Genealogies from the History of Leicester Massachusetts

Last Updated on October 6, 2013 by Dennis

THE reader should be apprised that this chapter is exceedingly defective, from the impossibility, with the means and opportunity I could command, to make it complete. It has been my aim to record the names, and dates of birth, of all persons born in Leicester in the first century after its settlement; and, so far as these have been recorded in the registry of births in the town, I believe it has been done. Beyond that, I have depended upon published family genealogies in part, and in part upon the aid which individuals have been able to afford me.

If, therefore, many names and certain families are omitted, who, from their social position and influence, might be expected to hold a place in such a record, it must be ascribed only to the want of means of obtaining the requisite information. Imperfect as it is, this record will be found to contain about three hundred families; in procuring the account of which, I have to acknowledge the aid derived from the ” Genealogical Sketch of the Descendants of Thomas Green,” by Samuel S. Green, Esq., of Providence; the ” Genealogy of the Vinton Family,” by J. A. Vinton; the ” Genealogy of the Sargent Family,” by Aaron Sargent, Esq., of Somerville, Mass.; the ” Genealogy of the Parsons Family,” by S. G. Drake, Esq., published in the ” Genealogical Register;” and personal communications from Dr. Pliny Earle, Lyman Waite, Esq., and Joseph A. Denny, Esq., of Leicester; Hon. Judge Hayward of McConnellsville, O., in relation to the Brown Family; Henry H. Silvester, Esq., of Charleston, N.H.; and the valuable “History of Spencer,” by Hon. James Draper, to which reference has more than once been made. To Mr. William S. Denny -whose transcript of the records of the births, marriages, and deaths, was kindly furnished for my use -I am also much indebted for the means of testing the accuracy of the information derived from other quarters.

The following genealogies represent an incomplete collection from the manuscript referenced. Expect more soon!

  1. Adams Genealogy – Leicester MA
  2. Allen Genealogy – Leicester MA
  3. Babbit Genealogy – Leicester MA
  4. Baldwin Genealogy – Leicester MA
  5. Barton Genealogy – Leicester MA
  6. Bass Genealogy – Leicester MA
  7. Beers Genealogy – Leicester MA
  8. Bell Genealogy – Leicester MA
  9. Blair Genealogy – Leicester MA
  10. Bond Genealogy – Leicester MA
  11. Flint Genealogy – Leicester MA
  12. Woodruff Genealogy – Leicester MA

Washborn, Emory. Historical Sketches of the Town of Leicester, Massachusetts. J. Wilson, 1860. 467 pgs.

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