Biographical Sketch of Nathan Adams

Nathan Adams came to Eden with his father, Asa, in June, 1803, from Rutland, Mass. He subsequently located on a farm in the northern part of the town, where he resided a number of years, and finally, after various changes of residence, he died upon a farm now owned by one of his grandsons, his death occurring in 1854, aged sixty years. Of his family of seven children, five are now living. Harmon S., his second son, born in 1819, has always been a resident of the town. He has reared a family of four children. Mason Adams, the youngest son of Asa, born in 1801, has been a resident of the town since 1803. Mason has had a family of four children, two of whom settled in Eden.



Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, Vt., for 1883-1884. Hamilton Child. 1887.

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