Biography of George W. Drought

George W. Drought, who carries on farming on section 1, Norway Township, is a worthy representative of one of the honored pioneer families of Racine County. His birth occurred in Norway Township, October 18, 1869, his parents being William Beasley and Mary (Curren) Drought. The mother had been previously married, her first husband being Werley Drought, who was in the war. The father was born in Canada and was a son of George Drought, who brought his family to Racine County in 1838 from his old home in the Dominion. He was one of the earliest settlers of this locality … Read more

Biography of Samuel Steele

The demise of Samuel Steele, a well known resident of Mount Pleasant Township, was deeply regretted, for he was recognized as a successful farmer, a good citizen and a man of sterling qualities. He was born in Ireland, December 25, 1822, and began his education there, but when ten years old came to America and for several years attended school in Rochester, New York. In early manhood he took up the profession of school teaching, being so employed in Tennessee for several years and in Racine County, Wisconsin. He arrived here in 1847 and after dividing his time between teaching … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Wiegand

Henry C. Wiegand is today one of the oldest jewelry merchants in Racine in years of connection with the trade, having established his store about 1896. Throughout the intervening period the establishment has largely set the standard for activity in this line in the city, for he carries a large and attractive stock and his business methods are such as will bear the closest investigation and scrutiny. Born in Racine on the 1st of May, 1872, he is a son of Conrad and Anna (Haas) Wiegand, both of whom were natives of Germany, whence they came to the new world, … Read more

Biography of Frederick J. Hansche

That Frederick J. Hansche was an industrious and enterprising business man is indicated in the, fact that at the time of his death he was the owner of an excellent property of one hundred and twelve acres, although when he first came to Racine County he had to earn his living by working as a farm hand. He was born in Germany on the 17th of October, 1837, and in that country acquired a common school education. About 1865 he crossed the Atlantic to the United States and for a year thereafter was a resident of Cincinnati. He then came … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Ryba

Racine on the whole has been favored in the class of men who have occupied her public offices, and among the worthy city officials is numbered Charles A. Ryba, who since April, 1913, has occupied the position of city clerk. He was born in Racine, July 21, 1889, a son of Albert and Anna (Novak) Ryba, the former a native of Bohemia, while the latter was born in Caledonia Township, Racine County. Albert Ryba came to the United States in 1882 and made his way to Racine, where he has since resided, occupying the position of shipping clerk or doing … Read more

Biography of Morris Carl Matsen

Morris Carl Matsen is operating a wood and coal business, with moving and storage as a department of his undertaking. His patronage has grown steadily and today his is one of the important enterprises of this character in Racine. Diligence and determination have been the crowning points in the career of Mr. Matsen and success has been the legitimate result of his industry. He was born in Jutland. Denmark, on the 17th of August. 1881, a son of Peter and Anna M. (Scriber) Matsen, who were born, reared and married in Denmark and came to the United States in 1897, … Read more

Biography of George Holler

George Holler, making his home on section 27, Mount Pleasant Township, has been a resident of this County for almost a third of a century. He was born in Germany on the 28th of December, 1858, a son of John Holler. His educational privileges were somewhat limited. He attended the common schools until he reached the age of eleven, when he began providing for his own support by working as a farm hand, in which connection he was employed until he reached the age of nineteen. Then in accordance with the military laws of his country he joined the army … Read more

Biography of Griffith G. Jones

Griffith G. Jones, merchant and manufacturer, has been associated with the Mohr-Jones Hardware Company from the age of sixteen years and successive promotions have brought him to official connection with the house. Since 1907 he has been vice president of the company, having charge of the shop work of the factory at Eleventh Street and the St. Paul Railway tracks. He was born in Racine, August 28, 1873, a son of Griffith P. and Ellen (Williams) .Jones, both of whom were natives of Wales. The father arrived in Racine in 1855 and the mother in 1856 and they were married … Read more

Biography of John G. Osborne

John G. Osborne, president and treasurer of the Lakeside Malleable Castings Company, of Racine, was born Ill Milwaukee, October 2, 1878, a son of W. H. and Ada (Goodrich) Osborne, of Milwaukee, where the father is president of the Wisconsin Malleable Iron Company. He was a son of W. H. Osborne, who removed to southern Michigan about the year 1840. The maternal grandfather of our subject was John R. Goodrich, who established his home in Milwaukee in 1850. John G. Osborne attended the Milwaukee Academy and afterward entered the University of Wisconsin from which he was graduated in 1900 with … Read more

Biography of P. Cornelius Olson

P. Cornelius Olson, assistant cashier of the Racine City Bank, was born in this city July 2, 1871, his parents being Peter M. and Christine Olson, both of whom were natives of Porsgrund, Norway. In that country they were reared and married and during the ’60s they crossed the Atlantic to America, making the voyage on a sailing vessel. Two of their children died while en route and were buried in the ocean. The father was a sailor, devoting his life to that work and to carpentering but for some years he has lived retired, having now reached the eightieth … Read more

Biography of Henry Clinton Case

Well defined plans and purposes have brought Henry Clinton Case to a position among the successful business men of Racine. He has been an active factor in the Business Men’s Association and his opinions are accepted as of worth on many matters that have to do with the commercial and industrial development of his city. He came to the Mississippi valley from the east, his birth having occurred in Williamstown, New York, August 7, 1858, his parents being De Wayne and Eliza (Greenhow) Case, the former a native of Williamstown, New York, and the latter of Kendall. England. Jonathan Case, … Read more

Biography of Ezra R. Burgess

Ezra R. Burgess, a member of the Racine bar, practicing as a partner in the law firm of Gittins & Burgess, was born in Mount Pleasant Township, this County. September 13, 1873, and is a representative of an early New England family. His grandfather was Benajer Burgess, of Vermont, who in early manhood removed from the Green Mountain state to New York. After residing there for some time he arrived in Southport, Wisconsin, in 1836, and there operated a sawmill on Pike Creek but was not permitted to enjoy his new home, his death occurring soon afterward. His son, Alonzo … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Norbert Grabher

Norbert Grabher, who was formerly identified with industrial interests in Racine for many years, is now living upon a farm of seventeen acres on section 37, Mount Pleasant Township, where he has a fine home. He was born in Austria, November 9, 1855, and is a son of Jerome and Katrina Grabher. He attended the common schools to the age of twelve years and afterward worked upon the home farm and throughout the locality as a farm hand until about twenty-five years of age. It was in 18S2 that he crossed the Atlantic, making his way to Philadelphia, and through … Read more

Wisconsin Gold Star List – Racine County

Liberty Bond

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Racine County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

Biography of Joseph O. Kennedy

Joseph O. Kennedy, vice president of the Racine Carriage Company, came to his present position after long connection and broad experience with the Sattley Company, carriage manufacturers, of this city. He is now concentrating his efforts upon the further development of the trade, reaching out along modern commercial lines for that success which is the direct outcome of close application, unfaltering diligence and unremitting energy. Mr. Kennedy was born in Franklin County, Missouri, June 24, 1877, a son of W. H. and Virginia Kennedy, who are still occupying the farm upon which they have lived for a half century, near … Read more

Biography of John W. Hay

Since 1901 John W. Hay has resided upon his present farm of one hundred and forty acres in Yorkville Township, and has concentrated his energies upon the dairy business, shipping milk to Chicago. He was born in Raymond Township, this County, on the 24th of August, 1853, a son of William and Mary (Coad) Hay, the former a native of Cumberland, England, and the latter of Cornwall. The paternal grandfather, Adam Hay, became a resident of Racine County and passed his last days here, but the grandmother died on the voyage across the Atlantic. The maternal grandfather was an early … Read more

Biography of W. W. Kradwell

W. W. Kradwell, secretary and general manager of the Kradwell Drug Company of Racine, is bending his energies to the successful direction of a business that is growing steadily in volume and importance and takes rank with the chief commercial enterprises of this city. He was born in 1875, a native of Boscobel, Wisconsin, although of Austrian and Swiss lineage. His paternal grandfather, Albert Kradwell, was a native of Austria, while his maternal grandfather. Benjamin Weibel was born in Switzerland. After following farming for many years in Austria the former became a resident of Grant County, Wisconsin, following the arrival … Read more

Biography of John William Ruggaber

John William Ruggaber, secretary, treasurer and manager of the Racine Electric Company, was born on the 26th of July, 1882, in the city of Racine, his parents being Joseph and Theresa (Brick) Ruggaber, the former a native of Ottawa, Illinois, while the latter was also born in Racine. The Ruggaber family was early established in this section of the state and as the name indicates they come of German ancestry. The father, Joseph Ruggaber, died in the year 1894, but the mother still survives. They had a family of four sons: Frank, John W., Ed and Albert, all of whom … Read more

Biography of H. E. Kastensen

The rich farming country near Franksville contains many excellent properties, among which is the Evergreen Lawn Farm, the home place of H. E. Kastensen, who has resided thereon since 1886, purchasing a tract of land of one hundred and twenty acres, which has responded readily and richly to the care that he has bestowed upon it. To other fields of labor he has also extended his efforts and is regarded as a wide-awake, alert and progressive business man. He was born in Denmark, February 10, 1852, a son of Kastensen Ericksen and Laura Kastensen, who were also natives of Denmark, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred Reichert

Fred Reichert, a well known contractor of Racine, was born November 6, 1886, in this city, his parents being Nichola F. and Catherine (Becker) Reichert, who were also natives of this city. The paternal grandfather, Frederick Reichert, was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, and in early manhood came to the new world, here following the occupation of farming. He cast in his lot with the early settlers of Racine County and his son, Nichola F., was born and reared on the old homestead farm and became a contractor and builder. He was thus identified with building operations in this County for … Read more