Haun, Mellie Dodd Mrs. – Obituary

Pioneer Teacher Dies At Hospital Mrs. Mellie Dodd Haun, first principal of the Lostine school, passed away at the Wallowa Memorial hospital here Friday, March 20, 1953 at the age of 88. Mellie Dodd was born on a farm near Auburn, Illinois on January 14, 1865, the daughter of James E. and Annis Dodd. She started teaching school in her home community in Illinois when she was 15 years of age and taught there for a number of years before coming to Wallowa county about 1900 to become principal of the Lostine school. She was married to James F. Haun, … Read more

Biography of Shelby D. Taylor

Shelby D. Taylor. A large tract of Champaign County’s fertile acres have been developed and improved by Shelby D. Taylor, who still owns one of the valuable farms of the county, though for a number of years he has lived retired at Champaign. Mr. Taylor came to Champaign County thirty-five years ago. He was born in Morgan County, Illinois, May 15, 1851. His parents, both natives of Kentucky, were George and Polly E. (Tucker) Taylor. His father was born July 20, 1805, and died September 23, 1886, and his mother was born August 15, 1807, and died January 22, 1894. … Read more

Biography of Abraham Graham

Abraham Graham. The quiet life and substantial accomplishments of the farmer have been the lot of Abraham Graham, who is now living in the town of Penfield, retired from the strenuous labors which marked his early youth. Mr. Graham has been identified with Champaign County almost half a century, and his life record is one that will be read with pleasure by his many friends and acquaintances as well as by his family. He long ago accumulated sufficient to protect him against the days that are to come, and the respect in which he is held is no less than … Read more

Fogarty, Edward Francis – Obituary

E. F. Fogarty, 72. well-known Ellensburg accountant, died at his home at 509 North Ruby Street early this morning. He had been ill with a heart affliction for the past 16 months. He had been a resident of Ellensburg for 53 years. He was born at Springfield, Ill., July 31, 1869. He was educated there by the brothers of the Notre Dame University and was graduated from Bogardus Business College in business administration. In 1887 he came west and joined his three brothers in business in a merchandise store which they operated until the fire of 1889. For five years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ira B. Jackson

Ira B. Jackson, insurance agent, Mattoon; was born in Madison, Jefferson Co., Ind., Oct. 31, 1851; in 1855, his father removed with his family to Illinois, and settled in Sangamon Co., near Springfield; his early life was that of a farmer’s boy; he acquired a good common-school education; at the age of 18, he engaged in the business of photograph artist, which he followed two years; in 1872, he completed a business course in the Commercial College, at Terre Haute, Ind.; in 1874, he engaged in the grocery trade with Fallin Bros., under the firm name of Fallin Bros. & … Read more

Biography of Reverday J. Pierson

Reverday J. Pierson, junior member and business manager of the well-known firm of Holmes & Pierson, the editors and proprietors of the Riverside Daily Press and Weekly Horticulturist, of Riverside, is a native of Licking County, Ohio, and was born in 1848. When a child his parents moved to Springfield, Illinois, and thence in 1857 to Poweshiek County, Iowa. He was engaged in his attendance in the public schools until fifteen years of age, and then apprenticed to the printers trade at Montezuma, Iowa. After serving his apprenticeship, he commenced his travels as a journeyman, and was engaged on the … Read more

Kimble, Lawrence W. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Lawrence W.Kimble was born at Benton, Pa, June 16, 1871. Died in Enterprise, Sunday, October 6th, 1918. When Lawrence was five years of age his parents and family moved to Springfield, Illinois where they remained seven years, then moving to Minnesota. They returned to the old home in Pennsylvania where they now reside. Lawrence remained in the central west except for two years spent at the old home in Pennsylvania just before coming to the far west. He first moved to Kennewick, Wash., in 1911 and to Enterprise in the fall of 1912 when he became … Read more

Biography of John D. Burton

John D. Burton. Like many of his contemporaries in the field of journalism in Southeastern Kansas, John D. Burton, proprietor and editor of the Potwin Ledger, began his career at the case. His entire life had been devoted to newspaper work, as compositor, editor and owner of publications in various parts of the country, but principally in Kansas, where he had resided and labored since the fall of 1878. While his present publication was founded only recently, it had already gained a wide circulation and promises to become an organ of influence in public matters under Mr. Burton’s wise and experienced direction. John D. … Read more

Biography of Samuel V. Mallory

Samuel V. Mallory, now superintendent of the city schools of Morrill, Brown County, had been a, Kansas educator for many years. He had been connected at different times with the public schools of three states–Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma–and both as a teacher and administrator his work rests upon the seeure foundation of sincere and effective service. Mr. Mallory had lived in Kansas since early youth and he represents some of the best elements of American ancestry. His great-grandfather, John William Mallory, spent his life in Virginia, having been born near Harper’s Ferry. He married Elizabeth peyton, who was the daughter … Read more

Biography of Arren Bray

ARREN BRAY. Among the families who have been residents of Christian County since 1840 we are pleased to name the one represented by our subject. Mark Bray, the father of our subject, brought his family to this county from North Carolina in 1840 and became one of the wealthy and influential citizens of the county. Arren Braly was born in the Old North State November 15, 1835, and was fifth in order of birth of nine children. He was but five years of age when his parents came to Missouri and he attended the first school in this part of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Garthwait

Frank Garthwait, auction and commission merchant, Mattoon; was born in Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. 18, 1838; his father was a wholesale and retail grocery-man, and was one of the pioneers of the city; Frank obtained his education at the city schools, and at the age of 15, began the life of a printer’s devil in the Courier office; here he remained three years under charge of J. Canard, editor and proprietor of the paper; he next engaged in traveling and selling clocks for three years, and subsequently engaged in the sale of notions till 1861; he enlisted in the United … Read more

Stone, Manford Gilbert – Obituary

Manford Gilbert Stone, 73, of Hillsboro, Oregon, passed away today at the home of his son, Robert, in Battle Ground. Born in Springfield, Ill., he came west a number of years ago and to Battle Ground four months ago for a visit with three of his sons, Robert, Russell, and Gilbert. He was a member of the Church of Christ. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Fanny Stone of Hillsboro; six daughters, Mrs. Bertie Filer of Twisp, Wash., Mrs. Isabelle Romaine, St. Johns, Ore., Mrs. Margaret Noel, Seattle, Mrs. Mabel Robb, San Francisco, Calif., Mrs. Frances Hipple, Sacramento, Calif., Miss Laura … Read more

Biography of Prof. Robert Allyn Reed

Prof. Robert Allyn Reed. It is not given to every individual to find a business career that is entirely congenial. The musical genius too frequently finds that circumstances produce for him an environment in the necessary pursuits of every day life that is not satisfying and that bars him from progress and happiness. Happily, however, this has not been the experience of Prof. Robert Allyn Reed, of Coffeyville, who has achieved great success through a broad and comprehensive training and the possession of exceptional inherent talent, and who, as proprietor of the New York School of Music, occupies a very … Read more

Biography of Abraham Lincoln Barner

Some of the most substantial people of Kansas today, well able to ride about over the improved highways in their automobiles, came into the state in the early days with the slow and tedious method of the prairie schooner or the mover’s wagon. Such an emigrant party arrived in Sumner County in 1873. They had come overland from Central Illinois, being twenty-six days on route. Three wagons comprised the train, and the driver of one of those wagons, then thirteen years of age, was Abrabam Lincoln Barner, who is now living retired at Belle Plaine in Sumner County, and for … Read more

Caudle, Berkley – Obituary

Memorial Services Held At Lostine Memorial services for Berkeley Caudle who passed away at Wallowa Memorial hospital Wednesday, Saturday 22, were held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Christian church in Lostine, under the direction of the Booth-Bollman Funeral Home. The Rev. Robert John officiated. With Miss Martha Crow at the piano, Mrs. Orval McArtor sang “Under His Wings”, and she and Melvin Crow sang “Beyond The Sunset.” Pallbearers were Wm. E. Williams, Orval McArtor, C.F. (Bud) Wynans, Kenneth Keeler, Crawford Oveson and Howard Williamson, with internment in the Lostine Cemetery. Omitted from the list of survivors in last weeks … Read more

Biography of Eli A. Boutwell

Eli A. Boutwell, a farmer and lumberman of Hopkinton, N.H., son of Samuel P. and Lydia A. (Allen) Boutwell, was born in Barre, Vt., February 25, 1833. His lineage has not been traced; but a little research would probably show that he belongs to the old New England family of Boutwells, of which the Hon. George S. Boutwell, ex-Secretary of the Treasury, is a representative. Its founder, James Boutwell, said to have been made a freeman in Lynn, Mass., in 1638 or 1639, died in 1651, leaving a wife Alice, sons James and John, and a daughter Sarah. The sons … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Merrill F. Hackett

Merrill F. Hackett, retired farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Lexington, Fayette Co., Ky., Sept. 10, 1821; he removed with his parents, when 8 years of age, and located in Springfield, Sangamon Co., Ill., where he learned and worked at the trade of brickmason until 1841, at which time he removed to Charleston, Coles Co., and engaged at his trade and farming and stock-raising until 1856; he then removed to the northern part of Coles Co., where he followed farming and stock-raising until 1875, when he purchased his present place of about thirty acres, upon which he has a fine … Read more

Biography of Robert Harmon Hazlett

Robert Harmon Hazlett. Kansas is rapidly becoming a creditor state. It produces more than it consumes. It is flourishing, opulent and as progressive in material interests as in the field of legislation, social ideas and politics. Kansas farmers, Kansas business men, Kansas bankers are getting as securely established as factors in national affairs as Kansas politicians and social and civic leaders did in earlier years. One of these successful men whose achievements in some fields at least are well known beyond the borders of the state is Robert H. Hazlett, lawyer, banker, Hereford cattle breeder, and business man of El … Read more

Biography of John Russell Stewart

John Russell Stewart. As a citizen who for many years was closely identified with journalism and local affairs in Champaign County, the people of this section feel a corresponding interest in the personality and career of John Russell Stewart. As supervising editor of this publication, the publishers feel that this interest should be gratified by the inclusion of a brief personal biography. He was born on his father’s farm in Butler County, Pennsylvania, November 6, 1840, a son of William and Eliza Jane (Gibson) Stewart, who were both of direct Scotch-Irish descent. Mr. Stewart received his education in the local … Read more

Biography of Charles Daniel Ise

Charles Daniel Ise, a prominent lawyer and now county attorney of Montgomery County, had an individual record worthy of mention in this history of Kansas, and also represents a family which have many claims to distinction, some of them gained in this state, and others back in the Germen fatherland where the ancestors for generations were of the nobility. In Germany the name was spelled Eisenmenger. The family seat for generations had been in the Kingdom of Wnerternberg, and they had been members of the noble classes in that kingdom from the fourteenth century. One of the family was hero … Read more