Biography of Ezra M. Fleenor

Ezra M. Fleenor, a successful farmer and stock-raiser of Valley township, Page county, is one of Iowa’s native sons, his birth occurring in Henry county on the 27th of June, 1860. He is a son of George and Elizabeth (Shidler) Fleenor, natives of Iowa and of Pennsylvania respectively, both of whom still survive and make their home in Clarinda. In their family were seven children, all of whom are living but one. Reared amid the scenes and environments of rural life, Ezra M. Fleenor devoted the years of his boyhood and youth to the acquirement of a common-school education and … Read more

Biography of Jacob Holland Powers

In the period which marked the pioneer development of Page county and witnessed the laying of the foundation upon which has been built its present prosperity and progress, Jacob Holland Powers was a prominent factor in the district. He came here in the early days and for many years figured prominently in connection with its agricultural interests and also as the owner of a large amount of real estate. He is well remembered, too, as a man of kindly spirit and generous civility as manifested in his liberal aid to those who needed assistance. He was born near Morgantown in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. J. McKinnon

A. J. McKinnon, the present sheriff of Harney County, was born in Page County, Iowa, in 1866. He has been a resident of this County with but short intervals since 1886, during a portion of which time he conducted a blacksmith shop in Burns. In June 1896, he was elected sheriff on the Democratic ticket, and has given general satisfaction as an officer, being both capable find efficient. He takes quite an interest in fraternal affairs, being a Mason, Knight and Odd Fellow.

Biography of O. A. Kimball

In a history of the business development of Clarinda and Page county mention should be made of O. A. Kimball, who for some years figured prominently in connection with the lumber trade and later with the agricultural interests of the community. He was born in New Hampshire in 1835 and was a son of Edwin and Elizabeth (Prescott) Kimball, both of whom were natives of New England. The father followed the occupation of farming in New Hampshire, where both he and his wife died. The Kimball family was established on American soil in the early period in the colonization of … Read more

Biography of Ed F. Rose

Ed F. Rose, as president of the Clarinda National Bank, needs no introduction to the readers of this volume. The institution bears the impress of his individuality in its progressive methods. His course at all times will bear the closest investigation and his name is synonymous for business probity, while his word is as good as any bond ever solemnized by signature or seal. He was born in McDonough county, Illinois, July 24, 1859, his parents being Charles 1\I. and Elsie H. (Buckner) Rose. The father was for some years engaged in various pursuits and following his removal to Page … Read more

Biography of Hon. John G. Slate

Hon. John G. Slate, of Jefferson City, who since 1912 has served on the bench of the circuit court of Missouri, his record reflecting credit and honor upon the judicial history of the state, was born January 26, 1860, in Cole county, about eight miles west of Jefferson City, his parents being Robert T. and Isabella D. (Jones) Slate, the former a native of Tennessee, while the latter was born in Kentucky. The father was a farmer, who in antebellum days owned a large number of slaves, having a plantation on the river. He also conducted a wood yard and … Read more

Biography of Joseph Burwell

Joseph Burwell owns and cultivates a tract of land of forty acres on section 26, Nodaway township. He has now passed the seventy-fifth milestone on life’s journey and his record is in many respects a highly creditable one worthy of emulation. He was born in Crayford county, Ohio, August 1, 1834, and his parents, William and Nancy ( Morris) Burwell, were also natives of that state. In 1865 they came to Iowa and the mother (died in Limn county during the first year of their residence in this state. The father afterward came to Page county and here spent his … Read more

Biography of S. A. Youngberg

Tarkio township has a class of citizens of which it has every reason to be proud as on the whole they are energetic, seeking success in legitimate lines of business and recognizing at the same time their individual obligations to their fellowmen and to the country. Not a few of Tarkio’s citizens come from Sweden and to this class belongs S. A. Youngberg, who is now following farming on section 3. He was born in Sweden in June 1837, his parents being John and Anna Swanson, both of whom lived and died in Sweden. Mr. Youngberg was reared in the … Read more

Biography of Hon. O. H. Frink

Hon. O. H. Frink is one of Page county’s representative citizens who has never allowed personal interest or ambition to dwarf his public spirit. His feelings have ever found expression in prompt action rather than in theory and as mayor of Shenandoah lie is now doing effective work in promoting needed restrictive, regulative and constructive measures. He also stands as one who has been prominent in business circles, his previous activity and well directed energy bringing him the competence that makes possible his present retirement. A native of Indiana, Mr. Frink was born in the city of Elkhart, May 26, … Read more

Biography of William Hartford, D. O.

William Hartford, D. O. The science of osteopathy, which has its fundamental principle in the theory that most diseases of humanity are traceable to malformation of some part of the skeleton, long since has passed the experimental stage and has become a widely recognized and sane factor in the alleviation of the suffering of mankind. A capable and enthusiastic promoter of this method of cure is found in Dr. William Hartford of Champaign, who has been engaged in practice here since 1899, and whose professional career has been one characterized by remarkably successful results. He is a native of Henderson … Read more

Biography of James G. Williams, M.D.

Dr. James G. Williams, deceased, who for a number of years was a successful practitioner of medicine in Braddyville, Page county, Iowa, was born in Ohio on the 12th of July 1830. He spent the period of his boyhood and youth in his parents’ home and attended the district schools in the acquirement of his early education. When eighteen years of age he went to Richland, Keokuk county, Iowa, where he enrolled as a student in the high school of that city. After completing his high-school course he entered the Keokuk Medical College in preparation for a professional career. He … Read more

Biography of Ulysses Schuyler Wolfe

Ulysses Schuyler Wolfe is sole proprietor of the Alfalfa Milling Company of Emporia. This is a business of more than local proportions and makes a specialty of converting the great alfalfa crop of Kansas into special feed and combination of feed for livestock. Mr. Wolfe had been a resident of Kansas since early boyhood and his family were among the early settlers of Emporia. His original ancestors came from England in colonial times and many of them settled in Maryland and Southern Pennsylvania. Grandfather David Wolfe was born in Maryland in 1821 and died in Hagerstown of that state in … Read more

Biography of George W. Scholes

George W. Scholes is a well known and worthy representative of the farming interests of Harlan township, now busily engaged in the cultivation and improvement of one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 26. Nearly every state in the Union has furnished its quota of citizens to Iowa and among those sent by Ohio is Mr. Scholes, whose birth occurred near Loudonville, on the 7th of July1840. He was one of five children born unto Elijah and Caroline (Tracy) Scholes, who were also natives of Ohio. The mother died in that state in 1850 and the father was … Read more

Biography of Earl R. Ferguson

Earl R. Ferguson, a man of purpose whose plans are well formulated and who accomplishes what lie plans, is a native son of Shenandoah, his birth having here occurred April 30, 1876. He is a son of judge W. P. Ferguson, mentioned elsewhere in this volume, and his work has been in accordance with the example set by his honored father, who from the earliest days of Shenandoah’s development has been a most important factor in its growth and upbuilding. At the usual age he was sent to the public schools and passing through the consecutive grades was graduated from … Read more

Biography of Hon. Charles E. Linderman

Not the good that comes to us but the good that comes to the world through us is the measure of our success, and judged by this standard as well as by the ratings of the business world Hon. Charles E. Linderman was a most successful man. He was numbered among the prominent, valued, honored and respected citizens of southwestern Iowa and left the impress of his individuality for good on its substantial development and improvement. He stood for high ideals in citizenship, in business affairs and in private life, and the nobility of his manhood made him most honored … Read more

Biography of Charles Wesley Foster

Charles Wesley Foster, deceased, who was one of the public-spirited citizens of Page county, honored and respected wherever known but most of all where best known, was born May 19, 1833, in Canton, Fulton county, Illinois, where he acquired his education in the public schools. At the age of fifteen years he went to Peoria to learn the tinner’s trade and there remained for four years. When nineteen years of age he went to Abingdon, Illinois, and conducted the first hardware and tin store in that place. Four years later he removed to Bushnell, Illinois, where he also became the … Read more

Biography of Mont Morris

The agricultural interests of Nodaway township find a worthy representative in Mont Morris, who is the owner of an excellent farm of one hundred and twenty acres situated on the southwest quarter of section 23. This farm is largely devoted to the raising of stock and Mr. Morris is well known as a breeder of shorthorn cattle. He was born in Champaign county, Illinois, October 22, 1866, and is a son of Price W. and Elizabeth (Horr) Morris, both of whom were natives of Ohio but spent their last days in Page county. The father devoted his entire life to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter William Richardson

Among the leading enterprises which contribute to the business activity and upbuilding of Clarinda is that conducted by the Clarinda Poultry, Butter & Egg Company, of which Mr. Richardson is secretary and manager. As the result of his close application and energy intelligently applied the business has made rapid and substantial advancement and he is today numbered among the most prosperous residents of this city. He was born in Lafayette county, Wisconsin, on the 31st of May 1873, is a son of Henry and Mary Ann (Winskell) Richardson. The father was a farmer by occupation, following that pursuit in order … Read more

Biography of Ebenezer F. Porter, Hon.

For nearly a quarter of a century the Hon. Ebenezer F. Porter, State Senator from the Ninth Senatorial District, had been one of the powers and potential forces in business and in politics, in material progress and in educational affairs in that seetion of the state. He had, from an early age, borne a large share of his father’s as well as his own responsibilities in business affairs and had been forced to deal with matters of far more than ordinary importance. Notwithstanding the extent and seape of his activities, it may be said without fear of contradiction that he … Read more