1867 West Bridgewater Massachusetts Directory

Last Updated on February 13, 2013 by Dennis

Alger Albert L. farmer, Cochesett
Alger Chas. S. boot maker, Cochesett
Alger Cyrus, soap manuf. Cochesett
Alger Davis, farmer, Cochesett
Alger James, iron foundry
Alger Joseph, farmer, Cochesett
Alger Joseph A. stage driver
Alger Joseph W. farmer
Alger Leonard W. carpenter
Alger Martin, farmer, Cochesett
Alger Otis farmer, Cochesett
Alger Sanford, farmer, Cochesett
Alger Ward, farmer, Cochesett
Alger Wm. farmer, Cochesett
Alger Wm. O. shoe manuf. Cochesett
Ames Charles, farmer
Ames Charles P. farmer, Cochesett
Ames David P. farmer, Cochesett
Ames John F. moulder
Ames Jonathan, farmer
Ames Thomas, farmer
Ames Willard, furnace man
Ames Willard jr., farmer
Ames Wm. B. agent
Atwell Charles, blacksmith

Baker Daniel H. merchant
Bailey James S. shoemaker
Bailey Melvin, shovel welder
Bailey Sylvanus P. shoemaker
Bartlett David jr., farmer
Bartlett Horace, farmer
Bartlett Joab, farmer
Bartlett Samuel D. farmer
Burke Wm. iron worker, Cochesett
Burke Wm. H. livery stable
Burrell Jarvis D. postmaster and trader
Buttomer Andrew, laborer
Buttomer John, laborer
Bassett Keith, farmer
Beals Charles, farmer
Beals Charles R. carpenter
Benson F. T. shoemaker

Billings Edgar, boot maker
Billings Martin, shoemaker
Billings Willard, nursery
Bird wm. E. iron foundry
Blood Luther, farmer, Cochesett
Bowe Nicholas, shovel grinder
Brown Cyrus P. boot maker, Cochesett

Cahill Thomas, forger
Callahan Dennis, shovel welder
Capen Edward, painter
Carr George G. shoemaker
Carson Lawrence, iron worker
Cashman John, forger
Caswell Henry P. shoemaker
Chaffe Nathaniel O. clergyman
Charnock Robert, engineer
Churchill Charles E. shoe cutter
Cole Eleazer A. leather cutter
Colwell Charles H. shoemaker
Colwell Edgar, shoemaker
Colwell John E. shoemaker
Colwell John E. leather cutter
Colwell John H. shoemaker
Colwell Sylvanus H. laborer
Colwell Wellington, farmer
Condrick James, laborer
Conoly Patrick, farmer
Cooper John F. leather cutter, Cochesett
Copeland Albert, painter
Copeland Caleb jr. shoe manuf. North Bridgewater
Copeland Davis, farmer
Copeland Ezra S. farmer
Copeland Francis, farmer
Copeland George, leather cutter
Copeland George A. leather cutter, Campello
Copeland Herman, farmer & school teacher
Copeland James, farmer
Copeland John, cattle drover
Copeland Jonathan, farmer
Copeland Lyman, farmer
Copeland Nathan, (P. & N. Copeland), shoe manuf. Campello
Copeland Pardon, (P. & N. Copeland), shoe manuf., Campello
Copeland Uriah S. farmer
Curtis Benjamin, shoe finisher, Campello
Curtis Hiram, carpenter

Dean Theodore S. clergyman
Dodge Charles, leather cutter, Cochesett
Dorgan Patrick, laborer, Cochesett
Drake George R. grocery peddler, Cochesett
Dunbar Adoniram J. farmer, Cochesett
Dunbar Barnabas, farmer, Cochesett
Dunbar Chas. E. farmer, Cochesett
Dunbar Charles H. carpenter
Dunbar Daniel, farmer, Cochesett
Dunbar Daniel H. boot maker, Cochesett
Dunbar Davis H. shoemaker
Dunbar Francis, butcher
Dunbar John S. farmer
Dunbar Lucius, boot maker
Dunbar Mark, poultry dealer
Dunbar Martin, boot maker
Dunbar Martin V. B. butcher
Dunbar Reuel, boot maker, Cochesett
Dunbar Simeon, farmer
Dunbar Simeon J. teacher

Eaton John, grocery peddler, Cochesett
Eddy Curtis, carpenter
Edson Alanson S. painter
Edson Ephraim, shoemaker
Edson George L. farmer
Edson Melvin C. shoe manuf. & grocer
Egan Michael, shoe makar

Fadder James, leather cutter
Field Perez B. boot maker
Fish Gilmore, operator
Fisher Timothy W. laborer
Forbes Albert, furnace man
Forbes Dwelley, iron foundry
Forbes James A. leather cutter
Freeman Josephus S. shoemaker
French Albert W. moulder
French George M. moulder
French Jason M. laborer
Fullerton D. F. stitcher, Campello
Fullerton O. W. leather cutter, Campello
Fulton Jonathan, farmer

Gallagher James P. shoemaker
Gardner Tillson, farmer, Cochesett
Gould Jabez, farmer
Gray Alonzo C. stitcher, Cochesett
Gray Orin T. lawyer, Cochesett
Gurney Lucius, stitcher, Cochesett

Habberley George, forge man
Hall John W. shoemaker
Hall Josiah, operator
Hancock Elijah, farmer, Cochesett
Hartwell Jonas, farmer
Hartwell Jonas G. shoe dresser
Hartwell Joshua Q. shoe manuf. North Bridgewater
Hassett Edward, machinist .
Hassett Edward F. shoemaker
Hayward Edward W. farmer
Hayward Franklin W. shoe manuf. No. Bridgewater
Hayward George, carpenter
Hayward John L. farmer
Hayward Linus, leather cutter
Hayward Lucius, carpenter
Hayward Martin, farmer
Hersey John, shoemaker, Cochesett
Horsey John T. farmer, Cochesett
Hersey Stillman W. shoemaker, Cochesett
Hobbs Nelson R. boot and shoemaker, Cochesett
Holmes Andrew B. shoemaker
Holmes Edwin, shoemaker, Campello
Holmes George T. clerk
Holmes James S. shovel maker
Holmes John B. farmer
Holbrook Ellis, shoemaker, Cochesett
Howard Alba, farmer
Howard Amasa, farmer
Howard Benjamin, shoe manuf.
Howard Benjamin B. merchant
Howard Caleb, farmer, Cochesett
Howard Elam, farmer
Howard Elbridge G. fanner, Cochesett
Howard Everett, mason
Howard Francis E. farmer
Howard Freeman, farmer
Howard Friend W. carpenter, Cochesett
Howard George L. farmer
Howard Hiram, farmer, Cochesett .
Howard Horatio, cattle dealer
Howard Isaac, farmer and wheelwright
Howard James, farmer
Howard John E. music teacher
Howard Jonathan, farmer
Howard Jonathan, 2d, farmer, Cochesett
Howard Leavitt T. farmer, Campello
Howard Lewis, farmer, Campello
Howard Lewis G. carpenter
Howard M. soap peddler, Cochesett
Howard Milo, painter
Howard Nelson, cattle dealer
Howard Samuel N. farmer Cochesett
Howard Thomas, farmer
Howard Urial, farmer
Howard Waldo, farmer, Cochesett
Howard William, shoe dresser
Howland Henry W. blacksmith

Jennings Wm. H. boot & shoemaker, Cochesett
Johnson Frederic, teamer
Johnson George W. heel maker

Keith Davis, farmer, Campello
Keith Henry S farmer, Campello
Keith Jonathan C. farmer and building mover, Campello
Keith Pardon, farmer, Campello
Keith Simeon C. leather cutter, Campello
Kelleher Dennis, farmer
Kenan Patrick, laborer
Kingman Joseph, farmer
Kingman Melzer, peddler
Kingman Sidney S. shoemaker

Langley Thomas, shoemaker
Leach Henry W. carpenter, Cochesett
Leonard Cyrus, fur dealer
Leonard Elihu, farmer
Leonard Jacob carpenter, Cochesett
Leonard Jonas, stove mounter
Leonard Nahum, farmer
Leonard Philo P. shoemaker, Cochesett
Lincoln Eugene, shoemaker
Lincoln J. M. foreman pattern shop
Lineham Dennis, shoemaker
Lineham John, shoemaker
Lineham Timothy, shoemaker
Lineham William, shoemaker
Logue Michael, boot maker
Lothrop Azel, shoemaker, Cochesett
Lothrop Caleb S. laborer
Lothrop Edwin H. shoe finisher, Campello
Lothrop John M. farmer, Cochesett

Macomber Charles A. farmer, Cochesett
Macomber Chas. A. jr., clerk, Cochesett
Marshall Benjamin, farmer, Cochesett
Marshall Bela H. leather cutter, Cochesett
Martin Charles E. shoe finisher, Campello
Martin Charles N. farmer, Campello
McAdams James, shoemaker, Cochesett
McCarty Michael, laborer
Millett Aaron, farmer, Campello
Millett John A. shoe dresser, Campello
Mitchell Isam, carpenter
Mitchell Robert, stove mounter
Morey Josiah, shoemaker
Morey Stephen, farmer
Morey Wm. L. shoemaker
Morse Charles T. peddler, Cochesett
Morse Joseph, shoe finisher, Cochesett
Morse Joshua, shoe finisher, Campello
Horse Russell W. shoemaker, Cochesett
Murphy Michael, laborer

O’Leary William, laborer
O’Neil John, molder

Packard Abiel, farmer
Packard Austin, lawyer, Cochesett
Packard Bradford, farmer & shoemaker
Packard Emory, stitcher
Packard Francis S. laborer
Packard Irving, leather cutter
Packard Japhet B. boot maker
Packard John A. farmer
Packard Levi S. leather cutter, Campello
Packard Nahum, fur dealer
Packard Samuel, moulder
Pasco Cephas, clergyman
Peekham Alfred, livery stable, Cochesett
Peekham C. T. (H. E. & C. T. Peekham) shoe manuf., Cochesett
Peekham H. E. (H. E. & C. T. Peekham) shoe manuf., Cochesett
Perkins Andrew W. shoemaker
Perkins Benjamin, engineer, Campello
Perkins Charles, merchant, Cochesett
Perkins Daniel, moulder
Perkins Edmond, shoemaker, Cochesett
Perkins Francis, shovel maker
Perkins George H. shoemaker, Cochesett
Perkins Melvin O. moulder
Perkins Owen D. nailer, Cochesett
Phillips Joseph K. depot master
Pool George, junk dealer, Cochesett
Pratt George, leather cutter Cochesett
Pratt George W. moulder
Pratt Shepherd L. livery and sale stable, Cochesett
Pratt Thomas, farmer

Randall Heman, grocery peddler
Reed Charles, farmer
Richards Clarkson W. farmer
Richards Elijah E. merchant
Richards Galen R. farmer
Richards John, farmer
Richards Josiah, farmer
Richards Justin W. farmer & shoemaker
Richards Luther, farmer
Ring Joseph, shoemaker, Cochesett
Ripley Molbary, farmer
Ripley Molbary A., sawyer and wheel-wright
Ripley Thos. P. leather cutter, Cochesett
Roach William, blacksmith
Round Almond, laborer, Cochesett
Rumery Henry T. shoemaker, Cochesett
Ryder George D. farmer
Ryder Joseph E. farmer
Ryder Joshua T. leather cutter
Ryder Lewis, farmer
Ryder Samuel, farmer
Ryder Samuel L. carpenter

Shaw Geo. P. stitcher, Cochesett
Shaw Horatio, stone layer
Shields James, shoe finisher, Campello
Shipman George, machinist
Simmons David, butcher, Cochesett
Simmons W. H. peddler, Cochesett
Smith William, shoemaker
Snow George, farmer
Snell Bradford, farmer
Snell Ephraim, farmer
Shipman John, machinist
Snell J. K. leather cutter
Snell Nahum, farmer
Snell Nahum P. leather cutter
Snell Thomas, farmer
Snell William Q. farmer
Sullivan Michael, shoemaker
Sullivan Timothy, shoe finisher, Campello
Swan James C. physician, Cochesett

Taylor Daniel B. mechanic, Cochesett
Taylor Ebenezer, farmer
Thayer Charles C. farmer
Thayer Hiram, boot maker
Thayer Jeremiah, farmer, Campello
Thayer Richard, farn.er
Thayer Richard F. boot maker
Tinkham David W. carpenter
Tisdale Edward, shoe manuf. Cochesett
Tisdale Mace, farmer

Vosmus Foster J. shoemaker, Cochesett
Vosmus Jeffrey, shoe manuf.
Vosmus Joseph, shoemaker, Cochesett

Washburn Abiel, shoemaker
Washburn Hiram G. shoemaker
Washburn Horatio L. shoe manuf.
Wheeler Eli, fur dealer
Whitman Henry H. farmer
White Herbert O. engineer, Cochesett
Wilbur George, carpenter
Wilbur Marshal, carpenter
Williams Calvin, merchant
Williams Daniel, boot maker, Cochesett
Winship Isaac, blacksmith, Cochesett
Winship William, carpenter, Cochesett
Withington George, shoemaker
Withington Henry, shoemaker


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