Crossler, Eliza Mary – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Eliza Crossler Services Held Eliza Mary Crossler passed away at her home in Walla Walla November 28. She was born February 2, 1878, at Sweet Home, Oregon. Her parents, George and Mary Hearing, with their family, came to Wallowa County in 1884, settling in the hill country east of Lostine where they farmed many years and endured the hardships of the early pioneers. Years later they moved to Lostine and then to Wallowa. Eliza was married to George Childers and to this union seven children were born, five of whom survive. Mr. Childers carried the Lostine … Read more

Marks, Tom O. – Obituary

Tom Marks Dies At Home Here Tom O. Marks passed away at 7:45 p.m. August 5 at his home in Enterprise at the age of 80 years. Mr. Marks was born at Sweet Home, Ore., Dec. 9, 1866, and lived in Olax, Prineville and Arlington before moving to Imnaha at the age of 23 where he lived on a homestead. In 1905 he and Charles Rice formed a partnership and together they raised cattle for ten years. He was married Sept. 15, 1915, to Mrs. Vertie Snell at Vancouver, Wash. While living on the Imnaha he served as deputy sheriff, … Read more

Young, Steven Eugene – Obituary

Steven Eugene Young, 55, of Hereford and formerly of Blackfoot, Idaho, died May 2, 2005, at Holy Rosary Medical Center in Ontario after a long illness. His graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Gilliland Cemetery in Sweet Home. Vault interment will be at Gilliland Cemetery. Steve was born on Aug. 5, 1949, at Longview, Wash., to Oscar Gene Young and Betty Alaine Wood. As a family they traveled extensively, wherever the logging jobs took them. The family finally settled at Sweet Home, where Steve attended high school. Steve became quite an athlete and loved sports, especially football. … Read more

Wood, Oliver – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Oliver Wood Rites Being Held Today Funeral services for Oliver Wood are being conducted by the Bollman Funeral Home today (Thursday) at 2 p.m. at the Christian Church with the Rev. Lester Wells officiating. Mrs. Harry Stein will be organist and Ella McArtor and Sue Smyth will sing “Whispering Hope” and “Beyond The Sunset.” Casket bearers will be E. J. Hook, Howard Williamson, Orval McArtor, Delbert Wart, S. G. Sheets and John Lewis. Interment will be in the Enterprise cemetery. Mr. Wood had been in failing health for the past five years and had been a patient in … Read more

Flint, Beulah May Nye Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Beulah May Flint, 95, a long-time resident of Nye Road near Baker City, died April 23, 2004, at her home. Her funeral will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Pastor Ralph Holcomb will officiate. Private vault interment at Mount Hope Cemetery. Visitations will be until 7 o’clock tonight and from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesday at the funeral home. Beulah was born Jan. 19, 1909, at Roberts southeast of Prineville to Granville and May Connett Nye. Her early years were spent at Sweet Home, Klamath Falls and Wilbur near Roseburg. In 1946, … Read more

Fish, C. A. Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. C.A. Fish Answers Call Mrs. C.A. Fisk died at La Grande last Thursday, Feb. 28. Services were held Sunday afternoon from the Booth chapel with Rev. Howard Stover officiating. Nellie May Marks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Marks, was born at Sweet Home, Oregon, on March 29, 1879. When she was 11 years of age she came with her parents to Wallowa County, the family locating on the Imnaha River. She continued to live in Wallowa county most of her life. On Dec. 30, 1902, she was united in marriage to C. A. Fisk. … Read more

Courtney, Alva

Alva Courtney, 90, of Sweet Home, died Feb. 14, 2005. A graveside service was held today at the North Powder Cemetery. Workman & Steckley Funeral Chapel of Sweet Home handled the arrangements. Alva was born Dec. 10, 1914, in Anadarko, Okla., to Joseph and Myrtle English Courtney. He married Pauline Coates on Aug. 7, 1937, in Haines. She preceded him in death in 1972. He served in the U.S. Army in World War II. Alva is survived by his daughter and son-in-law, Juanita and Nick Hutchins of Sweet Home; two grandsons, Jeff Hutchins and his wife, Sally, of Lebanon and … Read more