L Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

LAWRANCE (see Lawrence, Lewrance),
     Elihu and Tamar Cheney, publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 16, 1779.
     Margaret L. of Boston, and Silas Coolidge, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 17, 1833.

LAWRENCE (see Lawrance, Lewrance),
     Angelina [publishment of intention of marriage, Ange-line] W. and Warren Hartshorn, Sept. 26, 1839.
     Eliza and Geo[rge] Guild, June 23, 1824.
     Harlow and Mahala Hodges, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 25, 1840.
     Jonathan and Hannah Robbins, Nov. 16, 1738. (Intention not recorded.)
     Olive, M., 19, d. Harlow and S., and Newell Willett, Sept. 16, 1846.
     Rachelel and Amaziah Bullen [publishment of intention of marriage, Bulling], Apr. 9, 1776.
     Sylvia F. and George Hartshorn, [June] 6, 1839.

LEACH (see Leache),
     Prudence of Bridgwater, and John Boyden, [publishment of intention of marriage,] Oct. 19, 1728.
     Prudence and David Boyden, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 9, 1730.
     Sophia A. and George Trescott [publishment of intention of marriage, Prescott], Feb. 23, 1834.

LEACHE (see Leach),
     Sarah of Foxborough, and William Fales publishment of intention of marriage, July 3, 1814.

     Charles M. [publishment of intention of marriage, Messinger] and Martha C. [publishment of intention of marriage, Clark] Leland, Sept. 2 1843.
     Emily F. and John G. Sleeper, July 2, 1843.
     Jedediah P. and Olive Boyden, Sept. 12, 1843.
     Martha C. [publishment of intention of marriage, Clark] and Charles M. [publishment of intention of marriage, Messinger] Leland, Sept. 2, 1843.
     Nathan C., 27, of Holliston, s. Nath[a]n and P., and Louisa Ellis, Feb. 19, 1847.

     Daniel F. and Harriett L. Dean, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 1, 1835.
     Roland of Bridgewater, and Lydia Smith, Feb. 8, 1787.
     Temperance and Asa Morse, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 10, 1822.

     Betsy of Thompson, and Caleb Marsh, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 28, 1790.

     Aaron and Mary Fales, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 13, 1806.
     Aaron and Mary Fales, July 23, 1846.
     Abigail and Daniel Fisher, Dec. 17, 1793.
     Abigail and Ollis Clap, Oct. 9, 1839.
     Adeline [publishment of intention of marriage, Adaline] and Lewis Johnson [publishment of intention of marriage, Jr.], Dec. 19, 1830.
     Benjamin and Irene P. Davis, Aug. 22, 1841.
     Bradford and Hannah A. Gay, [Oct.] 27, 1841.
     Catherine [publishment of intention of marriage, Catharine] E. and George Guild, Apr. 9, 1829.
     David and Precilla Guild, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 26, 1789.
     Deborah and Samuel Holmes Dean, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 3, 1789.
     Fanny, 24, d. Fanny, and Rev. H. M. [publishment of intention of marriage, Henry Martin] Scudder, Apr. 18, 1844.
     Isaac and Abigail Morse, May 11, 1732. (Intention not recorded.)
     Isaac and Susana [publishment of intention of marriage, Sukeyl Ware, May 19, 1803.
     Jason and Ruth Wilkerson, June 8, 1817.
     Johanna of Deadham, and Seth Bullard, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 4, 1761.
     John and Anna Pratt, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 17, 1782.
     John and Fanny Smith, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 30, 1814.
     Laban of Canton, and Rebecca Withington, Dec. 26, 1799.
     Margaret E., 30, d. Isaac and S., and George Goodwin Jr. [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Jr.], Oct. 18, 1848.
     Martha and John R. Hixon, Jan. 1, 1838.
     Mary [publishment of intention of marriage, of Deadham] and Eliphelet Ellis, July 10, 1755.
     Mary and John Morse, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 23, 1783.
     Mary and Charles Turner, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 16, 1827.
     Mary Eliza and John C. Pond, July 11, 1841.
     Mehitable of Deadham, and Enoch Ellis, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 1, 1780.
     Mirand [publishment of intention of marriage, Miranda] and James Ellis, May 23, 1824.
     Nancy M. of Dedham, and Geo[rge] W. Johnson, publishment of intention of marriage, Aug. 24, 1828.
     Olive and Warren Allen, Jan. 1, 1807.
     Pricilla [publishment of intention of marriage, adds Prissa] and Jacob White, [Oct.] 30, 1814.
     Priscilla [publishment of intention of marriage, adds G.] and Calvin G. Plimpton, Nov. 18 1840.
     Rachel and Lewis Johnson, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 4, 1835.
     Sarah and William Bacon, Jan. 29 , 1789.
     Sarah W., 25, d. Jason and R., and Dr. Henry R. Vaille, widower, Oct. 8, 1849. (Intention not recorded.)
     Sarai and Jo[torn], publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 20, 1728.
     Warren and Mary D. Morse, Dec. 8, 1829.
     Willard and Harriett [publishment of intention of marriage, Harriot] Fisher, Sept. 19, 1832.
     William and Judith M. Whittemore, Sept. 17, 1833.

LEWRANCE (see Lawrance, Lawrence),
     John of Wrentham, and Mary Bardens, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 11, 1753.

LINCKHORN (see Lincoln, Linkhorn, Linkon),
     Ambrose [publishment of intention of marriage, of Taunton] and Hannah Clap, Jan. 7, 1742 [sic, 1744].
     Susanah of Taunton, and [torn]omas Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 6, 1744.

LINCOLN (see Linckhorn, Linkhorn, Linkon),
     Charlotte of Norton, and Warren Wild, publishment of intention of marriage, Feb. 18, 1827.
     Francis D. of Brimfield, and Rebecca F. Cox, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 10, 1848.
     Francis D., 26, born Brimfield, of Brimfield, s. Asa and S. of
     Brimfield, and Rebecca F. Cox, Sept. 28, 1848.
     John of Dedham, and Mary Cain, Dec. 6, 1821.
     Oliver and Abby Ann Shepard, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 14, 1830.

LINDLEY (see Lindly, Linle),
     Hannah and Jacob Pond Davis, Jan. 6, 1790.
     Levi and Abigail Hill, widow, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 1, 1795.
     Molly and Willing Blake, Apr. 22, 1792. (Intention not recorded.)

LINDLY (see Lindley, Linle),
     Lona and Sam[ue]l Cleavland [publishment of intention of marriage, Cleveland], Apr. 10, 1800.

     John P., 34, of Randolph, s. John P. and Louiza [publishment of intention of marriage, Louisa] Fisher, Sept. 18, 1844.

LINKHORN (see Linckhorn, Lincoln, Linkon),
     Ebenezer [publishment of intention of marriage, Linckhorn of Taunton] and Mary Clap, May 31, 1744.

LINKON (see Linckhorn, Lincoln, Linkhorn),
     Elizabeth [publishment of intention of marriage, Linckhorn] and Jonathan Fales, May 4, 1762.
     Oliver of Taunton, and Ruth Hall, publishment of intention of marriage, June 3, 1763.

LINLE (see Lindley, Lindly),
     Levi and Molly [publishment of intention of marriage, Moley] Smith, Aug. 15, 1765.

LION (see Lyon),
     Bulah [publishment of intention of marriage, Lyon] and Simon Hadley [publishment of intention of marriage, Hadly], Nov. 15, 1750.

     Hannah and Darius 0. Sabin, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 26, 1818.

     Joshua of Cambridge, and Lucy Easty, Nov. 4, 1804.
     William H., 24, of Roxbury, s. Jeremiah and Sally M. Frizelle, June 13, 1844.

     James B. and Maria Andrews, publishment of intention of marriage, June 27, 1824.

     Lydia and James Plymton, Aug. 31, 1736. (Intention not recorded.)

     Thomas of Stoughton, and Merinda Hall, publishment of intention of marriage, May 14, 1826.

     Diana of Dedham, and Samuel Woods, Sept. 20, 1838. (Intention not recorded.)

LYON (see Lion),
     Alpheus and Lucy Blake, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar, 17, 1782.
     Eliab and Meriah Smith, Feb 3, 1757.
     Lemuel and Lydia Perry, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 22, 1750.
     Peter [publishment of intention of marriage, Jr.] and Jemima Fales, Sept. 23, 1731.
     Peter and Sarai Hall, publishment of intention of marriage, June –, 1734.
     Peter [publishment of intention of marriage, Petter] and Mary Holden, widow [publishment of intention of marriage, omits widow], May, 11, 1752.
     Peter and Hannah Robbins, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 3, 1780.
     Sarah and Joseph Carver, publishment of intention of marriage, May 9, 1756.
     Sileney of Stoughtonham, and Abraham Prebel, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 12, 1773.
     Tamer [publishment of intention of marriage, Tamor] and Jacob Ellis, Sept. 29, 1773.
     Zillah and John Dexter, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 14, 1770.

Marriage Records,

Town of Walpole, Mass. Vital records of Walpole, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston: New-England Historic Genealogical Society at the charge of the Eddy Town-Record Fund. 1902.

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