Biography of John D. Burton

John D. Burton. Like many of his contemporaries in the field of journalism in Southeastern Kansas, John D. Burton, proprietor and editor of the Potwin Ledger, began his career at the case. His entire life had been devoted to newspaper work, as compositor, editor and owner of publications in various parts of the country, but principally in Kansas, where he had resided and labored since the fall of 1878. While his present publication was founded only recently, it had already gained a wide circulation and promises to become an organ of influence in public matters under Mr. Burton’s wise and experienced direction. John D. … Read more

Biography of Charles Hedricks

In the death of this esteemed and worthy citizen Wallowa County suffered the loss of one of her best known and most widely beloved and substantial sons and his demise was a time of general mourning to all who knew him. Mr. Hedricks was capable and enterprising, and his real worth and noble qualities were manifest to all. Charles Hedricks was born on January 28, 1828, in West Virginia, to Charles and Hannah (Collins) Hedricks. The father was a native of West Virginia and was also a skilled machinist and he wrought for some time in the large iron works … Read more

Biography of Adam Loch

Adam Loch. The rewards attainable through a life of industry are forcibly illustrated in the career of Adam Loch, one of the leading and successful business men of Chanute and vice president of the Fidelity State Bank. Since early youth he had depended wholly and solely upon his own resources, working out his own success and steadily advancing to success and position along the commercial and financial path. His career should be an incentive for renewed effort by the youth of today who are starting life without friends or fortune to aid them. Mr. Loch was born at Springfield, Illinois, … Read more

Biography of Charles B. Johnson, M. D.

Charles B. Johnson, M. D. Valuable work in his profession and an unusual variety of experience contribute to make the career of Dr. C. B. Johnson one of note in Champaign County, where he has lived for the past forty-six years. Doctor Johnson is a veteran Union soldier, is grandson of a Revolutionary soldier, and’ during the half century since he came out of the Northern army he has been in the active practice of medicine and is still a competent member of his profession and one of Champaign County’s most useful citizens. Doctor Johnson was born at Pocahontas in … Read more

Biography of Arren Bray

ARREN BRAY. Among the families who have been residents of Christian County since 1840 we are pleased to name the one represented by our subject. Mark Bray, the father of our subject, brought his family to this county from North Carolina in 1840 and became one of the wealthy and influential citizens of the county. Arren Braly was born in the Old North State November 15, 1835, and was fifth in order of birth of nine children. He was but five years of age when his parents came to Missouri and he attended the first school in this part of … Read more

Biography of John Russell Stewart

John Russell Stewart. As a citizen who for many years was closely identified with journalism and local affairs in Champaign County, the people of this section feel a corresponding interest in the personality and career of John Russell Stewart. As supervising editor of this publication, the publishers feel that this interest should be gratified by the inclusion of a brief personal biography. He was born on his father’s farm in Butler County, Pennsylvania, November 6, 1840, a son of William and Eliza Jane (Gibson) Stewart, who were both of direct Scotch-Irish descent. Mr. Stewart received his education in the local … Read more

Breshears, W.R., Mrs. – Obituary

Wallowa, Oregon Mrs. W.R. Breshears Dies at Hospital Mrs. W. Reuben Breshears of Wallowa died Friday morning, April 10, 1942, at the Enterprise hospital where she had been a patient for the past week. She was sixty five years of age and had not been well for a long time. Mrs. Breshears was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, and from there moved to Springfield, Illinois. She was married in 1905. The family have been residents of Wallowa county for twenty-five years and have lived in the town of Wallowa for the past eight years. Surviving, besides her husband, are four children, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Guerdon Stearns Holden

Holden, Guerdon Stearns; sec’y Hollenden Hotel Co.; born, Cleveland, Dec. 9, 1881; son of Liberty E. and Delia Elizabeth Bulkley Holden; educated at University School, Cleveland, Worcester Academy, Harvard University (A. B., 1904); married, Springfield, Ill., June 3, 1911, Elinor Chase; sec’y Hollenden Hotel Co., director Plain Dealer Pub. Co.; member Phi Beta Kappa, Chamber of Commerce, Country, University, and Harvard Clubs.

Biography of Edward Everett Wall

Edward Everett Wall, water commissioner of St. Louis, who has ever met the requirements of his public position in an eminently satisfactory way, was born at Cambridge, Saline county, Missouri, August 15, 1860, and is a son of John and Mary (Gault) Wall. The father, born in 1819, went to Saline county, Missouri, in 1833, his father there entering three hundred and twenty acres of land, a greater portion of which constitutes the farm now occupied by two of the sons of John Wall. As a member of Doniphan’s regiment John Wall served through the Mexican war and afterward crossed … Read more

Biography of Hon. James Harvey Slater

HON. JAMES HARVEY SLATER. – Mr. Slater has ever borne a conspicuous part in the public affairs of Oregon; and no one has preserved a more honorable name. His mental qualities are solid rather than brilliant, and his operations weighty rather than keen. He is a man whose integrity has never been impeached; and he has ever been relied upon as a friend of the people. In his two terms at Washington, once as congressman, once as senator, he has performed some very effective work for our state; and all Oregonians hold him in high esteem. The following brief sketch … Read more

History of Williamsville Illinois, 1853-1953

Williamsville centennial souvenir program, 1853-1953

The “Williamsville Centennial Souvenir Program, 1853-1953,” authored by Jane Brown Groves, is an historical record celebrating the first hundred years of Williamsville, Illinois. Published in 1953 by “Star” Printing Co. in Springfield, Illinois, this program is dedicated to Miss Jane B. Groves for her relentless dedication to compiling the historical data contained within. Her family had been integral to the development of Williamsville for over a century, contributing to its economic, social, political, religious, and educational spheres.

Biography of Gen. Smith D. Atkins

Smith D. Atkins, who is a lawyer, soldier, journalist and politician, was born on the 9th of June, 1836, near Elmira, Chemung Co., N. Y.; he came with his father’s family to Illinois in 1848, and lived on a farm until 1850. He then became an apprentice in the office of the Prairie Democrat, which was the first paper published in Freeport. He was educated at Rock River Seminary, Mt. Morris, Ill., working in the printing-office and studying during his spare hours, and in 1852 obtained the foremanship of the Mt. Morris Gazette, while he was yet a student in … Read more

Biography of Abraham Graham

Abraham Graham. The quiet life and substantial accomplishments of the farmer have been the lot of Abraham Graham, who is now living in the town of Penfield, retired from the strenuous labors which marked his early youth. Mr. Graham has been identified with Champaign County almost half a century, and his life record is one that will be read with pleasure by his many friends and acquaintances as well as by his family. He long ago accumulated sufficient to protect him against the days that are to come, and the respect in which he is held is no less than … Read more

Biography of Roger E. Zombro

Roger E. Zombro is one of the live and enterprising business men of Champaign, and after a number of years of practical experience as an employee graduated into the ranks of independent merchants and now conducts one of the most popular men’s furnishing goods stores of the city, drawing his trade from the best classes of people. Mr. Zombro was born at Midland City, Illinois, October 16, 1880, a son of Jacob W. and Mary M. (Cheney) Zombro. His parents were both born at Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Jacob Zombro spent the last twenty years of his life in the insurance business, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Perce, William

Perce, William dealer in a general line of groceries, provisions and queensware, opened trade on October 4, 1880. He carries a stock of about $2,500. Came to Russell in 1874 and farmed five years. Was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, in 1817, and raised as a farmer. Moved to Springfield, Ill., in 1849, and engaged in the manufacture of brooms a few years. He was City Marshal of Springfield for one year, and Captain of the Police in 1860-61. Enlisted as First Lieutenant in Company C, Eleventh Missouri Volunteers, in July 1861. Resigned the next May on account of ill-health, … Read more

Biography of William Irvin Hammel

William Irvin Hammel is a young business man at Moran, and since establishing himself in that town had built up a very prosperous enterprise as a grain dealer and owned a half interest in the only elevator in that locality. He had also distinguished himself by a very progressive administration of the local city affairs in the office of mayor. Mr. Hammel was born in Sangamon County, Illinois, July 30, 1876, but had spent his life since early boyhood in Kansas. His people, the Hammels, came out of Germany and were Pennsylvania settlers in the colonial times. His grandfather, Samuel … Read more

Kimble, Lawrence W. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Lawrence W.Kimble was born at Benton, Pa, June 16, 1871. Died in Enterprise, Sunday, October 6th, 1918. When Lawrence was five years of age his parents and family moved to Springfield, Illinois where they remained seven years, then moving to Minnesota. They returned to the old home in Pennsylvania where they now reside. Lawrence remained in the central west except for two years spent at the old home in Pennsylvania just before coming to the far west. He first moved to Kennewick, Wash., in 1911 and to Enterprise in the fall of 1912 when he became … Read more

Haun, Mellie Dodd Mrs. – Obituary

Pioneer Teacher Dies At Hospital Mrs. Mellie Dodd Haun, first principal of the Lostine school, passed away at the Wallowa Memorial hospital here Friday, March 20, 1953 at the age of 88. Mellie Dodd was born on a farm near Auburn, Illinois on January 14, 1865, the daughter of James E. and Annis Dodd. She started teaching school in her home community in Illinois when she was 15 years of age and taught there for a number of years before coming to Wallowa county about 1900 to become principal of the Lostine school. She was married to James F. Haun, … Read more

Foster, Carrie Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Carrie Poley Foster died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. L. Magill in Lostine, September 22, aged 71 years, nine months and six days. She was born near Auburn, Ill., and at the age of 16 years joined church and has been a faithful Christian ever since. She was married March 9, 1864, to B. O. Foster, who died and was buried at Ashland, Ore., 5 years ago. After a brief funeral service held at Lostine, the remains of Mrs. Foster were taken to Ashland and interred beside her husband. Frank Foster, a son, … Read more

Biography of Thomas Higginbotham

THOMAS HIGGINBOTHAM – The representative and well known gentleman whose name appears at the head of this article has been a resident of Union County for more than a score of years, and he is to-day numbered with the most substantial and influential citizens here, and his home place, a farm two miles northwest from Elgin, displays industry and thrift, coupled with which are his stanch qualities of worth and moral excellence. On March 17, 1856, in Wayne county, Kentucky, our Subject was born to James and Priscilla (Cullum) Higginbotham, natives also of the Blue Grass State. In 1863 the … Read more