Ira Todd of Rochester NY

Ira Todd8, (Orrin7, David6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Oct. 7, 1825, died Jan. 10, 1899, married Dec. 21, 1847, Zilpha Manchester, who was born Oct. 11, 1829. He was a farmer and owned and operated one not very far from Rochester, N. Y. In his later years he retired and went to live in Rochester, N. Y., where he died. Children: *2187. Jerome M., b. March 9, 1850. *2188. Marshall, b. April 12, 1852. *2189. Ella D., b. June 16, 1855. *2190. Frank O., b. Aug. 2, 1858. *2191. Stanley, b. Aug. 23, 1862. 2192. Lillian A., b. … Read more

Biography of Elmore W. Snyder

Elmore W. Snyder. A resident of Kansas since 1878, and with possibly one exception the oldest living bank president in the state, Elmore W. Snyder, president of the Manufacturers National Bank of Leavenworth, had been actively identified with the commercial and financial history of Kansas for nearly forty years. He was born in the Village of Red Creek, Wayne County, New York, November 23, 1850. Jacob Snyder, his great-grandfather, settled in that section of York State in pioneer times and operated a grist mill for many years. His grandfather, Amos Snyder, was there reared, engaged in farming, practiced law and … Read more

Biography of Honorable Reuben Hatch

Reuben Hatch was born at Preston, Connecticut, July 7, 1763, and came to Norwich at an early age with his father, Joseph Hatch. He entered Dartmouth College in 1782, but was unable to complete his course of studies there by reason of ill health. Afterwards he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits and became a successful farmer; residing at different times at Tunbridge, Chelsea and Weathersfield. From “Life and Times of William Jarvis” we make the following extracts: “Mr. Reuben Hatch came from Norwich to Weathersfield Bow and bought the large brick house built by a Mr. Jennison, and considerable … Read more

Ancestors of Alexander Holmes of Kingston, MA

The family of Alexander Holmes of Kingston, MA is one of long and honorable standing in New England, and there the branch is represented by the family of the late Alexander Holmes, who for years was president of the Old Colony and Fall River Railroad. Across the water in old England the Holmes family history reaches back to the year 1066, when one John Holmes, the founder of the Holmes family, is credited with being a volunteer in the army of William, Duke of Normandy.

Emma Louisa Todd Seymour of Rochester NY

SEYMOUR, Emma Louisa Todd9, (Luzerne8, Lemuel7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 27, 1851, married Dec. 20, 1871, Elbert B. Seymour. They lived in Rochester, N. Y. Children: I. Belle, b. Dec. 22, 1872, d. June 10, 1906. II. Kate, b. Oct. 6, 1874. III. Luella Todd, b. Oct. 15, 1881, m. Oct. 6, 1909,(???) Dieterichs.

Biography of Frederick Cook

FREDERICK COOK A MAN who has reflected great honor upon American institutions, is the Hon. Frederick Cook, ex-secretary of state of New York. He is a striking representative of the best type of a German citizen whose leading traits of character have been fully developed upon American soil. He was born on the 2nd of December, 1833, at Wildbad, Germany, a noted watering place in the famous Black Forest district. His father was a contractor, a man who intended to have given his son Frederick the advantages of a thorough collegiate course. The boy was placed at the best school … Read more

Biography of George W. Trout, Prof.

Prof. George W. Trout, professor of history at the State Manual Training Normal School at Pittsburg, Kansas, was born in Allen County, Kentucky, September 16, 1863, and is a son of Rev. Paton and Amanda (Black) Trout. He belongs to an old and honored family which originated in Ireland, and came to America during the days of the American Colonies, the first forefather in this country settling in Virginia, from whence the family drifted to various parts of the Union. George Trout, the grandfather of Professor Trout, was born in Sumner County, Tennessee, in 1789, and there spent his entire … Read more

Allen Todd of Rochester NY

Allen Todd7, (David6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Aug. 6, 1802, in Peekskill, N. Y., died in Rochester, N. Y., married first,(???) 18–, (???)Field, a niece of Cyrus Field. He married second, 18–, Eurania Davis. He moved to South Greece, N. Y., now called Elmwood, thence in later life he retired and moved to Rochester, N. Y., where he died. He was a very prosperous farmer and a most excellent man, having been a devoted Christian. Children by(???)Field: *1487. Morris. 1488. Nelson d. a bachelor. Children by Eurania Davis: *1489. Allen D., b. Jan. 2, 1840. *1490. Eurania G., … Read more

Marshall Todd of Rochester NY

Marshall Todd9, (Ira8, Orrin7, David6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 12, 1852, married June 26, 1878, Mary J. Brown, who was born Aug. 12, 1852. A good part of his life, to about 1912, he was a farmer having owned a farm not so very far from Rochester, N. Y. About 1912, he retired from the farm and moved to Rochester, N. Y. He has been of great assistance to the editor with information regarding his branch of the Todd’s. Children: 2717. Alice D., b. Feb. 20, 1882. 2718. Orrin, b. Sept. 5, 1884, m. June 8, 1910, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bernard Borgman

Bernard Borgman, president and treasurer of the Vance Boiler Works of Geneva, New York, owes his present high position in the community, and his present prosperity entirely to his own efforts, rising from the ranks by dint of earnest and unremitting toil and energy. (I) Bernard Borgman, father of the present Bernard Borgman, was born in Germany, and died in America, 1896. He came to this country at the age of eighteen years and lived for one year in Albany, New York. He then removed to Rochester, where he was employed as a car builder in the Rochester Car Shops, … Read more

History of the Industries of Norwich VT

Knapp’s Mill, Norwich, Vermont

Although the products of the industries in Norwich have not been of great magnitude they have been quite varied in character. Such information in regard to these callings as we have been able to obtain we will present to our readers, though not in strict chronological order. Among the earliest establishments coming under this head was a grist mill established as early as 1770, by Hatch and Babcock on Blood Brook, on or near the site of the grist mill now operated by J. E. Willard, a short distance up the stream from where it empties into the Connecticut River. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gottlob Fetzer

Fetzer, Gottlob; clergyman, editor; born at Cleveland, July 30, 1861; son of Andrew and Mary A. Fetzer: educated, German-American Academy, Rochester, N. Y.; graduated Rochester TheoIogical Seminary, 1889; married, Bertha L. Huselhuhn, of Cleveland, Nov. 28, 1889; ordained German Baptist minister, 1889; pastor Erin Avenue Church, Cleveland, 1889-1890: Berlin, Ont., 1890-1897; Second Church, New York, 1897-1901; editor of German Baptist periodicals and literature, since 1901.

Biographical Sketch of R. J. A. Mack

R. J. A. Mack, of Redlands, is a native of Syracuse, New York, born June 24, 1842. He received his education in the schools of Syracuse and Fulton, New York, and commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Townsend, of Syracuse; he also attended and graduated at the college at Geneva. He began practice at Syracuse, afterward continuing at Rochester, and later at Lyons, New York. Thence he removed to Chicago, where he attended Bennett Medical College (Eclectic), graduating in 1876. He practiced in Chicago until 1886, when he removed to California, and on the 9th of November of that … Read more

Asahel Todd of Rochester NY

Asahel Todd8, (Asahel7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 26, 1827, married Dec. 4, 1849, Sarah Maria, daughter of John and Cordelia (Phelps) McLoud, who was born in 1832, in Austerlitz, Columbia County, N. Y. They lived in Rochester, N. Y. Children: 2042. Charles Francis, b. July 25, 1851. *2043. George Walter, b. Feb. 29, 1860. *2044. Libanus McLoud, b. July 14, 1862. 2045. Ellen Laura, b. March 14, 1871.

Biography of Frank Harwood Hamlin

(VIII) Frank Harwood, second son and third child of Henry William and Sibyll Blackmail (Sears) Hamlin, was born in East Bloomfield, Ontario county, March 29, 1846. He prepared for college at Fast Bloomfield Academy, entered Yale University where he was graduated A. B., 1869. He decided upon the profession of law and entered Albany Law School, where he was graduated LL. B. in class of 1870, and was admitted to the bar the same year. He engaged in the practice of law for a short time in Albany, New York, then he moved to Canandaigua, New York, where he formed … Read more

Biography of Hon. Charles Eisenbeis

HON. CHARLES EISENBEIS. – This wealthy resident of Port of Washington gained his eminence by sturdy industry and sagacious investment during the pioneer days. He is a native of Prussia, was born in 1832, and the fifth in a family of ten children. Of his father he learned the trade of a baker, and was prepared upon his arrival in America in 1856 to earn thereby, in company with his brother, an independent livelihood at Rochester, New York. In 1858 he came via Panama to San Francisco, and in the fall of the same year arrived at Port Townsend. He … Read more

Biography of Hon. John T. Browning

The oldest member of the Rock Island County Bar, a lawyer of ripe learninig and wide experience, who has now retired from the active practice of his profession, is the Honorable John T. Browning, of Moline. He was born in Genesee County, New York, June 11, 1830, his parents being John L. and Lucy (Tillotson) Browning. He received an academic education at Rochester, where later he was admitted to the bar in the Autumn of 1858. He came west in December of that same year and located at Moline, where he immediately engaged in the practice of law, being that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bernard Borgman

(II) Bernard (2) Borgman, subject of this sketch, was born in Rochester, New York, September, 1854. His elementary education was received in the schools of his native city, and he then attended those of Yates county, New York. He had learned the cabinet-maker’s trade, and at the age of twenty-five years he made his first business venture, establishing himself in the furniture and undertaking line in Penn Yan, Yates county, New York. For nine years he conducted this business successfully, then sold his interest in the concern to his partner and established himself in the same manner, but independently, in … Read more

Betsey Sylinda Todd Packard of Rochester NY

PACKARD, Betsey Sylinda Todd8, (John7, Daniel6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 17, 1836, in Rodman, N. Y., married July 4, 1852, Dr. Morgan D. Packard. She is now (1913) living at 529 Parsells Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Children: I. Dianna Nancy, b. May 18, 1853, d. Dec. 19, 1912, m. Caton Crandall and had issue: (1) Ella May, b. July 4, 1855, and m. Warren Standish; she and her infant son died in 1881 and were buried in the same grave. II. Myrtie B.

Biography of Barnabas Tibbals

Barnabas Tibbals, owner of a fine orange grove in Brockton Square, on the south side of Bandini Avenue, about two miles south of Riverside, purchased this place in August, 1887 and immediately commenced his horticultural pursuits. At this writing his land, consisting of ten acres, is all in orange trees, except a few deciduous trees and table grapes. About one-half of his trees are seedlings, and the rest Washington Navels. He has spent much labor in pruning, fertilizing and cultivating, since buying the place, and has now a very productive grove. The improvements on the place consist of a commodious … Read more