Biography of Dr. W. A. Copeland

DR. W. A. COPELAND. Fortunate as it is in its older physicians, Reynolds County is no less fortunate in the bright galaxy of younger physicians and surgeons, who, during the past few years, have made a reputation for themselves and added luster to the professional status of the county and State. One of the best known of the latter class is Dr. W. A. Copeland, of Barnesville, who was born on Logan Creek November 24, 1858, son of William Copeland. The Doctor grew up on the old home farm, attending the early subscription school and the district school, and made … Read more

Biography of Hon. William Alexander Ramsey

HON. WILLIAM ALEXANDER RAMSEY. This able associate  the Shannon County Court, from the Western District, is a native of Stanley County, N. C., born in 1845, and a son of Sanders Taylor and Leah (Light) Ramsey, who were also born in the Old North State, where they lived until 1846, when they removed to Tennessee, and four years later to Alabama, and two years from that time to Iron County, Missouri, where Mr. Ramsey died in January, 1894, aged about seventy-five years, and his wife in 1866, both having been members of the Southern Methodist Church. Mr. Ramsey was a … Read more

Biography of Judge W. G. Mathes

JUDGE W. G. MATHES. Reynolds County, Missouri, has the distinction of being the place where, on September 4, 1839, Judge W. G. Mathes came into this world to make a record for integrity and uprightness which will be remembered as long as Stone County lasts. For over fifty years he has resided in this county, is a representative citizen of the same, and perhaps has done as much for its advancement as any other man. His parents, David and Elizabeth (Allen) Mathes, were natives of Warren County, Tennessee The father was reared in that State, and in 1843 came to … Read more

Biography of O. L. Munger

O. L. MUNGER. Special adaptability to any particular calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to permanent success. No matter the vim and determination which characterizes a man’s start in business, unless he is to the manner born, he will find to his sorrow that his lines have been falsely cast, and the quicker he draws back and takes up another calling the better it will be for him. O. L. Munger, editor and proprietor of the Current Local, published at Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, has made no mistake in his calling. His paper is bright and interesting, … Read more

Biography of Hon. John L. Greene

HON. JOHN L. GREENE. This well-known and prominent citizen of Pike Creek Valley is a native of Roane County, Tennessee, where he was born in 1835, a son of Theodrick and Mary (Hassler) Greene, natives of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and Tennessee, born in 1799 and 1805 respectively. In 1811 Theodrick Greene was taken by his parents to Tennessee, grew to manhood there and was there married. In 1857 they removed to Marion County, Arkansas, by wagon and there the father spent the rest of his life, being killed during the war while at home. He was a Southern sympathizer and … Read more

Clark, Myrtle Faye – Obituary

Myrtle Faye Sanders Clark died April 19, 2007, at the Wallowa Valley Care Center. She was 92. Mrs. Clark was born May 13, 1914, in Ellington, Missouri to Isaac and Iva Myers. She attended school in Ellington, dropping out her senior year to marry Otho Sanders on May 31, 1931. Mrs. Clark spent the rest of her life being a caring and loving mother to her six children and their offspring. She was an active member in the Baptist church. In January 1980, Otho Sanders died, just short of their 50th wedding anniversary. She married Charles E. Clark in July … Read more

Biography of William Rayfield

WILLIAM RAYFIELD. This well-known and successful farmer and stock-man of Middle Fork, Reynolds County, Missouri, was born in Cumberland County, Kentucky, in 1829, of which State his parents, John and Nancy (King) Rayfield, were also natives. They resided in Kentucky until the subject of this sketch was about one year old, then came by wagon to what is now Reynolds County, Missouri, and were among the very first settlers of this section, and for many years experienced severe hardships and privations, which always fall to the lot of the pioneer. Indians were very numerous in that early day, wild animals … Read more

Biography of Anderson Coleman

ANDERSON COLEMAN. It is a pleasure to chronicle the history of a man whose life has been one of honor and usefulness, and although he is considerable past the zenith of his career, Mr. Coleman has accumulated sufficient means to pass his declining years in peace and plenty. He is one of the old pioneers of Carter County, Missouri, to which section he came in 1858, and is honored and esteemed throughout its length and breadth. Mr. Coleman was born in Tennessee, October, 14, 1822, and the son of William and Betsey (Vaughan) Coleman, both of whom died in North … Read more

Biography of William Shy

WILLIAM SHY. It is always a pleasure to deal with the history of one who is a member of one of those grand old pioneer families whose bravery, fortitude and determination paved the way for the present advanced state of civilization, and William Shy is one of these. He is a successful farmer and merchant at Lesterville, Reynolds County, Missouri, and was born here in 1841. His parents, Eli and Mary Elizabeth (Smith) Shy, were born in Kentucky in 1802 and 1807, respectively, and were reared and married on Blue Grass soil. They made their home in the State of … Read more

Biography of William W. Coleman

WILLIAM W. COLEMAN. Some men are possessed of such remarkable energy and activity that they are not content to do business in as extensive a manner as their competitors, but strive onward with restless zeal to excel them all and place their own establishment foremost in the ranks of industry. Men of this kind are valuable citizens, and are always foremost in advancing the public welfare. William W. Coleman is a representative man of this class. He conducts a first-class mercantile business in Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, and this establishment is a worthy example of what energy and ambition … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Biography of D. H. Allison

D. H. ALLISON. There is nothing which adds so much to the pleasure and convenience of the public as a well-stocked, thoroughly appointed and ably managed livery stable. In such connection we make due reference to the livery establishment of Mr. D. H. Allison, whose reputation in that respect, as well as a trainer, is known throughout the length and breadth of the county. Mr. Allison has made his home and carried on business in Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, for about two years and has met with well-deserved success. He was born at Irondale, Washington County, Missouri, and was … Read more

Biography of Dr. Tolman W. Cotton

DR. TOLMAN W. COTTON. Among those of Carter County, Missouri, who successfully follow the “healing art” as a profession is Dr. Tolman W. Cotton, who was born on the old home place in Reynolds County August 12, 1868. His grandfather, Aaron Cotton, was a native Tennessean, who came to Missouri about 1844, and took up his home in Reynolds County. He was already quite an aged man when he came to this State, and here was passed the remainder of his days. He and his wife, Nancy, reared a large family of children, who grew up honorable men and women. … Read more

Biography of H. R. Dickson

H. R. DICKSON. It seems impossible to think that where are now magnificent fields of corn and thrifty farms, less than half a century ago was a wilderness inhabited by wild animals and savages. Still stranger is it to think that we have in our midst one of those old settlers who spent his best energies in subduing the wilderness and bringing it to the state of perfection apparent to all. H. R. Dickson was born in Ashe County, N. C., July 31, 1824, and was the eldest of twelve children born to the marriage of William and Frances (Cross) … Read more

Biography of M. B. Chitwood

M. B. CHITWOOD, another of the early pioneers of Reynolds County, Missouri, was born in Campbell County, Tennessee, on the 6th of July, 1828, to the marriage of William and Cecili (Whitecotton) Chitwood, both natives of that State also. The paternal grandfather, Pleasant Chitwood, passed his entire life in Tennessee, engaged in farming. The maternal grandfather, Aaron Whitecotton, came to this county in 1844, and followed farming on Webb’s Creek until his death about 1866. The parents of our subject were married in their native State, and in 1841 they moved with ox-teams from that State to Reynolds County, Missouri … Read more

Biography of Judge Morgan White Cotton

JUDGE MORGAN WHITE COTTON. Judge Morgan White Cotton, probate judge of Ripley County, Missouri, and a man well and favorably known in this part of the State, was born in Reynolds County, Missouri, May 10, 1847, to the marriage of Isaac White Cotton and Christine (Jeffrey) Cotton. Like many of the prominent citizens of this county, Isaac White Cotton was a native of Tennessee, and there made his home until about 1840 when he came to Missouri. Here he settled in the woods of Reynolds County, on Webb’s Creek, and began improving and clearing. Few settled here before he did, … Read more

Biography of Baley Smith

BALEY SMITH. One of the early pioneers of Reynolds County, Missouri, owes his nativity to Tennessee, his birth occurring in Scott County on November 10, 1841. His parents, John and Nancy (Cotton) Smith, were both born in that county. His grandfather, Isaac Smith, died in that State. John Smith and his brother, Barton, came to Reynolds County at an early date, about 1844, and for one year followed farming on Webb’s Creek. After that John came to Kelley’s Creek and bought the land where his son, Isaac Smith, is now living. He opened up this farm and by industry and … Read more

Biography of Abraham Buford

ABRAHAM BUFORD. The name of this respected and much esteemed citizen is well and favorably known in Reynolds County, for he has been a resident of the same all his life, and his name has been intimately associated with the social, intellectual and financial growth of the county. His birth occurred on the three forks of Block River, in the east part of this county, May 1, 1840, and in this county he received his education and became familiar with the duties of farm life. His grandfather, William Buford, was a pioneer settler of Iron County, moving there from Kentucky … Read more

Biography of Edward Hampton Sutterfield

EDWARD HAMPTON SUTTERFIELD. This gentleman is the capable surveyor of Reynolds County, but his usual occupations are farming and stockraising, in following which he has met with more than ordinary success and has accumulated a competency. He owes his nativity to White County, Tennessee, where he first saw the light of day in 1830, a son of William and Dovie (Tap-ley) Sutterfield, who were also born in Tennessee in 1800 and 1810, respectively, and there made their home until 1840, when they came by wagon to what is now Reynolds County and located on a woodland tract on the west … Read more

Biography of James Moore

JAMES MOORE. One of the men who have controlled circumstances in life and commanded success is James Moore, a representative farmer of Reynolds County, Missouri He is a man of advanced ideas and tendencies and is well known all over the county. By industry and good management he has become the owner of 284 acres of land, and he has been exceedingly liberal in his contributions to all charitable and philanthropic causes. Mr. Moore was born in Stokes County, N. C., August 13, 1844, and his parents, William and Polly (Westmoreland) Moore, were natives of the same county and State. … Read more