Biographical Sketch of Frank Perkins Whitman

Whitman, Frank Perkins; physicist; born, Troy, N. Y., July 29, 1853; son of William Warren and Caroline Keith (Perkins) Whitman; A. B., Brown University, 1874, A. M. 1877 (hon. Sc. D., 1900); studied Johns Hopkins; married Charlotte Webster Wheeler, of Providence, R. I., May 26, 1881; instructor in English and Classical Schools, Providence, 1874-1878; prof. physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, 1880-1885; Western Reserve University since 1886; Fellow A. A. A. S. (vice pres. 1898); member American Physical Society, Astronomical and Astrophysical Society, America, Illuminating engineering Society. Contributor to scientific journals.

Biography of Wolf Lewis

Wolf Lewis. The modern merchant is the man who knows what the people want and supplies the best facilities for meeting those wants. He acts on that solid commercial principle that real success is only a return for an adequate service rendered. Of Champaign merchants of this class there is no more conspicuous example than Wolf Lewis, whose department store in the large Illinois Building means to Champaign County about what the Marshall Field store means to the shopping public of Chicago. Mr. Lewis is a merchant almost by birthright, but has profited by a long and thorough experience and … Read more

Stetson Family of Bridgewater, MA

The Stetson family of Bridgewater is one of the oldest and most prominent in that section of the State, and it has for upward of two centuries been identified with the manufacturing interests of the town, its representatives being the founders of the iron industry of Bridgewater. Especial reference is made to Capt. Abisha Stetson, who was one of the first to engage in the iron business; his son, Nahum Stetson, whose name was a household word in his native town, and who by his great foresight, enterprise and progressive ideas built up the great Bridgewater Iron Works; and the latter’s sons and grandsons, all men of substance and good citizenship.

Biography of Rev. James T. Dougherty

When De Nonville and his French army, in 1687, destroyed the Indian village of Gannagaro and Gaudougarae, the inhabitants were driven eastward and formed a village near the foot of Canandaigua Lake, which village and lake have since then borne that name. Among the Indian inhabitants in those days were many Catholics, some of them Senecas and most of them Hurons and Algonquin captives, the result of fifty years of missionary labor of the zealous Jesuits. Even in our day the beads and crucifixes given the Indians by the missionaries are still picked up on the sites of the old … Read more

Ancestors of William Mason of Taunton, Massachusetts

Mason Machine Works - Mason Machine Works, Taunton, Massachusetts, 1899 Catalog

It is to the life and paternal lineage of the late William Mason of Taunton that this article is directed, he being a direct descendant from one of the old pioneers and Indian fighters of this section in its early settlement – Major John Mason, of Pequot fame, from whom William Mason’s descent is through Daniel, Peter, Japhet, Japhet Mason (2) and Amos Mason.

Biography of Michael C. Normoyle

In the olden days the kings and rulers of countries erected palaces, temples or shrines in honor of themselves and to serve as monuments perpetuating their memory after they had passed away, but how much more does one do for civilization and his fellow men who aids in the substantial upbuilding of a city, the promotion of enterprises that add to its prosperity or the establishment of movements that produce progress and improvement along intellectual, social and material lines. Such Michael Charles Normoyle has done. No resident of Kendrick through the past nine years has done more for the city … Read more

Cooke, Susan Brewster – Obituary

Mrs. Susan E. Cooke, Kittitas Pioneer, Dies At Age Of 89. Was Resident Of Valley Since 1870; Crossed Plains In 1851; Funeral Monday; Deceased Came From Noted Family; Was Descendant Of Pilgrim Following a decline suffered nearly two years ago, Mrs. Susan Eliza Brewster Cooke, one of the oldest pioneers of Kittitas Valley, died last night at the family residence, 11 miles northeast of Ellensburg [died March 11, 1921]. Last Monday Mrs. Cooke celebrated her 89th birthday, having been born in Waterford County, four miles from Troy, New York, on March 7, 1832. Mrs. Cooke was a direct descendant of … Read more

Biography of William L. Learned

WILLIAM L. LEARNED AN ALBANY jurist whose long and interesting career has reflected no little credit upon himself as well as upon the city of his adoption, is the Hon. William Law Learned, of the supreme court. He was born on the 24th of July, 1821, at New London, Connecticut, and is the son of Ebenezer Learned and Lydia Coit, his second wife. His ancestry is of English origin. His ancestors emigrated to this country at an early day, and settled in Charlestown, Mass. The first admission to the First church of Charlestown was that of his ancestor, William Learned, … Read more

Biography of Levi Livermore Tucker

Levi Livermore Tucker, late superintendent and president of the Kansas Wesleyan Business College of Salina, devoted practically his entire life to the training of young men and women for business. Fully forty years were given to that profession, and few men accomplished a more satisfying aggregate of results in this field than Professor Tucker. He was of New England birth and ancestry. The farm in Orange County, Vermont, where he was born December 10, 1853, was also the birthplace of his father, Levi Livermore Tucker, Sr., and the house that thus served as a birthplace to these two generations was … Read more

James Harvey Todd of Dixon IL

James Harvey Todd8, (Henry7, John6, John5, John4, John3, John2, Christopher1) born Aug. 1, 1825, died Sept. 16, 1899, married Jan. 4, 1865, Charlotte T., daughter of Otis and Abigail L. (Perkins) Little, who was born Aug. 21, 1839, in Castine, Me., died June 5, 1915, in Dixon, Illinois Mr. Todd worked in New York City and Troy, N. Y., for some time at the tailors trade. He moved to Illinois in 1855, and settled in Dixon, where he kept a clothing store and was in the same building for over thirty years. His health was never good, so he led … Read more

Biography of Norman M. Ruick

This distinguished practitioner at the bar of Idaho has been connected with the leading interests of the state for some years, and in all the relations of life he has commanded the respect and confidence of his fellow men by his fidelity to duty and his devotion to the interests entrusted to his care. He comes from the far east, being a native of Connecticut. His birth occurred in Granby, that state, on the 4th of October, 1854, and his ancestry includes both Irish and Puritan stock. His paternal great-grandfather, a native of the Emerald Isle, emigrated to the New … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Welch Frazier

Frazier, James Welch; consulting engineer; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., July 4, 1870; son of George G. and Sadie B. Smith Frazier; educated, Grammar and High School, Allegheny, Pa.; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; graduated, 1894, degree of Civil Engineer; married, Troy, N. Y., 1895, Jennie H. Van Deusen; two daughters, Ruth and Helen; chief engineer Federal St. & Pleasant Valley R. R., Pittsburg, 1894-1896; asst. engineer Pennsylvania Co., in office of chief engineer, 1896-1899; engineer Brown Hoisting Mchy. Co., 1899-1905; member of firm Frazier & Fox, 1905-1910; pres. The J. W. Frazier Co., 1910, to date; member of board of consulting engineers in … Read more

Biography of Hon. Harrison Clothier

HON. HARRISON CLOTHIER. – The subject of this short sketch was born in Corinth, Saratoga county, New York, on the 9th of July, 1840, and is the son of Ebenezer K. and Lucy Clothier. He remained in the place of his birth until 1868, with the exception of three years spent in New Jersey and in Troy, New York. Then he put into execution the advice of Horace Greeley, and emigrated to Wisconsin. After a short time there he journeyed on to Minnesota, where he devoted his time to farming in the summer and teaching in the winter. In 1872 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles R. Briggs

Charles R. Briggs, portrait-painter, Charleston; was born in Washington Co. N. Y., Jan. 5, 1816; his father was a farmer and carriage-manufacturer in Easton; at the age of 17 years, he left home, and going to Troy, apprenticed himself to the trade of a coach-painter; he remained there four years and helped to paint the first passenger-coaches on the Albany & Schenectady Railroad; thence he went to Buffalo, N. Y., and entered the employ of Benjamin Rathbone, the great contractor of that city; about a year later, he went to New York City, and thence, shortly afterward, came West; this … Read more

Biography of Dudley Emerson Cornell, General

Gen. Dudley Emerson Cornell. The career of the late Gen. Dudley Emerson Cornell was one characterized by participation in various lines of endeavor and experiences of an interesting and extraordinary character; by faithful devotion to the duties and responsibilities of both peace and war; by success in business; and by a high type of citizenship that won to him the friendship and esteem of men in all walks of life. From 1866 until his death, in 1911, he was a resident of Kansas, and during this time was not only widely known in business circles as a man of sound … Read more

Fall River Branch of the Lincoln Family

henry lincoln

From its earliest history Taunton has been an important manufacturing center, from the building of the first dam on Mill river, near what became Cohasset street, and the first mill. Thomas Lincoln from Hingham became the owner of this mill in 1649, and soon after removed his family hither. As stated elsewhere he came from old England to New England in 1635, locating at Hingham. He continued proprietor of the mill about thirty-three years, when at his death his sons John and Samuel Lincoln came into possession of it. Caleb Lincoln, the farmer and miller of Westville village, was of the sixth generation in descent from Thomas Lincoln the “miller,” and it has been through his family and his descendants that the manufacturing proclivities of the earlier, family have been kept alive, and, too, in a conspicuous manner, as several of his sons and grandsons have long together and in turn been largely and successfully identified with some of the extensive manufacturing enterprises of that city of great industries – Fall River – and as well been among the substantial men and prominent citizens of that place; notably the late Jonathan Thayer Lincoln, long recognized as a man of superior business ability – to whose mechanical ingenuity and business sagacity was largely due the successful building up of the firm of Kilburn, Lincoln & Co., of which he was long a member, and of which concern later, on its incorporation, he became the executive head; and the latter’s sons Henry C. Edward and Leontine Lincoln, all of whom were reared and trained under the direction of the father in the concern, Henry C. Lincoln succeeding his father on the latter’s death to the presidency of it; while Leontine Lincoln has been for nearly forty years treasurer, and has been long identified with other extensive enterprises of Fall River.

Biography of Frank Hinckley

Frank Hinckley, one of the most successful horticulturists in San Bernardino Valley, is a native of Rhode Island. His father, E. B. Hinckley, was an architect and builder. He early came to California, where he died in 1880. The subject of this sketch was graduated at the Polytechnic Institute at Troy, New York, in civil engineering, and almost immediately after came to California, his first work as a civil engineer was on the fortifications in San Francisco. He next worked on the Northern Pacific Railroad. He followed engineering for a period of ten years, and has since given his attention … Read more

Biography of Colonel Henry Curtis

One of the prominent citizens of Rock Island, and a man of high standing in the legal profession, was Colonel Henry Curtis, deceased. He was born at Boston, Massachusetts, August 13, 1834, the home of his parents. Henry and Rebecca L. (Everett) Curtis, and in that city he spent his boyhood and received his preliminary education. This was finished by a course in the English High School of his native city, which fitted him for entrance into the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy, New York, where he pursued an engineering course, and graduated in 1855 as a civil engineer. In … Read more

Biography of Thomas W. Hallock

Thomas W. Hallock, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Jan. 20, 1811; he was raised on a farm until he was 15 years old, and then went to Troy, N. Y., where he learned the trade of a coachmaker; he worked for Eaton & Gilbert, at that time one of the largest coachmaking firms in the country; he helped to build the first railway-coach in this country, in 1829; this coach was run on the Amboy & Burtontown R. R., and was drawn by horses. Going to New York City in 1833, he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George E. Hartson

GEORGE E. HARTSON. – The subject of this sketch, editor and proprietor of the Skagit News, was born in Troy, New York, in 1855. While but an infant his parents made a new home in Wisconsin, and nine years later in Iowa. In 1869 they came to California, but almost immediately continued their travels up the coast, coming to a final halt at Coupville, Washington Territory. Young Hartson accompanied them, and at this place made such good use of the public school as to be able at the age of seventeen to engage as teacher; but in 1872 he made … Read more