Biography of R. J. Waters

R. J. Waters, Redlands. A more important name cannot be mentioned in connection with the history of Redlands than that of Mr. R. J. Waters. Indeed, he is recognized as the father of the city. He built the first brick business block in the place, and has built and caused to be built by far the greater number of business houses in the place at this time. His first block was erected on the corner of State and Orange streets, in March 1887. Mr. Waters came to California in 1886, an invalid, and located the Chicago Colony, of which he … Read more

Biography of Alexander McCrary

Alexander McCrary was born in Ross County, Ohio, in 1825, son of Alexander and Mary (Summers) McCrary. His father was a native of South Carolina and his mother of Kentucky. Mr. McCrary spent his youth upon a farm, receiving such an education as the common schools afforded and was early inured to the hard labor of pioneer farming. His natural mechanical tastes and ideas prompted his taking up a trade, and at the age of twenty-one years he started out in life as a carpenter, and later as a bridge builder and millwright. In 1856 he moved to Iowa and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of F. P. Morrison

F. P. Morrison, President of the First National Bank of Redlands, is a “native son of the Golden West,” being born in the city of San Francisco. His father, A. L. Morrison, came from Ohio in 1854, and was a successful businessman for many years. The subject of this sketch came to Redlands in 1882. He had considerable money, and being pleased with the location, and believing that there was a bright future for the place, he bought forty acres of land and put out 300 orange trees the first year. The improvements he has since made on this place … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. J. Waite

E. J. Waite is a native of Walworth County, Wisconsin, and came to California in 1876, locating at Riverside, where he remained until 1879. In March 1882, he came to Redlands and worked as foreman for Judson S. Brown. It was he who planted the first orange trees in Redlands, and he has planted and raised more orange trees than any other man in the place. He owns several lots in the city and the finest nursery stock in the whole valley. His property has all been secured by planting and caring for trees for other parties, and taking lots … Read more

Biography of George R. Thayer

George R. Thayer, the senior member of the firm of Thayer & Peters, proprietors of the Riverside Carriage Company, came to Riverside in 1879. He first located at No. 386 Magnolia avenue, about five miles south of Riverside, and devoted himself to horticultural pursuits and also purchased a twenty-acre tract about one mile south of his home place, which he planted with orange trees and raisin grapes. He old that twenty-acre tract to George Crawford in 1883. In addition to his horticultural interests he sought other means of occupying his business talents, and in 1886 accepted the agency of Porter … Read more

Biography of William Lloyd Garrison Soule

William Lloyd Garrison Soule, Auditor of San Bernardino County, and founder of the mining town of Calico, is a lineal descendant from Puritan stock, and was born in the State of Maine, in July, 1836. He was reared from early childhood in Massachusetts, and started to learn the printer’s trade in Boston at the age of fourteen. He came with his parents to Kansas in 1854, and set the first stickful of type ever set within the boundary of that State, on the Herald of Freedom, established at that time in Lawrence. Being like his illustrious namesake, an uncompromising enemy … Read more

Biography of Charles C. Trowbridge

Charles C. Trowbridge, the head of the firm of Trowbridge & Maynard, was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1864, and was reared and schooled in that city until 1876, when he came to San Francisco. The first five years in that city was spent in the University College and Trinity School, and at the age of seventeen years he entered into mercantile pursuits in the well-known house of Cunningham, Curtis & Welch, and remained in their employ until he came to Riverside in the fall of 1887, and the next spring entered into the present business. Mr. Trowbridge promptly identified … Read more

Biography of Ebenezer Griffin Brown

Ebenezer Griffin Brown (“Judge Brown,” as he is familiarly known) is one of Riverside’s well-known pioneers. He was one of the original members of the Southern California Colony Association, and with the late Dr. Greves visited the lands now occupied by the city June, 1870, the first members of the association on the grounds. From the very first he was the strongest advocate in demanding the purchase by the association of these lands. His persistency was of little avail at first, but he was in earnest, and when Judge North, the president of the company, refused to act in accordance … Read more

Biography of Samuel C. Evans

Samuel C. Evans, one of the most prominent men of Riverside, and who has spent over fifteen years of an active business life in conducting some of the largest business enterprises in the colony, one of which is the Riverside Land and Irrigation Company, came to Riverside in 1874 and purchased a half interest in nearly 10,000 acres of land, known as the Hartshorn tract; the land is now known as the Arlington part of Riverside and Arlington Heights. Captain W. T. Sayward, of San Francisco, was the owner of the other half. These gentlemen in the same year commenced … Read more

Biography of Benjamin H. Milliken

Benjamin H. Milliken, senior member of the firm of Milliken & Jaques, proprietors of the Riverside Paint Store, one of the leading business houses in the city. The subject of this sketch was born in McCracken County, Kentucky, in 1847. His father, Judge John Milliken, was a native of North Carolina, who came to Kentucky in his youth, and was reared in that State. He there married Miss Harriet L. Hord. He was a lawyer by profession, and prominent in political and judicial circles. He lost his life in the cause of the South, meeting his death in 1861, while … Read more

Young, Bryce J., Dr. – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Dr. Bryce J. Young, 73, of College Place, Wash., a former La Grande resident, died Feb. 4, 2004, in an accident while bicycling in Argentina. There was a service for him on Feb. 15 at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in La Grande. Dr. Young was born June 3, 1930, to Bryce L. and Marjorie Mallett Young at Glendive, Mont. He graduated from high school in Miles City, Mont., and attended Walla Walla College. He received his medical training at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, Calif., and his eye specialist’s training at White Memorial Hospital in Los … Read more

Biography of Professor David B. Sturges

Professor David B. Sturges is a classical scholar, educated in Michigan University, in which State he was born in 1839. In 1862, he went to Montana and there spent fourteen years, a portion of the time in teaching. He came to California in 1876, and has been engaged in educational work in the southern part of the state ever since. The courses of study in his academy and business college are being enlarged and improved each successive year, and a higher and broader standard of excellence in scholastic results is attained. Associated with him as instructors is an able corps … Read more

Biography of George Edmund Otis

George Edmund Otis, a leading member of the Southern California bar, is a descendant of one of the oldest New England families, his ancestors having emigrated from Somersetshire, England, about 1630. That he springs from a cultured family is evidenced in the fact that his paternal great-grandfather was one of the early graduates of Harvard University, as far back as 1752, and his father was a graduate of the same institution ninety years later. His mother was a direct descendant of Judge Sewall, who is associated in history with the hanging of the witches in the seventeenth century. Mr. Otis … Read more

Biography of John J. Whitney

John J. Whitney, proprietor of the City Planning Mill and lumberyard, and one of the principal manufacturers in San Bernardino County, was a native of Elmira, New York, and was born in 1843. He inherited a talent for mechanics from his father, and being a contractor and practical builder and the owner and operator of a large planning mill in Elmira, afforded him ample means of exercising and developing his innate tendencies. In 1862, in his nineteenth year, he enlisted in the army as a member of the Fifth New York Heavy Artillery; served till the close of the war, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew B. Paris

Andrew B. Paris, attorney, San Bernardino, was born in Virginia, in 1839, and was educated in the Virginia Military Institute, at which he was graduated in 1860. Upon the breaking out of the war he enlisted in the Confederate army, served four years, rose to the rank of Colonel, and at the close of hostilities was chief of artillery of General Hoke’s division of General Joseph E. Johnston’s army. After the war closed he studied law in the University of Virginia, and was admitted to the bar in 1866. Locating in Charlotte County, Virginia, he practiced his profession till 1873. … Read more

Spriet, Frank Julian – Obituary

Frank Julian Spriet, 95, of San Bernardino, Calif., a former Baker City resident, died Aug. 26, 2007, at the home of his daughter, Darlene. His funeral will be at 2:30 p.m. Friday at Montecito Memorial Park at Colton, Calif. Frank was born on Dec. 30, 1911, at Baker City. He worked as a carpenter and building contractor for 36 years. He was skilled in every phase of building. He had an inventive mind and always had projects in the making. Frank’s favorite sports were hunting and boxing. He was a faithful Catholic until he was “born again” in 1974, his … Read more

Biography of Prof. C. N. Andrews

Prof. C. N. Andrews, of Redlands, was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, in 1852. His father, Robert Andrews, crossed the plains to California with an ox team in 1857. They were on the plains at the time of the Mountain Meadow massacre, and were five months and ten days from Boonville to Sacramento. He purchased a farm in Sonoma County, in 1859, and is still living on it. He had a family of four sons and one daughter. The subject of this sketch received his early training in the common schools of Sonoma County, is a graduate of several prominent … Read more

Biography of David D. Banta

David D. Banta is the business manager and principal owner of the Riverside Mills. This mill was built by the Riverside Mill Company, Walker & Banta, in May, 1887, and conducted by that firm until the death of Mr. Walker in 1888, since which time Mr. Banta has had the sole management of the enterprise. The Riverside Mills ranks as one of the leading industries of the city, being 106 x 40 feet, and is fitted with the most improved machinery for the manufacture of doors, sash, moldings and all class of work required in building and interior finishing. Mr. … Read more

Biography of George W. Garcelon

George W. Garcelon is one of Riverside’s pioneer settlers, and ranks among the leading practical horticulturists of the county. He was born in New Brunswick, in 1832, and reared and schooled in his native place until twenty years of age. In starting in life on his own account he decided to establish himself in the United States. In 1852 he located in Lewiston, Maine, and was there employed as clerk in the drag business. His close attention and studies enabled him to master his calling, and lie became skilled as a druggist and chemist, and in 1856 he established himself … Read more

Biography of Charles C. Rich

Pioneer of Utah, California and Idaho, Charles C. Rich figured prominently in the early development of these states, and took an active part in furthering the welfare and promoting the progress of the commonwealths. He was also a most able exponent of the faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and with a colony of believers he founded the beautiful and thriving little city of Paris, the County of Bear Lake, Idaho, and the Mormon colonies of southeastern Idaho. A native of Kentucky, Mr. Rich was born in Campbell County, in 1809, and was of English … Read more