E. McNair, 1862, until close of war.
  • Stone, William R., capt., A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. N. H. Harris, November, 1864; detailed from 48th Mississippi Regiment.
  • Stoney, William E., capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. Johnson Hagood, March, 1862 same to Gen. W. B. Taliaferro, July, 1863.
  • Storey, J. A., capt., A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. E. W. Pettus, May 27, 1862, and October 1,1863 same 30th Alabama Volunteers; – to Brig. Gen. E. D. Tracy, February 7, 1863.
  • Stork, W. D., lieut., engr. to Gen. F. Gardner, May-July, 1863.
  • Storrs, George S., lieut., , to Brig. Gen. S. G. French, June and July, 1862; maj., C. A, to same.
  • Stout, Sam’l H., surg., with J. C. Brown’s Tennessee regiment, 1361; surg., in charge medical hospital, ArmS of Tennessee, 1864.
  • Stradley, Samuel, capt., A. Q. M. assigned to Army of Tennessee, November 20, 1864.
  • Straith, John A., chief surg. staff Gen. A. L. Long, December, 1863. Strange, J. P., capt., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. N. B. Forrest, October 14, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to same, August 30, 1863, January 24, 1864, to
    February 15, 1865.
  • Stratton, Madison, asst. com., Prov. Army of Tennessee, 1861.
  • Strawbridge, James, capt., (infantry) A. A. A. G. to Col. P. O. Hebert, April 16, 1861; maj., A. A. I. G. to Gen. Braxton Bragg, December, 1862, to January, 1863.
  • Strickland, William M., capt., depot com. at Corinth, Miss., 1861; ordered to Marion Station, Miss., September 3, 1861; capt., chief of sub. to Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmens, February 17, 1562.
  • Strickland, W. T., lieut., adjt. 3d Mississippi; A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers, March 21, 1862; lieut., A. D. C. to same April 6 and 7, 1862; A. A. G. to same September 13, 1862.
  • Stringer, Sheldon, surg., staff of Brig. Gen. Joseph Finegan, February 13, 1862.
  • Stringfellow, Charles S., capt., A. A. G. August 20,1861; maj., A. A. G. March 10, 1862; A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. Samuel Jones, August 26, 18621 Vol. XXI, pt. 27 p. 781; A. A. and I. G. to same; commanding; ,In Department of Western Virginia, December 10, 1862, November and December, 1863.
  • Stringfellow, Frank, scout to Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, January, 1564.
  • Strong, C., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. W. H. C. Whiting, November 16, 1861, May 7, 1862; capt., A. A. G. May, 1864.
  • Stuart, A. L:, capt., A. A. A. G. to Col. R. L. Gibson, commanding D. W. Adams’ brigade, November 12, 1863; capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen.. R. L. Gibson, February 13, 1864, to January 11, 1865.
  • Stuart, James M., capt., on duty at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Stuart, James Shortt, maj., A. A. G. to Gen. Drayton, December 10, 1861; resigned February 16, 1865.
  • Stuart, J. Hardeman, capt., S. O. to Brig. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, June and July, 1862; killed in second battle of Manassas, August 29, 1562. Stuart, J. S., capt., A. A. I. G. to Gen. S. B. Maxey, 1865.
  • Stuart, N. A., capt., 22d Regiment Virginia Cavalry; A. Q. M., at Saltville, Va., December 10, 1863.
  • Stuart, W. D., lieut., Engr. Corps, October 10, 1862.
  • Stubbs, J. N., 2d lieut., October 13, 1862; 1st lieut., February 19, 1864.
  • Stubbs, S. W., capt., A. C. S. 4th Mississippi Infantry, Lee’s brigade, 2d Military District, February 7, 1863.
  • Styron, C. W., capt., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. W. H. C. Whiting; Q. M. (depot) at Wilmington, N. C., November 29, 1562.
  • Suber, C. H., maj., Q. M. to Gen. R. S. Ripley, July 22, August, February 12, Nouember and December, 1863.
  • Sublett, D. L., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. B. Hood, May 7 to July 10, 1862; lieut., A. O. O. to same, September, 1862; capt. ord., April 14, 1864.
  • Sullens, David, maj., Q. M. (post), at Tangipahoa, La., July 29, 1862.
  • Sullivan, A. T., surg., staff of Maj. Gen. C. L. Stevenson 1862 until close of war.
  • Sullivan,_____, maj., chf. Q. M. to Maj. Gen. Breckenridge? October 12, 186?.
  • Sulivane, Clement, lieut., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn, March, 1362, to April 3, 1863; assigned to duty as A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. G. W. C. Lee, June, 1863; commissioned capt., A. A. G., July, 1861; promoted maj., A. A. G., and lieut. col., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. G. W. C. Lee.
  • Summers, George P., capt, A. C. S. 9th Regiment Tennessee Volunteers, (Douglass’) 1st Division, Western Department, 1361.
  • Surget, E., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Richard Taylor, June, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. R. Taylor, July 31, November 13, 1862; lieut. col., A. A. G. to Lieut. Gen. R. Taylor, September 24, 1861, to FeBruary 13,1865.
  • Sutton, Philip T., lieut., A. D. C. to General Rodes, May 27, 186.3; re signed, January 9, 1863.
  • Sutton William T., sur;., at Richmond, December 16, 1863.
  • Swan, Robert, maj., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. J. Archer, December 13, 1862.
  • Swancoat, P. J., 2d lieut., Engr. Corps, October 13, 1862.
  • Swann,_____, capt., V. A. A C. to Brig. Gen. fl. Heth, May, 1862.
  • Swanson, Win. G., maj., A. A. G. Camp. of Instn., June 12, 1862; resigned, April 30, 1863.
  • Swett, Charles, capt., A. I. G. to General Elzey, April 4,1861. Swinney (M. E?), surg. 48th Georgia Regiment; chief surg. of brigade, staff of Brig. Gen. V. J. B. Girardey, 1862.
  • Switiier, W. j., V. A. D. C. to Col. L. C. Gause, 1864.
  • Syberg, Arnold, capt., chf. engr. to Gen. S. B. Maxey, August 11, 1863-January, 1865.
  • Sydnor, , lieut., V. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill, July, 1862.
  • Sykes, A. J., capt., A. A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. S. W. Ferguson at close, of war.
  • Sykes, E. T., capt., 10th :Mississippi Infantry; A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. E. C. Walthall; appointed, April 30, 1862; acting temporarily on staff of Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson, January 1, 1863; transferred to staff
    of Brig. Gen. W. H. Jackson, June 1, 1864.
  • Sykes, J. P., cadet, A. A. I. G. to General Ross, August 15,1864.
  • Sykes; Thomas B., capt., A. I. G. to Gen. John Adams; capt., A. A. G. to General Tilghman, January 8, 1863; capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. W. H. Jackson, January, 1864-October 20, 1864.
  • Sykes, William, capt., A. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. W. W. Loring, May 16, 1863.
  • Sykes,. William G., lieut., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. W. S. Featherston, June, 1862; lieut., A. D: C. to same, April 13, 1863; capt., adjt. of a regiment, 1864.
  • Sykes, William J., maj., C. S. to Maj. Gen. William B. Bate, in purchasing department, October 1,1562; staff Brig. Gen. A. W. Campbell, September 11, 1864.
  • Symington, W. Stuart, lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. George E. Pickett, October 10, 1862; capt., A. D. C. to same.
  • Symonton,_____, Iieut., V. A. D. C. to Lol. John B. Strange, June, 1562.
  • Szymanski, Ignatius, maj., A. A. G. to Gen. Cooper, May 15; 1863. Tabb, Geo. E., 2d lieut., Sig. Corps, December 16, 1862.

Civil War,

Confederate States of America. Army. List of staff officers of the Confederate States army. 1861-1865. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1891.

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