Biography of James W. Lytle

JAMES W. LYTLE. – To the esteemed and capable gentleman, whose name appears above, we with pleasure accord a representation in this volume of the chronicles of Union county, since he has wrought for many years here for its development, and for the subjstantial progress of the same, manifesting meanwhile, a business ability and energy that have placed him among the leading agriculturists and prominent men of the county, while his unswerving integrity, sound principles and geniality have made him hosts of friends from all classes. Mr. Lytle was born in Wyandot, Ohio, on October 22, 1842, being the son … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred Burns Smythe

Smythe, Alfred Burns; banking and real estate; born, Nevada, O., Aug. 4, 1874; son of Marcus and Mary Burns Smythe; educated, common schools and Oberlin Academy and Oberlin College, Oberlin, O.; married, Oil City, Pa., Nov. 13, 1902, Catherine Loomis; issue, two sons, mgr. Real Estate Dept. of The Cleveland Trust Co.; pres. The Land Security Co., The Loop Realty Co., The Seneca Security Co.

Biographical Sketch of C. C. Zupp

He was born September 18, 1835 to George Peter Zupp (a native of France), and Elizabeth Zeuder of that country. They came to America and located in Pennsylvania. C. C. Zupp was born in Lancaster County, Pa., and when he was 3 years old they went to Wyandot County, Ohio. Three years later, they moved to Hillsdale County, Michigan. At the opening of the Civil War, he enlisted in the Eighteenth Michigan Infantry. After its close, he returned to Michigan, and moved to Buchanan County, Iowa. In 1869, he moved to Section 3, Douglas Township, Ida County, Iowa. At the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arquis L. Sells

Arquis L. Sells a farmer near Westminster, was born in Wyandot County, Ohio, September 6, 1845. His parents, John and Mary (McKissen) Sells, were natives respectively of Ohio and Virginia, and had five children, three of whom are still living. John Sells was a well-known attorney in Wyandot County for a number of years, and died November 19, 1886. Marquis worked on the railroad as a trackman, and subsequently attended school at New Hagerstown and Harlem Springs. Then he taught school for some ten years in Ohio and Missouri, and in May, 1871, he came to California with two brothers … Read more

Wyandot Indians

Wyandot Tribe: Meaning perhaps “islanders,” or “dwellers on a peninsula.” Occasionally spelled Guyandot. At an earlier date usually known as Huron, a name given by the French from huré, “rough,” and the depreciating suffix -on. Also called: Hatindiaβointen, Huron name of Huron of Lorette. Nadowa, a name given to them and many other Iroquoian tribes by Algonquians. Telamatenon, Delaware name, meaning “coming out of a mountain or cave.” Thastchetci’, Onondaga name. Connection. The Wyandot belonged to the Iroquoian linguistic family. Wyandot Location. The earliest known location of the Huron proper was the St. Lawrence Valley and the territory of the … Read more