Will of David Carwithy – 1666

DAVID CARWITHY, Southold. “Mr. Carwithy being visited with sickness, desires to set things in order, Being weake in body, but in perfect memory. Leaves to son Caleb “my best suit of clothes and a bed blanket.” To daughter Martha a scythe and a Bible. To daughter Elizabeth Crowner £9 sterling. “As for my son David I left him his portion when I came from him,” but adds 20 shillings. Makes daughter Sarah Curtis sole executrix. Dated August 30, 1665. Witnesses, John Conckliug, Sr., Simon Grover, Jacob Conckling. Proved Nov. ——, 1665. Sarah Curtis, “of Hashamomack, neare Southold,” is confirmed as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Deacon Nathaniel Horton

(VI) Deacon Nathaniel (2) Horton, son of Nathaniel (1) Horton, was born in Southold, in 1741, and married, 1761, Rebecca Robinson, born June 21, 1742, died December 14, 1819. He died August 13, 1824. Children, born in Chester: Huldah, January 14, 1762: Rebecca, December 31, 1763: Jonah. 1765; Susan, 1767: Polly, 1769; Nathaniel; Hiram; Mehitabel : Elisha, about 1777, mentioned elsewhere; Nathaniel, 1778; Esther, about 1782.

Will of John Elton – 1675

JOHN ELTON, Southold. “Being very weake.” Leaves one half of movable estate to wife, the other half to Isaac Overton. Leaves to wife one half of lands and houses during life. After her decease the whole to go to Isaac Overton, “my sister’s son.” To daughter in law, Anna Nicolls, £10, in cattle. Makes his “trusty and well beloved friends,” Mr. Joshua Hobert and Mr. Thomas Hutchinson executors, and they are “to use all decent means to promote the welfare of my estate, and to counsel and direct my dear wife and kinsman, as may be most to God’s glory, … Read more

Will of Philemon Dickinson, – 1672

Letters of administration granted to Mary Dickinson, relict of PHILEMON DICKINSON, late of Southold. “She being made sole executrix in his will, which was proved at Court of Sessions in Southold in July last.” October 28, 1672. LIBER 1-2, page 101

Biographical Sketch of Caleb Horton

(II) Caleb, son of Barnabas Horton, was born at Southold in the autumn of 1640, and married there, December 23, 1665, Abigail, daughter of Peter Hallock, the Pilgrim. They settled at Cutchogue, Southold township, Long Island, and he was accepted as freeman, of Connecticut, 1664. He had land deeded to him the same year. In 1683 his valuation was three hundred and fifty pounds. In 1686 he had four males and six females in his family. His wife died in 1697, and he, October 3, 1702. Children, born in Cutchogue: Barnabas, September 23, 1666, mentioned elsewhere; Jonathan, 1668; Nathan, 1670; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Barnabas Horton

(I) Barnabas Horton, immigrant ancestor, is supposed to have been the son of Joseph Hotrod, of Mousely, Leicester county, England, and was born there, July 13, 1600. He emigrated to America id the ship “Swallow,” Captain Jeremy Hotrod, master and owner, in 1635 or 1638, and landed at Hampton, Massachusetts. He removed to New Haven in 1640, with his wife, Mary, and two children, Joseph and Benjamin. He settled permanently in Southold, Suffolk county, New York, October, 1640. Children, the first two born in England, the others in Southold: Joseph, about 1632; Benjamin, about 1634; Caleb, about 1640, mentioned elsewhere; … Read more

Will of Thomas Terry, Sr. – 1671

THOMAS TERRY, SR., Southold. “I, Thomas Terry, Sen., of Southold, being very sicke and weake.” Leaves to beloved wife (not named) fifteen bushels of corn yearly, during her life. Ten bushels to be paid by my son Daniel, and five by my son Thomas. Also household goods and four bushels of apples yearly. “And if my son Daniel marry, and they doe not like to live together, then my son Daniel shall build my wife a convenient house for her comfortable living” To daughter Elizabeth a cow when she marries or comes of age. Legacies to daughter Ruth and daughter … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel Horton

(V) Nathaniel, son of Caleb (2) Horton, was born at Southold. October 13. 1719, and married, about 1740. Mehitabel Wells. They removed to Chester, New Jersey, in 1748. She died December 10. 1801. He died January 24, 1804. Children, the first two born in Southold, the others in Chester: Deacon Nathaniel, 1741, mentioned elsewhere; Benjamin, 1743; David, September 2, 1750; Daniel, married Martha Terry; Polly, married Caleb Terry; Mehitabel, married Edward Lewis.

Letter of Administration of John Concklin, Jr. – 1666

“JOHN CONCKLIN, Jr., of Hashamomack, neare Southold, in the East Riding of Yorkshire,” having married Sarah, “late widow of Wm. Salmon, who had then divers young children, of whom he hath had greate care, and been at considerable expense in bringing them up,” Letters of Administration on estate of William Salmon were granted to him in November, 1665, and confirmed March 19, 1666. Whereas, John Concklin, Jr., of Hashamomack, did intermarry with Sarah, widow of Wm. Salmon, late of Southold, with whom he left six children, four of which he had by Katharine his former wife, and the other two … Read more