1851 Yorkville Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Township of York, County of York, C. W. distant from Toronto, 14 miles omnibus fare, one every half hour, 5 tickets, for s. 3d. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. WARD, MATHEW, tavernkeeper and proprietor of Vauxhall Garden, Yorkville gardens open to the public free during the summer months, except on concert nights. WOOD J. & W., wholesale importers of lace and sewed muslin goods, warehouse over Mr. Dixon, King st. Toronto. Archer, A., storekeeper. Ballentyne, R., storekeeper. Ballentyne. R., carpenter. Barham, Mrs., private school teacher. Bradshaw, C., combmaker. Clark,______, cloth manufactory. Cooper, M., attorney … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Jamieson

(II) David (2), son of David (1) Jamieson, was born at Dumferline, Scotland, September 19, 1800; married at Collinton, Scotland, March 17, 1828, Margaret Muir (Parish Church records at High Edinburgh, Scotland, Rev. Lewis Balfour, minister). Margaret Muir was born in Edinburgh or Glasgow, 1809-n, and died in March, 1870. David died in 1886 in Canada. He came to America when a young man in 1834 and after living for a short time in New York City, removed to Toronto, and thence to Yorkville, Canada. Children: I. David, born in Scotland. 2. Jane, born in New York City, October 7, … Read more