Biography of Arthur C. Trumbo

The development and success of the Muskogee National Bank is attributable in no small measure to Arthur C. Trumbo, an alert, energetic and farsighted business man, who in financial circles has made a most creditable name and place for himself. He was born on a farm in Allen county, Ohio, on the 6th of August, 1866, and attended the country schools until he reached the age of seventeen, when he began teaching and soon afterward was made principal of the Columbus Grove high school at Columbus Grove, Ohio. Desirous of enjoying still further educational advantages himself, he later became a … Read more

Angola High School Yearbooks 1906-1917, 1925-1975

1906 Photo of Angola High School, Angolia, Indiana

Angola High School yearbooks were named the Spectator up to about the year 1917, by 1925 they had taken the name The Key, and continued with that name through 1975. First published in 1905, by its senior class, the student yearbook format varies year by year. The 1906 class yearbook contains a list of past principals, teachers, and alumni (with current 1906 town.)

Historical sketches of Fremont, Cedar Lake, Ray, Clear Lake, Indiana

Historical sketches of N.E. Fremont Twp., Cedar Lk., Ray, Clear Lk., Michigan border, Steuben County, Indiana

Historical sketches of N.E. Fremont Twp., Cedar Lk., Ray, Clear Lk., Michigan border, Steuben County, Indiana. Included with these books is a separate manuscript called “William Duguid Descendants and History in America.” This manuscript starts at image 653 of 886 in volume 1. Volume 2 contains the Cedar Lake Congregation Session Records 1841-1892 and Deeds, Documents and Letters concerning the William Duguid descendants. Both volumes contain historical articles and remembrances concerning the area in Steuben County Indiana.

Biography of James Boyd Hitt

James Boyd Hitt, who had been actively identified with school work nearly twenty years, is now superintendent of the city schools of Everest, Brown County. Mr. Hitt did his first work as an educator in his native State of Ohio and had been connected with kansas schools for about ten years. His forefathers in the Hitt family were of Scotch-Irish ancestry and were early settlers in Virginia. His grandfather, Garrett T. Hitt, was born in Culpeper County, Virginia. He came North and located in Ohio, at first in Tuscarawas County and later in Williams County. He followed farming, and after a … Read more

County Line Cemetery, Salem Township, Indiana

County Line Cemetery, Salem Township, Indiana

The County Line Cemetery is located on the north side of the DeKalb — Steuben County Line, also known as State Road 4. It is 2 miles west of Ashley, Indiana, in Salem Township, Section 35, Steuben County Indiana. This transcription was taken in 1999 by Paul Reinoehl and self-published by him. It contains two separate listings, the first in order of the 287 headstones enumerated, the second in alphabetical order.

Biography of William C. Phenicie

William C. Phenicie, an honored veteran of the Civil war, a resident of Kansas for more than half a century, had played his varied part in life with exceeding industry, thrift, and a public spirited sense of responsibility as a citizen. He is now a resident of Tonganoxie in Leavenworth County. His birth occurred on a farm near Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio, December 19, 1841. His parents were George W. and Mary Ann (Howk) Phenicie. His father was an Ohio farmer. He also had the pioneer spirit which led Americans of all classes away from the settled states into the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Vail

Isaac Vail, proprietor of livery, feed and sale stable, Charleston; was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Nov. 29, 1833; in 1839, his father removed with his family to Chautauqua Co., N. Y., and after residing there ten years, to Erie Co., Penn., thence the next year to Steuben Co., Ind., and, in 1851, to Coles Co.; his father located 800 acres of Government land in Hickory Tp., four miles north of Charleston, at a cost of $700. Three years later he removed to Livingston Co., where he is a prominent farmer. Mr. Vail left home in 1852, driving an … Read more

1923 Historical and Pictorial Directory of Angola Indiana

1923 Angola Indiana Directory Book Cover

Luedders’ historical and pictorial city directory of Angola, Indiana for the year 1923, containing an historical compilation of items of local interest, a complete canvass of names in the city, which includes every member of the family, college students, families on rural lines, directory of officers of county, city, lodges, churches, societies, a directory of streets, and a classified business directory.

Dwight Imnah Todd of Williston ND

Dwight Imnah Todd9, (James A.8, Alfred7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 19, 1877, in Burr Oak, Mich., married June 24, 1903, Jessie Valentine, daughter of Henry Edmund and Elizabeth C. Willard, who was born Feb. 14, 1897, in Fort Wayne, Ind. She attended the Angola Normal School, after which, she taught school several years in Fort Wayne, Ind., and neighboring towns. She studied vocal music in Chicago, Ill., and Meadville, Penn.; was later a soprano soloist. He graduated from the High School in Burr Oak, Mich., and later attended the Normal School in Angola, Ind. At one … Read more

Biography of David C. Stahlman

David C. Stahlman, M. D.The kind of energy, resource and large-mindedness required of the man who would succsed in any of the learned professions in these days of strennous effort seem to be an integral part of the equipment of Dr. David C. Stahlman, a medical and surgical practitioner, who with the exception of two years had been engaged in the practice of his honored calling at Potwin, Butler County, since 1900. The recipient of a patronage that is as remnnerative financially as it is satisfying intellectually, Doctor Stahlman is an enthusiastic and careful thinker, and notwithstanding his well known … Read more