Biography of Jason F. Norman

JASON F. NORMAN. Special adaptability to any particular calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to success of a permanent kind. No matter what the vim and determination characterizing a man’s start in business, unless he is to the manner born, he will find to his sorrow that his line has been falsely cast, and the quicker he draws aside and takes up another, the better it will be for him. It has often been the case that a man will make a success of several different occupations, and this has been the experience of Jason F. Norman, who … Read more

Biography of Judge Alfred Perry Couch

JUDGE ALFRED PERRY COUCH. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch has always been a potential element in the growth and development of Oregon County, Missouri, and as a representative citizen stands second to none in the county. He was born in what is now known as Couch, in Oregon County, Missouri, November 28, 1842, and is the son of Simpson and Rebecca (Roberts) Couch. It is thought that the father came originally from Virginia, but the family lived in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and Illinois, and long years ago, in the thirties, came to Fulton County, Arkansas … Read more

Biography of Hon. Winfield Scott Pope

For many years Winfield Scott Pope was rated as one of the most highly respected residents and most prominent attorneys of Jefferson City. As lawyer and lawmaker he left the impress of his individuality upon the history of city and state when he was called to his final rest at the age of seventy-four years. He always held to the highest standards and ethics of the profession, his success being attributable at all times to his marked capability and merit. The story of his professional rise and progress is an interesting one. He was born in Davidson county, North Carolina, … Read more

Biography of Capt. Benjamin F. Bodenhamer

CAPT. BENJAMIN F. BODENHAMER. It has been clearly demonstrated time and time again that “honesty is the best policy,” and while a man may not gain wealth so rapidly, yet he can look his fellowman in the face without fear of reproach, and know that he has wronged no one, and therefore can thoroughly enjoy what he has. Such a man is Capt. B. F. Bodenhamer, who was born in Greene County, Missouri, in 1843, the son of Chapman W., who was a native of Giles County, Tennessee, and grandson of Jacob Bodenhamer, who was one of the very earliest … Read more

Biography of Judge W. N. Evans

Judge W. N. Evans, of the Twentieth Judicial District of Missouri, makes his home in the northwestern part of West Plains, where he has a handsome residence on Garfield Avenue. He is a native of Owsley County, Kentucky, born September 1, 1849, and the son of W. N. and Elizabeth (Hurst) Evans. The grandfather, John Evans, was a native of Wales, who came to this country at an early day and settled in old Virginia. Later he moved to east Tennessee and there passed the remainder of his days. He had but three children, two sons and a daughter. The … Read more

Biography of Tyree Glenn Newbill

Father of the John Glenn Newbill, was born in Franklin county, Virginia, May 17th, 1882. He was married December 1st, 1846, to Nancy A. Johnson, only daughter of James M. and Elizabeth Johnson, and in the following year removed to Southwest Missouri, locating on the farm now owned by Dr. H. H. Lea, in the northeast corner of the territory now known as Webster county. Three years afterward he removed to Greene county, where he purchased the fine farm of Samuel McClelland, two and one-half miles west of Springfield. Here he engaged largely in agriculture and stock-raising, and was one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Glenn Newbill

The eldest son of T. G. Newbill is a native of Southwest Missouri, his birth-place being in the northeast corner of what is now Webster county. His childhood was passed on his father’s farm, two and one-half miles west of the city of Springfield. He was educated principally in the district school and schools of Springfield, and studied three years under the tutorship of Dr. Wm. V. Allen, formerly of Bates county, Mo. For several years, while prosecuting his studies, he alternately worked on the farm and taught in the public schools of Greene and Bates counties. Returning in 1876 … Read more

Biography of Homer G. Gilmore

HOMER G. GILMORE. In no part of the world is the flouring industry of greater importance than it is in the United States, nor in any other part of the world can the same excellence of quality of flour be produced. This need not be wondered at. Where is there another country possessing so rich and productive a soil, yielding and in plenty the richest wheat? Indeed, the industry and the importance necessarily attached to it are natural resultants of nature’s generosity. In Christian County, Missouri, the flouring industry is a most important one and foremost among those engaging in … Read more

Russell Todd of Lansing MI

Russell Todd7, (Chauncey6, Jonah5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1 born Jan. 5, 1830, died Feb. 25, 1907, married Sept. 10, 1875, Cora A. Brown. He was ordained to the deaconate by Bishop DeLancey in 1860 and to the priesthood the following year by the same bishop. His various charges have been: Morris (assistant) Westmoreland, Clark’s Mills, Augusta, Oriskany Falls and general missionary work in Chenango County, all in New York; Caro, Michigan; again in New York at Whitney’s Point; then in Missouri, at Lebanon and Marshfield, Cape Girarfeau and Canton. At the close of his labors at the latter place, his … Read more

Biography of David Lee Stokes

For forty-one years David Lee Stokes has been a resident of Oklahoma and after many years of activity as an agriculturist he is now living retired in Bartlesville in the enjoyment of a good income, gained through untiring industry, perseverance and intelligently directed effort during his earlier years. He was born in Marshfield, Missouri, January 12, 1866, his parents being Granville and Pheobia (Haymes) Stokes, who established their home in the Indian Territory, in what is now Washington county, Oklahoma, in 1880, becoming early settlers of this region. The father leased a tract of land four miles northwest of Bartlesville, … Read more

Biography of Andrew J. Coffey

ANDREW J. COFFEY. Ozark County, Missouri, is well known for the richness of its soil, and among those industrious farmers who have assisted in making this section the rich agricultural district that it is may be mentioned Andrew J. Coffey, who was born in Ashe County, N. C., in 1833, of which State his parents, Cleveland and Susan (Hayes) Coffey, were also natives. During the early boyhood of Andrew J. Coffey, he was taken by his parents to Hawkins County, Tennessee, and soon after to Granger County, where the mother died some fifty years ago. Mr. Coffey remarried afterward and … Read more

Biography of Prof. J. M. Johnson

PROF. J. M. JOHNSON. This gentleman has resided in Christian County for the past six years, and though young, he is full of energy, business qualification and thoroughly fitted for the drug business which he is now following. He is a native of Webster County, Missouri, born February 24, 1862, but was reared principally in Wright County, this State. He is a son of J. C. and Mary (Russell) Johnson and the grandson of Spencer Johnson who was a Virginian by birth but of Scotch-Irish origin. The latter was an early pioneer of Tennessee, and some of the members of … Read more

Biography of Judge W. G. Mathes

JUDGE W. G. MATHES. Reynolds County, Missouri, has the distinction of being the place where, on September 4, 1839, Judge W. G. Mathes came into this world to make a record for integrity and uprightness which will be remembered as long as Stone County lasts. For over fifty years he has resided in this county, is a representative citizen of the same, and perhaps has done as much for its advancement as any other man. His parents, David and Elizabeth (Allen) Mathes, were natives of Warren County, Tennessee The father was reared in that State, and in 1843 came to … Read more

Biography of Judge James P. Ince

JUDGE JAMES P. INCE. This gentleman is the associate judge of the Western District of Douglas County, Missouri, and no better man for the position could be found than he, for he is intelligent, well posted, imbued with the milk of human kindness, and has always shown the utmost impartiality in his decisions. The Judge has resided in Missouri since 1843, and has been a resident of Douglas County since 1862, taking up his abode in the vicinity of Rome. He was born in Overton County, Tennessee, March 28, 1828, a son of John and Elizabeth (Clark) Ince, the former … Read more

Biography of Anselm C. Bralley

ANSELM C. BRALLEY. This gentleman has been a useful citizen of Douglas County, Missouri, since 1865, but was born in Greene County, Missouri, October 7, 1839, a son of Jonathan and Margaret (Bogel) Bralley and grandson of James Bralley, who came to this country from Ireland. They took up their residence in Virginia, and there Jonathan Bralley was born, reared, and moved to Missouri, in 1839, after which he moved to Greene County, Missouri, and settled on the James River near Galloway. Later he removed to Webster County and there died in the spring of 1866. He was a Democrat … Read more

Biography of Hon. Conrad H. Dryer

HON. CONRAD H. DRYER. The labor of compiling a review of the industrial institutions of Howell County, Missouri, involves an arduous task, and no subject is found more worthy of the historian’s attention than the mercantile trade, of which Hon. Conrad H. Dryer is a most honorable exponent. In addition to this he is a successful follower of the primitive occupation of man -farming-and the success which has attended his efforts is owing to his own good fighting qualities. He was born in Minden, Prussia, and many of his most worthy business qualities have been inherited from his worthy German … Read more

Biography of James Hailey

JAMES HAILEY. This gentleman is the oldest resident of Ava, and during the long term of years that he has spent in this section, his good name has remained untarnished and he has won for himself many friends. He was born in Bedford County, Tennessee, February 7, 1824, a son of Tavner and Joyce (Tomison) Hailey, the former of whom was born in Henry County, Virginia, was an early pioneer of Tennessee, and in 1839 settled in Webster County, Missouri, where he followed the occupation of farming until his death in 1867. He was a Whig in politics. His wife … Read more

Biography of Isaac A. Tyndall

ISAAC A. TYNDALL. The gentleman who occupies the honorable position of assessor of Christian County, Missouri, was first elected to that office in 1890, and reelected two years later. He is one of the most prominent citizens, and has held many official positions of trust. Mr. Tyndall was born in Christian (then Greene) County, May 10, 1856. His parents, William V. and Hannah (Huff) Tyndall, were natives of Georgia and Arkansas, respectively, the father born April 19, 1818, and the mother in Fulton County. Our subject’s great-grandfather came from England to this country at an early date, and settled at … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.