Biography of Hon. L. M. Ringer

HON. L.M. RINGER. – There is moral earnestness about a man who is able to hold his own convictions in the face of his neighbors and friends. We find such a man in Mr. Ringer.

Born June 17, 1834, in Washington County, Maryland, he moved as a child to Amherst County, Virginia, there receiving his education, but later making his home in Stoddard  County, Missouri, engaging in the mercantile business. When the war broke out in 1861, that community was strongly for secession. Mr. Ringer was obliged either to enter the rebel army or to leave. He chose the latter course. The Confederate authorities at once confiscated his property. He thereupon went to Patterson, a post occupied by the Union forces, and was appointed clerk in the ordnance department. Soon afterwards he returned to Bloomfield, Missouri, a place held at that time by the United States troops. He was there appointed sheriff of the county, and adjutant of the post. He was thereafter elected to the position of sheriff and collector, having a detachment of volunteer state cavalry as body guard, and served continuously until the close of the war. he was “true blue” in that difficult position, enforcing the law rigidly during those distracted times, maintaining the national authority, and even compelling the respect of the rebel sympathizers themselves.

In 1870 he left Missouri for Oregon, and settled at Eugene City, conducting a harness and saddlery business, and buying a half interest in the Eugene Guard, a leading newspaper of the place. After a year’s visit back to Missouri, he returned to the Pacific coast, settling at Rebel Flat, in the newly organized Whitman County, Washington Territory, but removing four years later to Almota, on the Snake River, in the same county. There he opened a store, and has conducted a remarkably successful mercantile business.

During his residence in the territory he has served his county two terms in the lower house of the territorial legislature, and his district one term in the council. Although a Democrat, he was appointed by the Republican majority to the chairmanship of the all-important ways and means committee in the legislative council.

Mr. Ringer is a man of honor and integrity, holding a high position socially, and is universally esteemed as of unsullied moral character. His portrait finds a place in the galaxy of the territory’s most worthy citizens.

In 1859 he was married to Miss Sophia W. Owen, a lady of excellent character and education. Their children are Effie, Mertie, Louie, Gertrude, Myrtle, Eugene, Lulu, Leonard, Lewis and Sophia. The eldest, Effie, and the five latter, are all living. The other four were buried in Stoddard county, Missouri.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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