Biography of E. Clarence Churchill

E. Clarence Churchill. With the exception of a short period spent at St. Louis, E. Clarence Churchill has passed his entire career in Champaign County, where he is now known as a representative of the class of men who have added impetus and encouragement to business, financial and agricultural development. Mr. Churchill entered the Longview Bank in the fall of 1906, and has steadily risen in prestige and position until at this time he is occupying the office of vice president of this institution, to the success of which his abilities and energies have greatly contributed. E. Clarence Churchill was … Read more

Biography of Carl Odebrecht

Carl Odebrecht. Some of the finest farms in Illinois are to be found in Philo Township of Champaign County. This also means that some of the ablest exponents of the art of agriculture are in the same locality. One of the men who have been especially successful in transmitting the resources of the soil into material benefit is Carl Odebrecht, whose operations as a farmer are carried on in section 28 of that township. His entire life has been spent in Champaign County. He was born in Raymond Township, August 20, 1877, and is a son of Charles and Sophie … Read more