Roll Of Capt. Daniel McCreery’s Company

(Probably from Ross Co.) Served from July 29, until September 6, 1813. Capt. Daniel McCreery Lieut. Isaac Hortman Ensign, Barton Lucas Sergt. William Hulit Sergt. Adam Razier Sergt. Thomas Davis Sergt. Isaac Roads Corp. John Darby Corp. Christian Housman Corp. Wells Jones Corp. Peter Housman Privates Ankerman, John Ault, Christian Baldwin, Daniel Bayles, William Bilzer, John Brown, Orlando Darby, Samuel Darby, Stephen Dutton, James Hatter, Leonard Housman, David Housman, George Janiken, Drury Jonsojin, Eli Lamings, Samuel Linten, William Lucas, Charles Marshawn, Daniel McGraw, Hugh McVay, William Ninemyor, Jacob Niseley, Samuel Polland, William Pudle, Gabriel Reason, Jonothan Reed, George Reed, Leonard … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Adam Berry’s Company

(From Pickaway & Ross Cos.) Served from April 11, until May 12, 1813, and from April 11, until May 12, 1814 Capt. Adam Berry Lieut. Arthur McPhee or McKee Ensign, John Thompson Ensign, John Thebus Sergt. John Beavens Sergt. Jacob Smith Sergt. George Spangler Sergt. Thomas Powell Sergt. John Spores Sergt. Blain Sergt. George Fry Sergt. Adam Zehrung Sergt. John Clark Sergt. John Shoup Corp. Phillip Least Corp. Hugh Caul Corp. John Knight Corp. Stephen Stewart Drummer jacob Smith Fifer, George Shaugler Privates Alcot, Israel Andrew, Thomas Bagley, Thomas Ballard, Linsey S Ballinger, Joseph Barber, Edward Beek, Alexander Bellote, Walter … Read more

Biography of Arthur Robinson Stewart

Arthur Robinson Stewart’s chief work in Champaign County has been as an unusually competent and capable farmer. It is one of the larger and better managed places in Champaign Township where he has put into practice the accumulated wisdom and experience of many years as an agriculturist and stockman. Mr. Stewart and family are well known socially in their country community and also in the city centers of the county. He was born in Ross County, Ohio, July 25, 1855, but in the same year was brought to Champaign County by his parents, Samuel G. and Jane (Evans) Stewart. His … Read more

Roll Of Capt. James Wilson’s Mounted Company

(Probably from Ross County) Served from September 28, until October 5, 1812. Capt. James Wilson Capt. Allen Trimble Lieut. James Wilson Ensign Joseph McClain Lieut. Joseph McClain Ensign James Odell Sergt. William Head Sergt. Samuel Keys Sergt. David Mitchell Sergt. Joseph Davidson Privates Blunt, Elf Blunt, Solomon Boatman, George Boyd, Samuel Bryam, Edward Chaney, Benjamin Chapman, Isaac Chenney, Nathan Combs, Job Crawford, Alexander Davidson, John Dunham, Samuel Evans, Isaac Grady, James Greenfield, John Hare, William Hindman, John Hinton, Benjamin Hinton, William Hougham, Isaac Hulet, William Keys, John King, William Lantz, Henry May, James McConnel, David Moyes, Littleberry Mushow, Solomon Nichols, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. William Wilson’s Company

(Probably from Ross Co.) Served from March 3, until August 15, 1814. Capt. William Wilson Lieut. Cornelius Stringer Ensign, William Miller Sergt. Samuel Lamberson Sergt. Stephen Mahaffey Sergt. John Oslin Sergt. Benjamin Stephenson Corp. Joseph Watson Corp. James Armstrong Corp. Thomas Owens Corp. James Tulk Fifer, Thomas Mathews Privates Allfather, Adam Anderson, Mark Babb, Bell Barbaugh, Samuel Beamer, Adam Beers, Thomas Beyner, George Black, Joseph Bontsong, Jonothan Bowen, Constant Bronkart, Louis Carr, Peter Cline, Phillip Cockrill, Joseph Coss, David Daugherty, David Davis, John H. Dowl, John Dunkin, James Fareare, John Foreman, David Gardner, Isaac Gibbs, Isaac Hall, John Harding, Israel … Read more

Biography of Judge John Brown

Judge John Brown has been for over sixty years identified with the best interests of Douglas County. He was born in Ross County, Ohio, May 7, 1822, on a farm, where he remained until the age of seventeen. This farm was located on Paint creek, two miles from Chillicothe, the County seat of Ross County. Our subject is a son of Nimrod Brown, who was a native of Augusta County, Virginia, and who served in the war of 1812. His mother was, before her marriage, Elizabeth Eigelbright, and was born in Monroe County, Virginia. When our subject was but seven … Read more

Roll Of Capt. John R. Lemmon’s Company

(Probably from Ross Co.) Served from January 30, until April 11, 1815. Capt. John R. Lemmon Lieut. James McArthur Ensign, Davld Henderson Sergt. William Patrick Sergt. Ellis S. Baldwin Sergt. Phillip Sampson Sergt. Joshua Williams Corp. Joshua Spry Corp. John Fitzgerald Corp. James Tucker Musician, Briton Wright Musician, John Clark Privates Albogast, Silas Badger, James P Bagea, Jacob Bane, Oratio Bell, Alexander Borden, James Borer, Peter Brewer, Jesse Bulger, Elijah Buskirk, Lewis D Campbell, John Clawson, Abraham Codington, William Collins, Mathias Collison, John Crossley, Conrad Croy, Jacob Davis, John Dum, Henry Earl, James Fisher, Jonothan Foust, Abraham Glass, James Goddard, … Read more

Roll Of Capt. James Crother’s Company

(Probably from Ross County) Served from July 27, until August 16, 1813. Capt. James Crother Lieut. Isaac Saunders Ensign, James Row Sergt. Richard Davis Sergt. William Priddy Sergt. Phillip Olinger Sergt. William Row Corp. John Row Corp. Robert Adams Corp, David McDonald Corp. John Draper Privates Arnold, John Babbit, Job Barley, William Buck, John Clark, David Cochran, Barnabus Garrison, Abner Gorby, Ebenezer Hand, Lemuel Howe, Jacob Knadler, George Lines, William McCoy, Jesse Meeny, Hugh Mitchell, Jacob Moon, William Pearson, William Shroyer, George Tracey, William Tracey, Wornel Tracy, Solomon Vaughn, John

Roll Of Capt. James Taylor’s Company

(From Ross County) Served from August 21, until October 10, 1812. Capt. James Taylor Lieut. Abiatha Taylor Ensign John Gufey Sergt. Henry Cahoon Sergt. Amos Cox Sergt. Robert Wilson Sergt. Thomas Wood Corp. James Kile Fifer, David Taylor Drummer, Abel Honson Privates Bright, John Casey, Thomas Chaney, John Chevergar, William Clymer, John Cramer, George Crawford, David Creamer, John Flemming, Joseph Hires, James Hires, Walter Hooper, Phillip Johnson, Barnabus King, Phillip Long, Edward Long, John Medford, Charles Needles, Cubage Pursell, Jacob Pursell, Samuel Ross, Alexander Ross, James Steveson, George Suddick, James Swaring, William Swihser, John Taylor, James A Taylor, John A … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Caleb Hoskins’ Company

(Probably from Ross County). Served from July 28, until September 7, 1813, part served from January 3. until April 10, 1815. Capt. Caleb Hoskins Lieut. Seth Vanmater Lieut. Aaron Foster Ensign Andrew Smalley Ensign Hugh Cook Sergt John Moore Sergt. David Coblar Sergt. Christopher Beekman Sergt. Nathaniel Chapman Sergt. William Hartell Sergt. Joseph Ross Sergt. John McCord Corp. Morwin Williams Corp. William Hanes Corp. Simon Shumaker Corp. John Pollard Corp. John Highley Corp. Levin Right Corp. John Anderson Corp. Isaac Rockhold Musician, Henson David Musician, William Davis Privates Adams, William Bamfield, John Beddle, George Beekman, James Beekman, John Bodkins, George … Read more