1867 Kingston Massachusetts Directory

Last Updated on February 13, 2013 by Dennis

Adams Charles, farmer
Adams Frederic C. butcher
Adams George, butcher
Adams George T. butcher
Adams Henry L. sea captain
Adams William S. sea captain
Amos Bern. F. clerk
Andrews Samuel M. overseer in Co. Mill

Bagwell Frederic, farmer
Bagnell John C. shoemaker
Baker L. C. pattern maker
Baker Levi, sea captain
Baker Otis jr., sea captain
Bailey Caleb E. blacksmith
Bailey Justus A. seaman
Bailey Nahum, organ manuf.
Bailey Nahum jr., variety store
Bailey Thomas, organ maker
Bailey W. B. seaman
Bartlett C. A. ship joiner
Bartlett Lysander, ship carpenter
Bartlett Uriah, farmer
Bartlett Walter S. house carpenter
Bates Caleb, farmer
Bearse Ichabod, farmer
Bearse John, farmer
Beal Joseph S. attorney
Beal Thomas, clerk
Berry Roscoe G. laborer
Beytes A. M. rope maker
Bicknell George T. seaman
Bicknell Thomas, tack maker
Bisbee Daniel, organ maker
Bisbee Daniel jr., shoemaker
Bonney John A. shoemaker
Bonney John, shoemaker
Bonney Wallace, house painter
Bowker Davis W. marble cutter
Bradford Alden S. farmer
Bradford Alpheus, shoemaker
Bradford Amos, tack maker
Bradford George A. tack maker
Bradford George B. shoemaker
Bradford H. S. road master
Bradford Jason, fish merchant
Bradford Orin W. earthenware manuf.
Bradford Peleg, farmer
Bradford Stephen, box board and shingles
Bradford William, farmer
Brewster Elisha, farmer
Brewster Spenser, farmer
Briggs Seneca F. wheelwright
Brooks Nathan, town clerk
Bryant. C. E. shoemaker
Bryant George B. laborer
Bryant James H. farmer
Bryant Nathaniel, carpenter
Bryant O. E. laborer
Bryant Peleg, farmer
Bryant Sylvanus, farmer
Bryant Sylvanus jr., box board manuf.
Bryant William B. laborer
Burkell M. rope maker
Burgess William H. merchant
Bunker Edward, rope maker
Burnes E. E. tailor

Callahan Thomas, mason
Carey Dennis, laborer
Chandler A. S. farmer
Chandler David, farmer
Chandler E. D. farmer
Chandler H. J. laborer
Chandler Ira, farmer
Chandler Ira jr., clairvoyant doctor
Chandler J. H. laborer
Chandler J. S. blacksmith
Chandler Nathan, teamster
Churchill A. K. farmer
Churchill Ebenezer, shoemaker
Churchill George D. farmer
Churchill Henry, shoemaker
Churchill James T. shoemaker
Churchill Otis, shoemaker
Churchill Prince, farmer
Churchill S. E. farmer
Cobb Benjamin, rivet manuf.
Cobb Henry, farmer
Cobb John W. clerk
Cobb Martin, farmer
Cobb Nathaniel, pastor evangelist
Cobb Philander, merchant
Cobb Seth, rope maker
Cole James, basket maker
Cole Josiah T. anchor smith
Cole Leander S, rivet maker
Cole Samuel P. rivet maker
Cole Thomas E. moulder
Cook Ase, farmer
Cook Benjamin, sea captain
Cook Edwin, shoemaker
Cook Henry F. shoemaker
Cook Josiah T. anchor smith
Cook Martin, shoemaker
Conner Joseph, rope maker
Corey Gustavus, laborer
Cunningham T. B. sea captain
Cushing S. W. ship carpenter
Childs Abner P. wheelwright
Gushman Arthur L. clerk
Cushman Asa, blacksmith
Cushman Daniel S. carpenter
Cushman Edwin, cabinet maker
Cushman F. D. iron moulder
Cushman George, farmer
Cushman George 2nrl, shoemaker
Cushman James H. farmer
Cushman John, shoemaker
Cushman Joseph, shoemaker
Cushman Joseph P. farmer
Cushman Josiah, hotel keeper
Cushman Nathaniel, farmer
Cushman S. E. farmer
Cushman William, baker

Davie Solomon, Human
Dawes J. H. sea captain
Delano Benj. fish merchant
Delano David, house-carpenter
Delano Joshua, fish merchant
Delano Lewis S. blacksmith
Dergeu Patrick, rope maker
Drake Marden, shoemaker
Drew Cornelius, ship-carpenter
Drew Cornelius Jr ship carpenter
Drew C. P. organ maker
Drew Eli C. farmer
Drew Job W. blacksmith
Drew John, ship-carpenter
Drew John N. fisherman
Drew N. D. ship-carpenter
Drew Robert A. laborer
Drew Seth, organ maker
Doneley James S. rope maker
Doneley John, rope maker
Dorcey Patrick, laborer
Doten E, L. shoemaker
Doten Isaac, laborer

Eager Robert, laborer
Eldridge D. G. wheelwright
Ellis Wyllie K. boarding-school
Evans Green, soap manufacturer
Everson Charles, house-carpenter
Everson James O. shoemaker
Everson Warren BT. shoemaker

Faunce Albert, house-carpenter
Faunce C. A. expressman
Faunce C. C. mason
Faunce C. T. mason
Faunce E. farmer
Faunce Elmer house-carpenter
Faunce George, house-carpenter
Faunce John, farmer
Faunce Martin, farmer
Faunce S. W. mason
Faunce W. H. teacher
Foster A. B. stables keeper
Foster C. T. farmer
Foster James, farmer
French Timothy, farmer
Fuller Alexander, former
Fuller C. H., U. S. Navy
Fuller Daniel W. laborer
Fuller Ephraim, farmer
Fuller Frank, clothing manuf.
Fuller James, seaman
Fuller John, fish monger
Fuller John A. tack maker
Fuller Josiah, cooper
Fuller Ezra, farmer
Fuller Samuel, laborer
Fuller Smith, laborer
Fuller T. H. farmer

Grey Edward, edge tool manuf.
Grey S. W. shoemaker
Griffeth H. C. iron moulder
Griffeth James W. iron moulder
Griffeth Wilson, iron moulder

Haggerty William, laborer
Hall John F. farmer
Hamilton H. M. coachman
Hammond Asa O. house carpenter
Haney Dennis, laborer
Harlow James M. rope maker
Hayward Lucius, shoemaker
Holmes Alexander, anchor manuf.
Holmes Allyn, house carpenter
Holmes Cornelius
Holmes Edward, ship builder
Holmes E. H. seaman
Holmes Ephraim, farmer
Holmes F. H. anchor manuf.
Holmes Gains, anchor smith
Holmes Gaius jr., anchor smith
Holmes George, anchor smith
Holmes Ira, former
Holmes James W. anchor smith
Holmes John F. former
Holmes Joseph, ship joiner
Holmes Joseph A.
Holmes Robert W. farmer
Holmes R. E. farmer
Holmes Samuel, farmer
Holmes S. N. farmer
Holmes Stephen, house carpenter
Howe A. F.
Howland D. P. farmer
Hunt Henry, merchant

Johnson John, farmer
Jones Henry N. physician
Jones John A. rope maker
Jones Leander L. bucket manuf.
Joyce Eli, shoemaker

Keith Henry K. merchant
Kennedy Frank, seaman
Kennedy James, rope maker
Kennedy James jr, rope maker

Lanman Thomas, farmer
Leach Erastus, depot master
Leach M. G. shoemaker
Lucas H. F. farmer

Mahoney John, laborer
McGrath Michael, laborer
McGrath Tom, shoemaker
McGrath William, laborer
McLaughlin Elisha, blacksmith
McLaughlin George W. anchor smith
McLaughlin P. WT caulker
McLaughlin R. B. anchor smith
McLaughlin S. W. tack maker
Mitchell Ezra shoemaker
Mitchell Harvey, shoemaker
Mitchell John, shoemaker
Mitchell Ransom, shoemaker
Morse E. G. shoemaker
Morse Francis, shoemaker
Morse George, shoemaker
Morton Franklin, shoemaker
Morton George H. shoemaker
Myrick William H. tin ware and stoves

Newcomb G. S. book keeper
Newcomb Thomas, cotton thread manuf.
Nichols Paul L. physician
Nutter S. J. farmer

O’Brien Patrick, laborer
Oldham A. J. mason
Oldham John, carpenter
Owens G. B. shoemaker

Painer C. farmer
Peckham Joseph, clergyman
Peirce J. B. laborer
Peirce Moses, rope maker
Perkins Ezra, blacksmith
Perkins H. F. cigar maker
Peterson Esias, shoemaker
Peterson Ichabod, ship rigger
Peterson William, sea captain
Pezzy Tom, fisherman
Phillips G. L. carpenter
Phipps J. H. clergyman
Powers Edwin, sea captain
Prince Noah, box board manuf.
Prince Tom, cigar maker

Ransom Harvey, lobster dealer
Ransom Winslow, lobster dealer
Reed Alphonzo, tack manuf.
Reed Edmund, tack maker
Reed Edwin, mackerel kit manuf.
Reed Franklin, tack manuf.
Reed P. C. tack manuf.
Richardson Edwin, seaman
Richardson E. P. shoemaker
Ring D. W. farmer
Ring D. W. jr., farmer
Ring Samuel, farmer
Ripley C. W. machinist
Ripley Lewis, house carpenter
Ripley Obed, house carpenter
Ripley S. E. house carpenter
Ripley Tom, ship carpenter
Robbins Charles, merchant
Robbins Charles T. merchant
Robbins Joseph S. carpenter
Robbins William A. sea captain
Russell Thomas, tack maker
Ryan John, laborer

Sampson Azel, farmer
Sampson Azel H. post master
Sampson Benjamin, farmer
Sampson C. H. shoemaker
Sampson Columbus, farmer
Sampson Constant, caulker
Sampson Elbridge, farmer
Sampson George, farmer
Sampson George H. miner
Sampson Oliver, farmer
Sampson Walter S. mason
Sampson William A. shoemaker
Sedgley Dexter E. soap maker
Sever J. N. merchant
Simmons Augustus, shoemaker
Simmons Charles, farmer
Simmons E. F. anchor smith
Simmons F.’O. anchor smith
Simmons Henry, house carpenter
Simmons Henry jr., seaman
Simmons Kahum, blacksmith
Simmons Peleg, laborer
Shaw S. B. laborer
Smith John,, cotton thread maker
Soule Henry, tack manuf.
Soule Henry jr., tack maker
Soule James Q. anchor smith
Soule William F. miller
Southworth Tom, shoemaker
Stetson Charles, sea captain
Stetson Elisha, farmer
Stetson George, farmer
Stetson H. T. farmer
Stetson J. H. mason
Stetson Joseph, harness maker
Stetson K. W. tack manuf.
Stetson W. S. shoemaker
Stranger A. R. shoemaker
Stranger J. A. shoemaker
Stuart David, cooper
Sturtevant Henry, farmer
Symmes William, sea captain

Thomas Augustus, fanner
Thomas William A. farmer
Thomas William R. moulder
Thompson J. S. house-carpenter
Tribble William T. seaman
Tupper Seth, liquor agent

Vinal C. A. blacksmith

Wadsworth George, rope maker
Wadsworth W. A. shoemaker
Walker A. mason
Washburn A. W. lobster dealer
Washburn A. H. laborer
Washburn Caleb P. anchor smith
Washburn Cephas, depot master and p.m.
Washburn C. F. laborer
Washburn C. H. laborer
Washburn Charles, laborer
Washburn Francis, lobster dealer
Washburn George, iron melter
Washburn G. L. rivet maker
Washburn Henry, wire maker
Washburn John, shoemaker
Washburn M. P. blacksmith
Washburn Philip, rope maker
Washburn W. D. hatter
Waterman A. B. shoemaker
Waterman E. E. house-carpenter
Waterman Nathaniel, farmer
Waterman Thomas E. house-carpenter
Webb Fred
Weston T. R.
White Alden, farmer
Willis Edward, wool dealer
Willis Foster, seaman
Willis George F. insurance agent
Willis Jonah, soap manufacturer
Willis Jonah, jr. shoemaker
Willis N. T. farmer
Willis William H. shoemaker
Wilson Eli, overseer, cotton thread manuf.
Winsor E. G. sea captain
Winsor William D. farmer
Witherell E. C. laborer
Wixon O. F. seaman
Wright J. L. shoemaker


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