Biography of George W. Robinson

George W. Robinson of Wichita has been a Kansan forty years. His first work in this state was as an educator at Winfield, continuing from June, 1876, to June, 1879. He soon turned to the more congenial work of a business career. The field in which his energies have found their most successful issues has been in banking, and there are a number of flourishing institutions in the state which were organized or at some time in their career have received the benefit of his excellent judgment and financial ability. Born February 20, 1855, in Piqua, Ohio, he went to … Read more

Biography of Malcolm Campbell Newman, M. D.

Malcolm Campbell Newman, M. D., whose work as a physician and surgeon had brought him high standing among the citizens of Toronto and over a large part of the county, moved to Toronto in 1913 from Virgil, where he had practiced for several years. Doctor Newman looks after a large general medical and surgical practice, having his offices on the main street of town, and since locating at Toronto had served as health officer. He is a member of the Woodson County and State Medical societies and the American Medical Association. Doctor Newman was born in Gentry County, Missouri, August … Read more

Bard, Wayne N. – Obituary

Wayne N. Bard, 78, died Jan. 22, 2007, in Pueblo, Colo. Wayne’s ashes will be buried beside his wife at Mount Hope Cemetery May 2 at 2 p.m. Father Julian Cassar of St. Francis de Sales Cathedral will officiate. All friends and relatives are invited to the graveside service and to the following reception at the United Methodist Church. Wayne was born Aug. 4, 1928, in Winfield, Kan., to Claude and Hilda Bard. He spent most of his growing up years in the Winfield area and served his country in the Navy. When he came home from the Navy he … Read more

Honeycutt, Gwendolyn Akin Mrs. – Obituary

Gwendolyn Akin Honeycutt, 100, a longtime Halfway resident, died Nov. 1, 2000, at her home. Her graveside funeral was Tuesday at the Pine Haven Cemetery at Halfway. Buck Steele officiated. Mrs. Honeycutt was born Oct. 18, 1900, at Victor, Colo., to George and Lucy Akin. She married Washington Denver Honeycutt on Nov. 5, 1919, at Pueblo, Colo. They had four daughters over the next eight years while traveling the West picking fruit. In the early 1930s, they owned a car dealership, but lost almost everything during the Depression. In 1939 they moved to Halfway where they farmed and later established … Read more

Biography of Jesse H. Arnold

Jesse H. Arnold, Prominent among those who have been most active in advancing the interests of Orange County, stands the gentleman whose name heads this sketch – the pioneer merchant of Orange. He is a native of Howard County, Missouri, born July 15, 1842, and son of John and Margaret (Heard) Arnold. His father died in Howard County, Missouri, January 30, 1870, aged about seventy-four years; his mother died at his residence in Orange, September 19, 1889, aged eighty-seven years, three months and twenty days. At the time of his mother’s death, Mr. Arnold wrote the following obituary, which not … Read more

1871 Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer

1871 Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer

1871 Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer, comprising a brief history of Colorado up to 1871 … together with a complete and accurate directory and history of Denver, Golden City, Black Hawk, Central City, Nevada, Idaho, and Georgetown.

Biographical Sketch of Robert H. Dawson

Dawson, Robert H.; lawyer; born, Pontiac, Mich., March 28, 1882; son of John W. and Jean Hamilton Dawson; educated, University of Michigan, A. B., 1903, and Western Reserve University, 1909, LL. B.; married, Pueblo, Colo., Sept. 14, 1910, Miss Luna Cooper; member Phi Delta Phi Fraternity. Recreations: Baseball and Football.

Biographical Sketch of William B. Chandler

William B. Chandler, a well-known stock buyer of the County and a resident of Bourbon Township, was born in Douglas County, Illinois, March 6, 1852. He is a son of Lemuel Chandler (for the ancestry of the family, see sketch.) When yet a boy, William B. Chandler entered the University of Illinois at Champaign and was graduated there from with a degree of B. S. in the class of 1876. In 1885 he served in the capacity of clerk to the Indian commission at Yankton and continued in this capacity for four years. He then went to Pueblo, Colorado, where … Read more

Expeditions of Fowler and James to Santa Fe, 1821

General Thomas James

When Pike returned from his western expedition and related his experiences in Santa Fe and other places among the Spaniards, his accounts excited great interest in the east, which resulted in further exploits. In 1812, an expedition was undertaken by Robert McKnight, James Baird, Samuel Chambers, Peter Baum, Benjamin Shrive, Alfred Allen, Michael McDonald, William Mines, and Thomas Cook, all citizens of Missouri Territory; they were arrested by the Spaniards, charged with being in Spanish territory without a passport, and thrown into the calabazos of Chihuahua, where they were kept for nine years. In 1821, two of them escaped, and coming down Canadian and Arkansas rivers met Hugh Glenn, owner of a trading house at the mouth of the Verdigris, and told him of the wonders of Santa Fe. Inspired by the accounts of these travelers, Glenn engaged in an enterprise with Major Jacob Fowler and Captain Pryor for an expedition from the Verdigris to Santa Fe.

Biographical Sketch of William Franklin Minton

It is with pleasure that we essay the task of epitomizing the salient points in the interesting career of the estimable and enterprising gentleman whose name is at the head of this article, and it is very fitting that such be granted space in the history of Malheur County, since he has labored here for the up building of the county and has wrought with wisdom and energy for this end, while also he has spent much time on the frontier and in other places, always, however, manifesting that same energy and capability in furthering the chariot of progress and … Read more

Hayes, Katherine Etta “Katie” Harris Mrs. – Obituary

Katherine Etta “Katie” Hayes, 81, died Aug. 9, 2005, at St Elizabeth Health Services after a knee replacement operation. Her graveside memorial service will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Mount Hope Cemetery. Katie was born at Salina, Kan., on Aug. 21, 1923, to Nathaniel Creager Harris, a not-so-tall Texan, and Mary Margaret Shank. The Shank family had lived in Kansas for many years as homestead-era farmers. Salina was her home through 1941. After graduating from Salina High School, she set off like many of her generation to work in support of the war effort as a Western Union operator … Read more

Kit Carson, His Life and Adventures – Indian Wars


The subject of this sketch, Christopher “Kit” Carson, was born on the 24th of December, 1809, in Madison County, Kentucky. The following year his parents removed to Howard County, Missouri, then a vast prairie tract and still further away from the old settlements.

Hayes, Walter Hartwell – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Walter Hartwell Hayes, 85, of Baker City, died April 1, 2006, at St. Elizabeth Care Center, where he had lived the past 9 years. There will be a memorial service this summer at Mount Hope Cemetery when family members can return from Europe and the Middle East. Walt was born at Baker City on April 22, 1920, to Walter Dutton Hayes and Junia Philbrick Hayes. He spent almost his entire life in Baker County. The “lay-in home” where he was born is still standing on Spring Garden Avenue, not but a block from where his … Read more

Ash Hollow and Cheyenne Expedition

In 1856, eight years after our last look at the eastern edge of the Mountain country, there had not been much alteration in its appearance in the matter of settlements. There still remained the two pueblos on the Arkansas, one at the mouth of the Fontaine Que Bouille, the present city of Pueblo, Colorado, and the other some thirty miles farther up the stream, called Hardscrabble. The former was established in 1840, and the latter two or three years later. Their character may be gathered from the following extract from a letter of Indian agent Fitzpatrick, in 1847: “About seventy-five … Read more