Sarah Elizabeth Todd Bonesteal of Poughkeepsie NY

BONESTEAL, Sarah Elizabeth Todd7, (Eli6, Jonah5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Aug. 18, 1813, married Virgil Dryden Bonesteal. He was a lawyer. They lived in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Children: I. Thompson, d. young. II. Philip, d. young.

Biography of Matthew Hale

MATTHEW HALE A MAN of fine legal attainments and of high personal character, who has been a steady resident of Albany for the past twenty-two years is the Hon. Matthew Hale, On the 20th of June, 1829, in the little town of Chelsea, in the state of Vermont, this well-known jurist first saw the light of day. His ancestry is in every respect a notable one – including admirable combinations of intellectual, moral and religious principles. His father, Harry Hale, was a descendant of one Thomas Hale, an English yeoman, who immigrated to this country in 1638, and settled in … Read more

Biography of William H. Stufflebeam

There is not a more popular man in Idaho either as Elk or “landlord” than William Herman Stufflebeam, proprietor of the Blackfoot Hotel, at Blackfoot; there is not a man better liked on purely personal grounds; and there is not a man to whom the citizens of Idaho would more confidently entrust the unraveling of a difficult problem or the settlement of important monetary interests than to Mr. Stufflebeam, who is a business man of careful and comprehensive training. William Herman Stufflebeam was born at Whitehall, Washington county, New York. His paternal great-grandfather and his grandfather fought together in the … Read more

From Poughkeepsie to Kingston along the Hudson River

Leaving the Poughkeepsie dock the steamer approaches the Poughkeepsie Bridge which, from Blue Point and miles below, has seemed to the traveler like a delicate bit of lace-work athwart the landscape, or like an old-fashioned “valance” which used to hang from Dutch bedsteads in the Hudson River farm houses. This great cantilever structure was begun in 1873, but abandoned for several years. The work was resumed in 1886 just in time to save the charter, and was finished by the Union Bridge Company in less than three years. The bridge is 12,608 feet in length (or about two miles and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Lee Caulkins

Caulkins, David Lee; insurance; born, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1869; son of John Guernsey and Nancy Lee Caulkins; educated at the University of Chattanooga; married, Ludlow, Ky., May 29, 1893, Dora Leota Hoover; one son, Robert Sharp Caulkins, born Oct. 23, 1897; district chief railway mail service, Louisville & Cincinnati, for seven years; prior to coming to Cleveland, in 1905, general agt. for Northeastern Ohio for The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co.; since 1905, trustee City Rescue Mission; elder Calvary Presbyterian Church; member Chamber of Commerce.

Biography of Stephen Henry Velie

The City of Moline owes its prominence throughout the United States, and in fact, throughout the entire civilized world, chiefly to its manufactories. And to Stephen Henry Velie, deceased, who, during his life, was conspicuously identified with several of that city’s leading manufacturing establishments, Moline is greatly indebted for the preeminence she now maintains in industrial enterprise. Mr. Velie was born April 21, 1830, near Hyde Park, Dutchess County, New York, his boyhood, until he arrived at the age of fifteen years, being spent upon his father’s farm in that county. During this period he attended the public schools of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Copeland, Charles P.

Copeland, Charles P. cashier of Russell Bank, and County Treasurer, first came to Kansas in April 1874. He embarked in mercantile business until 1878, and began banking in 1877. Was elected County Treasurer in 1879; re-elected in 1881. He was born at Middletown Springs, Rutland Co., Vt., in 1854, and was raised on a farm. He graduated from Eastman’s Commercial College, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1874. He then came to Kansas. Married in 1876 to Miss Josephine Ackerman, of Rosendale, Wis. They have one son – Cecil Edwin. Mr. Copeland is a member of Russell Lodge, No. 119, I. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George H. Olmsted

Olmsted, George H.; insurance; born, La Grange, O., Sept. 21, 1843; son of Jonathan and Harriet A. Sheldon Olmsted; educated, district school, Elyria High School, Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., graduate; married, Saybrook, O., Oct. 24, 1872, Ella L. Kelly; one daughter, Grace S., one son, Harvard; taught school three winters in Ohio and Wisconsin; entered insurance business in 1867; built up the large fire insurance business of George H. Olmsted & Co., and The Ohio & Indiana State Agency of Olmsted Bros. & Co.; being the largest agency in the United States of The National Life Insurance Co. … Read more

Biography of John Leo McLaughlin

JOHN LEO McLAUGHLIN – There is a man in Pittsfield who is the living exponent of the principle put into practical use in that city, to wit: That a cooperative coal yard can be run successfully over a course of years, secure good coal for its customers, pay dividends to its shareholders and a patronage refund to its consumers, and at the same time disabuse the general public’s mind of the idea that such a scheme of business cannot be made to pay. The man who has demonstrated the above salient facts is John Leo McLaughlin, manager of the Pittsfield … Read more

Biography of N. T. Van Natta, Hon.

Hon. N. T. Van Natta. Accurately speaking there remains no new locality in our country, and pioneers and pioneer life no longer exist. An engrossing and interesting condition had passed into history, and its lessons and inspiration live principally in the retrospection of those individuals who endured the hardships and contributed by various services and diversified gifts to the upbuilding of the present. Republic County had as noble a roll call of early settlers as any part of Kansas, and among those inseparably connected with the Republic County records none are more deserving of prepetuation in its annals than Hon. … Read more

Biography of Judge John T. Morgan

The gentleman whose name heads this review has been a conspicuous figure in the legislative and judicial history of two states. Probably the public life of no other illustrious citizen of Idaho has extended over as long a period as his, and certainly the life of none has been more varied in service, more constant in honor, more fearless in conduct and more stainless in reputation. His career has been one of activity, full of incidents and results. In every sphere of life in which he has been called upon to move he has made an indelible impression, and by … Read more

Biography of John Scales

John Scales, a resident of Wagontown, is a native of the Emerald Isle, his birth having occurred in Kilrush, County Clare, on the 6th of May 1840. At the time of the protectorate in England members of the Scales family, natives of that land, went to Ireland as soldiers of Oliver Cromwell, and for their services were paid in Irish estates, called “sword-lands.” The parents of our subject were Samuel and Rachel Scales, who were distant relatives. They came to America in 1855, bringing with them their family of five children, and took up their residence in the state of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. W. Pearson

E. W. Pearson, an enterprising farmer of Coffee County, was born in Bedford County, November 23, 1856. He is the son of Charles and Mary J. (Wells) Pearson, natives of Tennessee. The elder Pearson was a manufacturer in Bedford County until 1871, when he was a farmer and millwright in Coffee County, and finally at Sparta, Tennessee, where he is still milling. Our subject, the oldest of seven children, after an academic training attended Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Returning home he began the lumber business for I. W. Whitman, of Boston, and in August 1878, was employed by … Read more

Biography of Hon. H. A. Neal

Hon. H. A. Neal, attorney at law, Charleston; is a native of’ New Hampshire; he was born in Tuftonborough, Carroll Co., Dec. 13, 1846; he was raised on a farm until he was ten years of age, and then his parents removed to Great Falls, N. H.; he attended the public schools of that city until 1863, when the family returned to the farm; in the fall of 1864, he entered the army as a member of Co. K, 18t N. H. Heavy Artillery, and served till the close of the war; on his return, he attended one term in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Sherman Van De Boe

Van De Boe, Joseph Sherman; real estate; born, Jan. 20, 1859, Cooperstown, N. Y.; son of John Leeland Van De Boe; common school education; married in December, 1881, Miss Mary A. Wood, of Lebanon; issue, one son, Hugh Robert, born Oct. 14, 1885; Mrs. Van De Boe died in December, 1909, while visiting her son, in Hong Kong, China; business career, began to work when 12 years of age; worked on a farm; mgr. Drug Co. in Andover, N. Y.; realizing the need of further education, worked in country store in Ulysses, Pa., and attended Academy there; then went to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Melvin Daniel Kilmer

Kilmer, Melvin Daniel; manufacturer; born, New York State, July 29, 1858; son of Augustus and Vianna Barner Kilmer; educated, Eastman’s Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; married, Schenectady, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1886, Mary T. Hoag; two sons, Augustus H. and Melvin D. Jr.; pres. and mgr. The Kilmer Spring Support Co.; the company also manufactures wire-forming machines and bale ties; copartner with M. D. Kilmer & Co., and A. H. Kilmer & Son; Mason, Emennal Lodge, Cleveland, Highland Chapter, Newburg, N. Y., Hudson River Commandery, Newburg, N. Y., New York Consistory, Mecca Temple, New York City; member Masonic Club.

Biography of George Henry Walker

George Henry Walker occupies a prominent position in business, circles of Muskogee as vice president and general manager of the Osage Cotton Oil Company and has also served as mayor of the city since April, 1920. His birth occurred at Union Springs, Alabama, on the 1st of October, 1872, his parents being Merriott W. and Rexie (Goodwin) Walker, the former a prosperous planter and merchant. After mastering the elementary branches of learning George Henry Walker pursued a high school course in his native town and subsequently attended a business college at Poughkeepsie, New York. When his textbooks were put aside … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Whittlesey Walton

Walton, John Whittlesey; merchant and mfgr.; born Salisbury, Litchfield County, Conn., Jan. 15, 1845; son of Lucius Clark and Mary Vesta (Whittlesey) Walton; removed in early life to Tallmadge, Summit County, O.; educated, public school and Tallmadge Academy, graduated, 1864, Eastman’s Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; married, Cleveland, Oct. 6, 1869, L. A. Lyman; issue, one son and two daughters, Edwin A. Walton (Detroit, Mich.), Ethelwyne, now Mrs. William O. Osborn, Cleveland, Florence L., now Mrs. Frank Gill Dorr, Buffalo, N. Y.; married Gertrude Louise Hutchinson, Madison, Ind.; issue, three daughters, Gertrude Letitia, Margaret, Gladys; clerked first in retail and … Read more

From Newburgh to Poughkeepsie along the Hudson River

Newburgh, 60 miles from New York. Approaching the city of Newburgh, we see a building of rough stone, one story high, with steep roof—known as Washington’s Headquarters. For several years prior to, and during the Revolution, this was the home of Jonathan Hasbrouck, known far and wide for business integrity and loyalty to liberty. This house was built by him, apparently, in decades; the oldest part, the northeast corner, in 1750; the southeast corner, in 1760, and the remaining half in 1770. It fronted west on the king’s highway, now known as Liberty Street, with a garden and family burial … Read more

Howland Family of Duxbury, MA


HOWLAND. Arthur and Henry Howland are believed to have come to America together and probably before 1625; they appeared in Plymouth Colony in the early days of its settlement. They were members of the Society of Friends and most of their descendants for many generations were, and many at the present time are, Friends. Arthur lived for a few years in Plymouth, then became a landholder and resident of Marshfield; while Henry, the progenitor of the Ancient Dartmouth Howland family, the branch here specially considered, lived at Duxbury. The first mention of him in New England is that made in … Read more