Biography of Oscar F. Richardson

Last Updated on June 10, 2013 by

Oscar F. Richardson, a wellknown citizen of Concord, was born at Southbridge, Vt., January 2, 1835, son of Hazen and Zilby (Whitcomb) Richardson. Hazen Richardson was a native of the State of New Hampshire, and was a carpenter by trade. He removed to Whitehall, N.Y., quite early in life, and passed most of his 1860, at the age of about seventy years. He and his wife, Zilby Whitcomb Richardson, had eight children; namely, Delilah, Dequesna, Lillian, Cornelia, Oscar F., Henrietta, Jeffers O., and Alice, of whom Delilah, Dequesna, Lillian, Jeffers O., and Alice are now deceased.

Oscar F. Richardson, after being educated in the district schools of Stockbridge, Vt., first found employment in the woollen-mills of that town, where he continued for the next five years. He then went to Massachusetts, where he remained for about two years. At the end of that time he came to Concord, to take charge of the finishing-rooms in the mills of Messrs. B. F. & D. Holden, which have since been incorporated as the Concord Manufacturing Company; and he remained in their employ some seven years. He was subsequently appointed a station agent for the C. & C. Railroad, which position he held for more than six years. He was then employed at the Concord Water Works at West Concord, and was also appointed superintendent of Penacook Park. He was also connected with the police force of the city of Concord for ten years. At the present time he is engaged in the milk business, maintaining a fine herd of sixteen cows. Although anxious to take up arms in the defence of his country upon the breaking out of the Civil War, his strong filial devotion to his mother, who required his presence and support, withheld him, and led him to sacrifice his personal inclinations to his duty as a son. In 1871 Mr. Richardson married Miss Nealy Clough, and they are the parents of three children: Susan, who is the wife of Charles Allison, of Concord; Henry M.; and Alice M. Mr. Richardson is a Republican in his politics, and cast his first Presidential vote for John C. Fremont in 1856. He enjoys the respect and confidence of his fellow-townsmen, by whom he is regarded as an upright and useful citizen.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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