Dunlavy, Phyllis Lillian Crabill Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Phyllis Lillian Dunlavy, 90, of Corvallis, a former Baker City resident, died Feb. 25, 2004, at her home. Her graveside funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Willamette National Cemetery in Portland. The Rev. William McCarthy will officiate. Phyllis was born on June 22, 1913, at Baker City to Roy and Blanche Phillips Crabill. She was the granddaughter of Philander Crabill, an early settler in Baker City. She attended Baker schools and was a Baker High School graduate. She attended Eastern Oregon College of Education (now Eastern Oregon University) at La Grande, which was a two-year … Read more

Biography of Bethina Angelina Owens-Adair

MRS. DR. OWENS-ADAIR. – Berthina Angelina, the second daughter of Thomas and Sarah Owens, was born February 7,1840, in Van Buren county, Missouri. She saw her fourth birthday in her father’s Western home on Clatsop Plains, Clatsop county, Oregon, her parents having made the then dangerous and tedious journey across the then dangerous and tedious journey across the plains with ox-teams in the summer and fall of 1843. At this time Berthina was a small child, delicate in stature for her age, and having a highly nervous and sensitive nature, but with a strong, vigorous constitution, thus early showing a … Read more

Schuchardt, Anna Dolores Davis Mrs. – Obituary

David T. Pattee Jr., 54, a former Baker City resident, died March 13, 2006, at Roseburg. Mr. Pattee was born July 16, 1951, in Portland, and he was raised and educated in the Portland area, graduating from Centennial High School. In recent years he lived in Bend, Baker City and most recently in Roseburg. The loves of his life were fishing and golfing. He is survived by his sister, Kathleen Pattee of Portland; a daughter, Ashley Bessey, and two grandchildren, Caiden and Choloe Bessey, all of Redmond; his mother, Donna Pattee, sister, Polly Pattee and niece, Summer, all of Gresham; … Read more

Biography of Thomas Smith

THOMAS SMITH. – Mr. Smith, whose life labors have had as their result in one particular the upbuilding of the handsome village of Winchester, near the Umpqua River, was born in Oxfordshire, England, February 12, 1823; and he crossed the Atlantic with his parents in 1830. The first American home was at Rochester, and a year later at Euclid near Cleveland, Ohio; and in 1834 a removal was made to La Porte County, Indiana. Thirteen years were spent in Indiana with his parents; but in 1847 the desire to go forth and test his powers in competition with others induced … Read more

Sawyer, Ramona Louis Noregaard Mrs. – Obituary

Ramona Louis (Noregaard) Sawyer, 78, of Sutherlin and Roseburg, Ore., went to be with the Lord on Feb. 24, 2007. She had resided in the Sutherlin and Roseburg areas for the last 18 years. Ramona was born on Jan. 20, 1929, to Harold and Ruby Noregaard of Enterprise, Ore. They later moved to Baker City, Ore., and Ramona graduate from Baker High in 1947. She married Ray Sawyer Sept. 4, 1955. They lived in Oregon, Texas, New Mexico, and California, where they resided in Livermore, Calif., for 16 years with their sons before returning to the northwest. Those who knew … Read more

Biography of Hon. Rufus Mallory

HON. RUFUS MALLORY. – Mr. Rufus Mallory, one of the most prominent members of the legal fraternity in the State of Oregon, is of New England stock, his parents having been born and raised in Connecticut. Our subject himself was born on the 10th of June, 1831, at Coventry, Chenango county, New York, from where he moved with his parents in the fall of that year to Alleghany county, and six years later to Steuben county in the same state. In the latter place he resided until 1855, when he went to New London, Iowa, where he remained until 1858. … Read more

Biography of Aaron Rose

AARON ROSE. – This gentleman, one of the earliest pioneers of the Umpqua valley, was born in Ulster county, in the State of New York, June 20, 1813, and was raised a farmer. He was married to Minerva Kelley in 1838. He crossed the plains with his family in 1851, arriving at Foster’s August 22d, and came directly to the valley of the South Umpqua, and settled at the mouth of Deer creek, upon the present site of the flourishing city of Roseburg, Oregon, September 23, 1851. He at once built a house and engaged in farming, in which he … Read more

Hardesty, William – Obituary

William Hardesty, veteran of the Civil War, died Friday afternoon [April 8, 1927] at the Soldiers Home Hospital at the age of 89 years. He had been a resident of the Soldiers Home since June 20, 1921, coming to this city from Freewater, Oregon. Mr. Hardesty enlisted for the Civil War in March of 1862 and served as a private in Co. M, 7th Missouri Infantry. He is survived by a son, William D. Hardesty of Freewater. The body has been taken in charge by the Roseburg Undertaking Company and will be sent to Walla Walla, Washington for burial. Roseburg … Read more

Miller, Hudson Linden – Obituary

Hudson Linden Miller, 84, of Dolan Springs, Ariz., died Feb. 8, 2005, in Kingman, Ariz., of congestive heart failure. His funeral will be Saturday at 1 p.m. at The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints, 2625 Hughes Lane in Baker City. Bishop Tom Brock of Baker Valley Ward will conduct the service. Public visitation will be Saturday from noon until 1 p.m. in the Relief Society Room at the church. He was born Sept., 22, 1920, at Midvale, Idaho, to Philip and Alice Miller. He served as a cook in the Army Air Corps during World War II, ranched … Read more

Biography of Rufus Mallory

Rufus Mallory is of New England ancestry, and descended from a strong and hardy stock, well fitted for the furnishing of such elements as are needed to command success and produce laudable results in the new but rapidly growing country in which his lot was cast and where modern civilization has come with such splendid strides. About 1816 his parents left their home in Connecticut for the West, as New York State was then called, and settled in the town of Coventry in Chenango County, at which place the subject of our sketch, the youngest of a family of nine … Read more

Thompson, Moses C. – Obituary

Moses C. Thompson Zumwalt, Oregon Word has been received in this city that Moses C. Thompson, veteran of the Civil war and resident of this city for many years, died at the G.A.R. home at Roseburg on Monday. Mr. Thompson served in the Navy during the war and was a member of the local post of the G.A.R. He had lived here for about 20 years, where he owned his own home. About two months ago he went to Roseburg. Mr. Thompson leaves a daughter, Mrs. Stein, who lives in Wallowa county at Zumwalt. Wallowa County Reporter, Thursday December 11, … Read more

Stennfeld, Dorothy Ann – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Dorothy Ann Stennfeld, 74, of La Grande, died Feb. 24 at her home. A celebration of life is planned for 1 p.m. Saturday at Zion Lutheran Church in La Grande. Mrs. Stennfeld, known as Ann, was born June 23, 1932, to Henry and Berniece Jackson Jones in Roseburg. She was raised in Myrtle Point, graduating from Myrtle Point High School in 1950. She graduated from Good Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing in Portland in 1954. On Sept. 25, 1954, she married Paul T. Stennfeld. After he died in 1975, she went to work for Grande Ronde Hospital … Read more

Sutherland, William Morrow – Obituary

Private family services for William Morrow Sutherland, 76, of Charleston, will be held in Heppner where he will be laid to rest in the Morrow family plot beside his father and mother. Mr. Sutherland died in Roseburg of complications of age on Jan. 19, 1995. He was born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin VanBuren Sutherland on Oct. 11, 1918. He attended Lincoln High School in Portland, then attended Reed College and majored in economics, graduated in 1941. Immediately following graduation, he enlisted in the U.S. Army, becoming a second lieutenant in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. After separation … Read more

Thomson, Jeremiah B. – Obituary

Jeremiah B. Thomson was born in Virginia, April 10, 1886, and moved to Evening Shade, Arkansas when a small boy. He passed away at Roseberg, Oregon in his 87th year. His father was married twice. To his first marriage two sons were born – James and Malcolm; to the second marriage two children were born -Jeremiah and Narcissa. His brother Malcolm and his parents died in Arkansas. James married and with Jerry and Narcissa came to Oregon. Narcissa married James Vickers and resides at Winlock, Oregon. In 1855 and 1856, Jerry served the Government as a scout to the immigrants … Read more

Biography of Col. La Fayette Mosher

COL. LA FAYETTE MOSHER. – There is perhaps no resident of Oregon more widely known and generally respected than L.F. Mosher. He has held so many prominent positions, and is so well qualified to fill them, that it only seems a natural thing to see him in the senate, and as a justice of the supreme court. He was born in Benton County, Kentucky, September 1, 1824. So entirely did he bend his energies tot he gaining of an education, that at the age of nineteen years we find him a graduate of Woodward College, Cincinnati, where he carried off … Read more