Biography of Judge W. G. Mathes

JUDGE W. G. MATHES. Reynolds County, Missouri, has the distinction of being the place where, on September 4, 1839, Judge W. G. Mathes came into this world to make a record for integrity and uprightness which will be remembered as long as Stone County lasts. For over fifty years he has resided in this county, is a representative citizen of the same, and perhaps has done as much for its advancement as any other man. His parents, David and Elizabeth (Allen) Mathes, were natives of Warren County, Tennessee The father was reared in that State, and in 1843 came to … Read more

Biography of H. R. Dickson

H. R. DICKSON. It seems impossible to think that where are now magnificent fields of corn and thrifty farms, less than half a century ago was a wilderness inhabited by wild animals and savages. Still stranger is it to think that we have in our midst one of those old settlers who spent his best energies in subduing the wilderness and bringing it to the state of perfection apparent to all. H. R. Dickson was born in Ashe County, N. C., July 31, 1824, and was the eldest of twelve children born to the marriage of William and Frances (Cross) … Read more

Biography of Arthur Winford Goodwin

Arthur Winford Goodwin. When the details of his career have been examined it will be seen that Arthur W. Goodwin had been the architect of a successful career in commercial fields. He started at the bottom, laboring as a boy in country stores to pay his own way in the world. He gained more than mere wages. All those early experiences he had turned to profit since he became a business man on his own account, and at the present time he is a member of the firm which conducts the largest department and general merchandise establishment at Howard, in … Read more

Biography of William Rayfield

WILLIAM RAYFIELD. This well-known and successful farmer and stock-man of Middle Fork, Reynolds County, Missouri, was born in Cumberland County, Kentucky, in 1829, of which State his parents, John and Nancy (King) Rayfield, were also natives. They resided in Kentucky until the subject of this sketch was about one year old, then came by wagon to what is now Reynolds County, Missouri, and were among the very first settlers of this section, and for many years experienced severe hardships and privations, which always fall to the lot of the pioneer. Indians were very numerous in that early day, wild animals … Read more