Biography of William H. Kozel

William H. Kozel. One of the most prominent business men of Washington County is William H. Kozel, whose interests are concerned with many of the important industries of the little town of Morrowville. Mr. Kezel is a clear-headed business man and had won his success through his own unaided efforts. He had gained a most enviable position in the business world and for a number of years had been doubtless the chief factor in the upbuilding of his particular community. Mr. Kozel was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 23, 1865, but had spent most of his life in Kansas. He … Read more

Biography of Alvin H. Tegeler

Alvin H. Tegeler is still a young man but had had more than fifteen years of active experience as a banker, beginning in early boyhood, and had been continuously identified with the Bank of Palmer, of which he is now cashier. This is one of the older banking houses of Washington County. The firm of Bissell & Kaiser established it as a private bank in 1882, but it had operated under a state charter since 1887. The bank, whose home is on Main Street, had a capital of $25,000 and surplus of $5,000. The present officers are: M. E. Southwick, … Read more

Biography of Robert Algie, M. D.

Robert Algie, M. D. A physician and surgeon of exceptional attainments, Doctor Algie had been engaged in a large and growing practice at Linn for the past fourteen years. His home had been in Kansas since early youth. Doctor Algie was born in Glasgow Scotland, March 22, 1874. His grandfather, James Algie, was born at Paisley, where the famous shawls come from, and spent his life there as a carpenter, his death occurring at Paisley before Doctor Algie was born. He married Margaret McCallum, who likewise spent her life in Scotland. Of their children only one is now living, Margaret, … Read more

Biography of W. E. Kearns

W. E. Kearns, a progressive agriculturist of Washington County, resides on a productive and well improved farm near Ramona, and in the development of his property he displays energy, determination and good business ability. He was born at Chepstow, in Washington County, Kansas, September 12, 1874, his parents being Thomas and Jane ( Whitmore) Kearns, both of whom were natives of Ohio. They were married in Williams County, Ohio, and then made their way to La Salle County, Illinois, whence they subsequently removed to Linn County, Iowa, but resided in that locality for only a short time. They next established … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. W. Hill

R. W. Hill, general merchant, was born in Greene County, Ill., June 16, 1849. In 1869 he came to Washington County, Kan., and to Jewell County in 1874, and engaged in general merchandising. In 1881 he built a large storeroom, 28×100 feet, and stocked it with from $15,000 to $20,000 worth of goods, and is now doing a tremendous business. He was married in Pike County, Ill., in May 1875, to Miss L. Bashforth. They have three children – Alice, Richard and Helen. Mr. Hill belongs to the Masonic fraternity.

Biography of Damian Lavery, Rev.

Rev. Damian Lavery, director of St. Benedict’s College at Atchison, is a graduate of that institution and had been actively connected with it as an instructor since his ordination as a priest fourteen years ago. Father Lavery was born in Benson, Vermont, February 17, 1878, but had lived in Kansas since early infancy. His father, John Lavery, who was born in Connanght, Ireland, in 1835, came to this country when a young man, located in Vermont, was married there, and for many years followed his trade as a mechanic and employment as a railroad man. In 1879 he brought his … Read more