Obituary of Mary Snider Nading

The death of Mrs. Sarah E. Cropper, age 65, occurred at her home in Washington township, one mile south of Flat Rock at 4:20 o’clock this morning [August 9, 1928]. Mrs. Cropper had been ill since March suffering from heart disease and dropsy. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Cherry, Mrs. Cropper was born in this county June 18, 1863. She was married to William Cropper March 20, 1887. To this union four children were born, two of whom, Mrs. Meryl Shoaf of near Hope and Mrs. Breanious McQueen of near Flat Rock, survive. Mrs. Cropper is also survived … Read more

Nading, John – Obituary

John Nading, of Flat Rock, died at his residence this morning [September 27, 1888], aged 45 years. He was born April 12, 1843 in Flat Rock Township, Bartholomew Co., the son of Milton and Mary Nading. Lost his father at age 18 years. Married Miss Nora V. Warner Dec. 21, 1871 at Flat Rock, 3 children born. Buried St. George Cemetery. Date of Death: September 27, 1888 BIO: John Nading is one of the men who, though still a young man, has made, so to speak a success in life already, and ranks among the most successful business men of … Read more

McQueen, Leonard – Obituary

Leonard R. McQueen, 79, Flat Rock, Washington Township retired farmer, died Wednesday [September 13, 1972]. Major Hospital patient since Feb. 4. Bartholomew County native, lived in the Flat Rock community most of his life. Member of the Flat Rock United Methodist Church, a 50 year member of Camon Lodge 343, F. and A.M., at Clifford, and a member of the Flat Rock Citizens Committee. Ewing Mortuary with the Rev. Ray Bozell officiating. Burial will be in Flat Rock Cemetery. Born Sept. 15, 1892, s/o Alfred Jefferson and Laura (Reed) McQueen. Survivors: 1 daughter, Mrs. Garnet (DeVone) Hamilton, Flat Rock; 4 … Read more

McQueen, Floyd E. – Obituary

Floyd E. McQueen, 56-year-old widely known Shelby county resident, died at 11:50 a.m. Tuesday [April 29, 1947] at the Major hospital. His death was caused by an embolism. Mr. McQueen, whose home was in Washington township, near Flat Rock, was born in Bartholomew county on July 20, 1890, a son of Alfred J. and Laura (Reed) McQueen. In 1920 he was married to Izetta Nading at Flat Rock, and she survives with two sons, A. J. McQueen, of Flat Rock, and Al McQueen, at home. Also surviving are a grandson, Alfred J. McQueen; four sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Alvin … Read more

Biography of James K. P. Conner

JAMES K. P. CONNER. The subject of this sketch is a gentleman of ripe intelligence, and a man of large benevolence and broad sympathies. He is a citizen of Jobe, Missouri, and the most efficient postmaster at that place. Mr. Conner is a native Hoosier, born in Dubois County, December 23, 1844, and the son of Rial and Clara (Berry) Conner, natives, respectively, of Tennessee and Illinois. The parents were married in Indiana, and the father died in Dubois County, that State, in 1861. The mother is still living and finds a comfortable home with her children. All his life … Read more

Biography of George W. Veale

George W. Veale was one of the makers of history in Kansas, in which territory and state ho had his home continuously for sixty years. He was born on a farm about five miles south of the Town of Washington in Daviess County, Indiana, May 20, 1833. Until seventeen he attended school about three months each year. From 1852 until 1857 he was employed as a clerk in the dry goods store of Filching Johnson at Evansville, Indiana. January 20, 1857, he married Miss Nannie Johnson, and on the 29th of March the bride and groom left Evansville on the Steamer White … Read more

McQueen, Leonard – Obituary

Leonard R. McQueen, 79, Flat Rock, Washington Township retired farmer, died Wednesday [September 13, 1972]. Major Hospital patient since Feb. 4. Bartholomew County native, lived in the Flat Rock community most of his life. Member of the Flat Rock United Methodist Church, a 50 year member of Camon Lodge 343, F. and A.M., at Clifford, and a member of the Flat Rock Citizens Committee. Ewing Mortuary with the Rev. Ray Bozell officiating. Burial will be in Flat Rock Cemetery. Born Sept. 15, 1892, s/o Alfred Jefferson and Laura (Reed) McQueen. Survivors: 1 daughter, Mrs. Garnet (DeVone) Hamilton, Flat Rock; 4 … Read more

Huffman Cemetery Records, Washington, Marion County, Indiana

Located along the Monon tracks between 61st and 62nd Streets. HUFFMAN Jonas, b. 15 Oct. 1795, d. 13 June 1863, Husb. of Mary. Mary, d. 10 Aug. 1856, ae. 66 yrs. Wife of Jonas Huffman. RAY Joseph, d. 15 Nov. 1863, ae. 73 yrs. RINK Julia Ann, b. 20 Aug. 1828, d. 15 Mar. 1863. Samuel, b. 1 Oct. 1820, d. 11 May 1864, Husb. of Julia Ann. Only a few stones, there is a dump grounds near and many burials are under the dirt.

Allen, Alford Brayton – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Alford B. Allen, 75, of Baker City, died May 4, 2004, surrounded by loving family members at the home of his eldest son, John, in Kennewick, Wash., after a long battle with cancer. At Al’s request, no official services will be held, but his ashes will be placed beside his loving wife Dora’s side at Mount Hope Cemetery on Saturday at 3 p.m. Friends and family are welcome to attend. Al was born at Washington, Ind., on July 23, 1929; however, in 1945 he spent two weeks convincing the county clerk to change his birth records to … Read more

Allen, Alford B. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Alford B. Allen was born in Washington, Indiana, on July 23, 1929. However at the age of 17, he spent two weeks convincing the county clerk to change his birth records to indicate he was born in 1928 so that he could enlist during WWII. While in the Navy, in addition to performing duties as an electrician’s mate, he was a member of a Navy boxing team and was known for his fierce left hook, winning all of his bouts by knockout. Towards the end of his service, he was stationed in Astoria where he met Dora … Read more