Biography of James Fleet

Many of our most capable and substantial citizens have come to us from England and among that number we must mention the subject of this sketch, whose career has demonstrated the pluck, perseverance and intelligence of the doughty Anglo Saxon race, and any work which purports to give review of the prominent citizens of Wallowa County would be quite incomplete were there not mention of this honorable and esteemed gentleman, whose uprightness, integrity and capability have given him a standing among his men and fellows and it is with pleasure that we accord him representation in the chronicles of our … Read more

Owyhee, Idaho Mines previous to 1865

They were: Whiskey Gulch Oro Fino Morning Star Ida Elmore (Bannack) Golden Chariot War Eagle Minnesota Silver Bullion Hidden Treasure General Grant Noonday Centurion Golden Eagle Allison Blazing Star Montana Homo Ticket Floreta Silver Legion Eureka Calaveras Caledonia Empire Dashaway Red Jacket Poorman was discovered a little later than these.

Owyhee, Idaho Mines 1865-1880

Mine Discoveries: Mahogany Stormy Hill South Chariot Illinois Central North Extension Illinois Central Belle Peck North Extension Poorman South Poorman Lucky Poorman Big Fish Boycott Glenbrook Clearbrook Idlewild North Empire South Empire San Juan Dubuque Silver Cloud Louisiana Ruby Jackson Silver City Ruth Sinker By Chance Potosi Rattling Jack St James South Extension Morning Star Northern Light Trook & Jennings Whiskey Brannan Home Resort Savage Piute Miami Lone Tree Home Stake Little Fish Silver Cord Golden Cord Standard Ruby and Horn Silver Lode Philox Webfoot Wilson Idaho Gentle Emma Stoddard Ohio Henrietta Tremont Crown Point Redemption Boonville Empire State Florida … Read more

Silver City Owyhee Idaho Avalanche

Their names were: Michael Jordan A. J. Miner G. W. Chadwick Cyrus Iba William Phipps Joseph Dorsey Jerome Francisco John Moore J. R. Cain W. Churchill H. R. Wade A. J. Reynolds James Carroll William Duncan Dr A. F. Rudd F. Height W. L. Wade John Gannon M. Conner C. Ward H. W. Prindall D. P. Banes O. H. Purdy J. G. Boone W. T. Carson P. H. Gordon L. G. Gehr and 3 others. In the Silver City Owyhee Avalanche of Jan. 8, 1876, is a notice of the death of Alexander Eddington, an Englishman aged 60, a ‘pioneer … Read more