Biographical Sketch of James P. Atwood, M.D.

JAMES P. ATWOOD, M.D. – One of the most successful physicians of Baker City, Oregon, is the gentleman whose name appears as the heading of this sketch. A careful and conscientious gentleman of temperate habits, and thoroughly reliable in all public and professional as well as private matters, he enjoys the confidence of the public, and has a large practice. He was born in Wisconsin in 1846, but was educated in Oregon, at Sublimity and at Corvallis, and took his degree in medicine from the medical department of the Willamette University at Salem, and from the medical department of the … Read more

Ingram, Marion Sue Teeter Mrs. – Obituary

Haines, Baker County, Oregon Marion Sue Ingram, 88, of Haines died May 13, 2006, at Medford. Her graveside memorial service will be at 11 a.m. Friday at the Haines Cemetery, overlooking her home of 60 years. Deacon James R. Watt of St. Francis de Sales Cathedral will officiate. There will be a reception afterward at the Haines Methodist Church hall. Marion was born on Aug. 28, 1917, at Waitsburg, Wash., to Thurman S. and Meda Prim Teeter. When her family later moved to Imbler, she attended high school there, graduating in 1935. She attended Eastern Oregon Normal School at La … Read more

White, Morris – Obituary

Mr. And Mrs. E. O. Zerek returned Tuesday from Touchet , Washington, where they were called last Friday by the death of their brother-in-law, Morris White. Mr. White who retired Thursday night apparently as well as usual was found dead in bed Friday morning, no sign whatever of the slightest struggle; he always expected to pass away in this manner. Mr. White was a merchant in Union 22 years ago, a conscientious honorable Christian man. His wife was brought here from Walla Walla five years ago, and died at Hot Lake. He is survived by his son William H. and … Read more

Biography of Edwin F. Guyon, M. D.

Edwin F. Guyon, M. D., who has become known as county physician of Bear Lake county, Idaho, assistant surgeon for the Oregon Short Line, member of Idaho and Oregon State Medical Associations and of the American National Medical Association, and as author of the law to prohibit illegal medical practice in Idaho and coauthor with Dr. C. J. Smith of the law to prevent illegal medical practice in Oregon, is one of the leading physicians in Idaho and is doing much to elevate his profession and augment its usefulness throughout the northwest. Dr. Guyon began the practice of medicine in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Franklin Minton

It is with pleasure that we essay the task of epitomizing the salient points in the interesting career of the estimable and enterprising gentleman whose name is at the head of this article, and it is very fitting that such be granted space in the history of Malheur County, since he has labored here for the up building of the county and has wrought with wisdom and energy for this end, while also he has spent much time on the frontier and in other places, always, however, manifesting that same energy and capability in furthering the chariot of progress and … Read more

Biography of David Marsh

DAVID MARSH. – This excellent gentleman and popular public officer, whose untimely death of recent occurrence was widely noted in the papers of this coast, exemplified in a large measure the frank and amiable qualities which make life happy; and to these he added the rugged force of character and keen intellect which served to make a community prosperous. He was born in East Tennessee in 1844. When a child of two or three years, his parents removed to Iowa, in which state his aged mother now resides. In 1862 Mr. Marsh, having reached the age of eighteen years, joined … Read more

Taylor, Bob – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Bob Taylor, 73, of Baker City, died Dec. 12, 2002, at his home. At this time no services are planned. Bob was born June 16, 1929, at Walla Walla, Wash., to David Taylor and Mary Ellen Ramsey Taylor Huckins. He lived in many places as a boy. He enlisted in the Air Force when he was 17 years of age, working at the Pentagon most of his service time. After his discharge, he went to barber college, and after graduation he owned barber shops in Coos Bay, Roseburg, Union and Baker City. He also had shops in … Read more

Finley, Henry L. – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Henry L. Finley, Early Wallowa Co. Settler, Dies Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the Milton Christian church for Henry L. Finley who passed away Monday afternoon at St. Mary’s Hospital in Walla Walla, Washington. Truman Robbins, local pastor, was in charge of the services and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore of Athena sang “No Night There” and Beyond The Sunset”. Pall Bearers were the four grandsons: Joe Wise, Melvin Schott, Fred Zielke, Donnie Scott and two great-grandnephews, Jack Loyd and Bill Morse. Burial was in the 100F cemetery at Milton. Henry Finley was born … Read more

Coryell, Ruth B. Bushong Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Ruth B. Coryell passed away at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Walla Walla on May 22, 1984. She was born January 24, 1896 at Fort Wayne, Indiana, daughter of John Bushong and Jennie Riser Bushong. She was married to Floyd Ritenhouse (dec.) and Harry Coryell (dec.). She was a home maker most of her life. She is survived by two sons, Floyd William Ritenhouse and Robert D. Ritenhouse; three daughters, Dorothy Dacey, Edna Pae, and Lorraine Coryell; 14 grandchildren, 33 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Wallowa Cemetery at 1 p.m. on Friday, May 25. … Read more

Loney, John – Obituary

John Loney, pioneer rancher and pioneer resident of the Walla Walla Valley, died last night in a local hospital. Mr. Loney was well and favorably known, having lived here since August 19, 1883, coming to Walla Walla from Canada where he was born in 1867. Mr. Loney was married to Alice Reed and to the union were born five children who survive him, Eugene, Lester, Ronald, and Clinton of Walla Walla and Mrs. Vesta Dunning of La Grande. He is also survived by his wife and the following brothers and sisters; Sam, Will, and Charley C. Loney and Mrs. Mary … Read more

Biography of Dr. N. G. Blalock

DR. N.G. BLALOCK. – Americans in general and those of the West in particular have no equals in the world in versatility. No other people can do so many different things and do them so well as we. No other people so disregard the conventional and regular ways of doing things, and go across lots to conclusions and results so promptly. On our Western border is this especially manifest. Face to face with nature in some of her most remarkable and powerful manifestations, with all things new and untried, we burgeon out our powers untrammeled by custom or artificial restraints. … Read more

Fleshman, Mintie Courtwright Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Mintie E. Fleshman, of Albany, a former resident of Wallowa County and well known here, passed away Sunday morning, February 19, 1973 in the Albany nursing home following a lengthy illness. Mrs. Fleshman was born at Logan, Iowa, on October 2, 1891, daughter of Peter Courtwright and Amanda Henderson. On December 10, 1910 she was married at Milton to Robert Lee Fleshman. For many years the couple farmed on Alder Slope. In 1947 they moved to Walla Walla where he passed away in 1949. She had lived in Albany since 1966. She was a member of Albany First Methodist … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. W. Stratton

H. W. STRATTON, the subject of this sketch, after a number of years spent in business in Ohio, was ordained to the ministry in 1866 over the same church of which his father had been pastor nearly a quarter of a century. Soon afterwards he began preaching in Kansas, continuing five years, and in 1871 came to Oregon, ministering to the Presbyterian and Congregational churches united at Albany. Leaving that field at the instance of his presbytery, he served a church as synodical missionary for one year, among other things organizing the first Presbyterian churches east of the Cascade Mountains … Read more

Allen, Lloyd – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Last Rites Held For Lloyd Allen Lloyd Allen, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Allen, early pioneers of Wallowa passed away in the Walla Walla Hospital of a heart attack Thursday evening, January 24, 1952. Mr. Allen was born in Wallowa on December 18, 1883 and spent the early part of his life in Lower Valley and Lostine where he attended school and later was in the hardware and furniture business with his brother, Challis. He became a member of the Christian church at an early age. On June 18, 1913 he was united … Read more

Sturm, Robert Charles, “Bob” – Obituary

Flora, Oregon Bob passed away at his home in Puyallup, Washington on January 2, 2002, held by his wife and soul mate Susan and surrounded by his 4 furred children. He was born in Walla Walla, Washington on 12/20/49 to Jack and Wanda Sturm. Growing up on a farm in Flora, Oregon and involved in 4-H, he met a young lady by the name of Susan Benson when he was 14 and did some serious flirting for a week at 4-H summer school. Bob attended Enterprise High School and then dated his young 4-H friend for a summer. After high … Read more

Biography of George H. Holmes

GEORGE H. HOLMES. – Among the prominent and successful agriculturists an stockmen of the county, there are none that take rank above the gentleman, whose name is at the head of this article, and whose enterprising and capable efforts in the lines that he pursues have resulted not only in success for himself in his ventures of business but have aided materially in the advancement of interests of the county and in augmenting its wealth, while also he has always displayed commendable principles of uprightness and sound discretion, as well as unswerving integrity and intrinsic moral worth. George H. Holmes … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. D. Martin

One half mile southeast from Harney is one of the finest small grain farms in the county. It consists of eighty acres of choice land and is well under cultivation. The improvements are of a quality and kind quite fitting such an estate and its owner is the subject of this article. Mr. Martin was about the first man to try raising grain in this locality and he has made a marked success in this direction. He raised in 1901 the largest crop of any one man in Harney county and he is classed as one of the leading agriculturists … Read more

Biography of M. J. Morlan

M.J. MORLAN. – This prominent citizen of The Dalles was born in Lake County, Ohio, in 1835. In 1846 he moved to La Salle County, Illinois. In that state his parents were successful in securing good land and in improving their farms; and this was the home of our subject until he attained his majority. With a somewhat limited education, but with abundance of muscle and determination, he began life for himself working as a hired hand on his father’s farm, and saving nearly all his earnings. His innate ambition and desire to reach the higher walks of life induced … Read more

Rees, R. R. Major – Obituary

On last Thursday morning Dr. C.H. Day received a telegram from Walla Walla announcing the death of Major Raymond R. Rees at that place. Deceased was an uncle of Mrs. Dr. Day and well known by many in this vicinity. Mr. Rees came to Walla Walla in 1861 and was one of the original owners of the Statesman published in that city. He leaves a wife and three children. The Walla Walla Journal says of him: He was always called major, from his boyhood up and the title stuck to him all through life with becoming modesty. Politically, he was … Read more

Nelson, Violet S. Loney – Obituary

Violet Nelson, 80, a resident of the Washington Odd Fellows Home, died there April 7, 1996. The rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Herring Funeral Home, 315 W. Alder St. The funeral mass will be 10 a.m. Thursday at Assumption Catholic Church with the Rev. Otto Koltzenburg officiating for both services. Burial will follow in Mountain View Cemetery, 2120 S. Second Ave. Memorial contributions may be made to the Alzheimer’s or American Diabetes associations through the funeral home. Mrs. Nelson was born Feb. 22, 1916, in Waitsburg to William D. and Evangeline Strobel Loney. She worked at … Read more