Biography of Michael Dougherty

Michael Dougherty is one of the able industrious workers and business men who have identified themselves with the City of Independence because it is a center for the oil and gas industry of the Southwest. For forty years he had been a boilermaker, and had followed his trade as a workman and as a contractor in nearly all the oil and gas fields in the country. He is now superintendent of tankage construction for the Prairie Oil and Gas Company. He is a native of Ireland and of an old County Donegal family. His grandfather spent his life as a … Read more

Biography of Arthur Leslie Gregory, M. D.

Dr. Arthur Leslie Gregory, engaged in the general practice of medicine at Muskogee but largely specializing in surgery, was born in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, July 24, 1877, his parents being Benjamin and Amy (Muehler) Gregory. The father was a merchant and gave to his son excellent educational opportunities. The latter attended the Wyoming Seminary at Kingston, Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated with the class of 1893. He afterward determined upon the practice of medicine as a life work and entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons at St. Louis, Missouri, in which he completed a course with the class … Read more

Biography of Atherton, Cornelius

Cornelius Atherton came in from Pennsylvania in 1803 or ‘4. He was born in Cambridge, Mass., in 1736, and was the fourth in descent from Gen. Humphrey Atherton of Boston, from whom all the Athertons in America are descended. He married Mary Delano and with her removed to Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y., in 1763. He was a blacksmith by trade, and having discovered the process of converting iron into American steel, in 1772 he entered into a contract with the Messrs. Reed, merchants of that place, to superintend the erection of steel works, to be constructed by them, and … Read more