Biographical Sketch of Daniel Watts

Daniel Watts, born in Warwick, Mass., came to Stowe about the year 1800. He had a family of nine children, Charles R., Caroline, widow of C. S. Hodge, and Chandler, reside in Stowe, and Fanny, the wife of Charles Conant, resides in the State of Michigan. Chandler Watts, 2d, born here March 1, 1839, enlisted in the Union army, Co. E, 11th Vt., or 1st Heavy Artillery, August 7, 1862, was promoted corporal, then sergeant, and finally regimental commissary sergeant, which office he retained until the close of the war, when he returned to his farm, on road 46. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elihu Town

Elihu Town, from Warwick, Mass., came to Stowe in the spring of 1811, and located upon the farms now owned by Messrs. Kenyon and Ennis. He was married about two years previous to Miss Apphia Sprague. The union was blessed with six children, four sons and two daughters. Three are now living, Sopronia (Mrs. Stockwell), residing in St. Albans, Jesse, a resident of Stowe village, and Emery, living in Waterbury village. Mr. Town died in 1843, aged sixty-one years. Mrs Town died in 1869, aged eighty-five years.

Descendants of John Sanford of Taunton, MA

The town of Taunton, which included within its original boundaries the neighboring village of Berkley, has been the home of a branch of the Sanford family for about two hundred years. This Berkley-Taunton branch of the family, in the line of Capt. Joseph Sanford, an active patriot of the Revolution, has been more or less eminent in professional life. Four of the sons of Capt. Joseph Sanford were college graduates and ministers of the gospel; and several of their posterity have followed the learned professions. One of the grandsons of Capt. Joseph was the late Hon. John Elliott Sanford, of Taunton, lawyer, legislator, railroad commissioner, etc., who at the time of his death was characterized by the local paper as Taunton’s “first citizen.”

Biographical Sketch of Levi Hodge

Levi Hodge, a native of Warwick, Mass., came to Stowe and located where his son, Russell C., now resides, and where he died in 1862, aged about seventy-five years. Russell C. is superintendent of the town poor farm, which is owned in union by the towns of Stowe, Morristown, and Johnson.

Biography of Andrew Shepardson

ANDREW SHEPARDSON – His lifetime spent in the town of his birth, Andrew Shephardson, who passed away but a few short years ago, left behind him a name respected in the community for his industry and his upright character. A son of David and Emily (Grout) Shepardson, he was the fourth of seven children as follows: Zorabia, Martha, Osmer, Andrew, of whom further; Henry, James and David. Andrew Shepardson was born March 9, 1842, at Warwick, Massachusetts, and was educated in the district schools of his native town. On the completion of his education he found employment driving teams, and … Read more

History of the town of Warwick, Massachusetts

History of the town of Warwick, Massachusetts

A history of the town of Warwick, Massachusetts, from its earliest settlement to 1854. This history also lists prominent citizens (doctors, selectmen, etc). There are also birth, marriage, and death information taken from diaries of contemporaries, from the early to mid-19th century.