Fix, Alice Ruth Vickers – Obituary

Alice Ruth Fix, passed peacefully away into the hands of her Heavenly Father on 2 June 1996 in Santa Barbara, CA. Born 18 June 1908 to Howard and Catherine Vickers in Kingsville, Ontario, Canada. The family moved to Drumheller, Alberta, Canada when she was 3 years of age. Alice was the eldest of 5 children. She married Earl George Fix in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada, on 10 Dec. 1925 and later emigrated to the United States. Alice lived in Orting and Tacoma, WA until Oct. 1962 when she moved to Santa Barbara, CA. Her husband; 1 sister, Vera Larsen of Seattle; … Read more

Fix, Cora Johnson – Obituary

Mrs. Cora Fix, 72, of Orting, passed on at her home Aug. 2 [1946] after an illness of several months. She had resided in Orting since 1889, moving there from her birthplace in Cawker City, Kas. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Gladys L. Berry of Orting, and two granddaughters, Mrs. Orpha Stone of Tacoma and Mrs. Shirley Rudnick of Orting. Also surviving are six great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Orting M. E. Church. Burial will be in the Orting Cemetery under direction of the Orting Funeral Home. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

O’Farrell, James R. – Obituary

James R. O’Farrell, 80, a native of Orting and a former Pierce County commissioner, died Friday night [September 25, 1953] at his home in Orting. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Farrell, were pioneers in area, taking up a 120-acre homestead in the Puyallup Valley in 1870. Mr. O’Farrell was the last of four sons of the pioneers. He married Lena Bruce of Tacoma in 1898 and they set up housekeeping in Orting. For many years he was active in community and political affairs. He served at various times as mayor, councilman and school director in Orting and from 1916 … Read more

Fix, Samuel Edgar – Obituary

Samuel Edgar Fix, 80, who came to Orting in 1890 and who later built the Kapowsin School and the Eatonville gymnasium, died Tuesday [April 3, 1951] at a Puyallup Hospital. He was born in Minnesota, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Fix. His father was a Civil War veteran. S. E. Fix attended schools in Minnesota and Orting, then went to Alaska in 1901, engaging in placer mining for two years. He returned to Kapowsin in 1903 to work in various sawmills. He then became a contractor and constructed many of the buildings in Kapowsin, Eatonville, Orting, and Sumner. … Read more

Fix, George Stewart – Obituary

George Fix, 71, native of Minnesota, died Monday [May 28, 1945] at his home at Orting. He is survived by his wife, Ollie, at the home; son, Earl G. Fix, Tacoma; sister, Mrs. Grace Baker, Tacoma, and a brother, Ed Fix of Kapowsin. Services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Orting Funeral Home, the Rev. W. O. Benadow officiating. Burial will be in Sumner Cemetery. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Lee, Robert Edward – Obituary

Robert Edward (Bob) Lee, manager of the Tacoma office of the General Electric Company and prominent in business, civic, and sports circles, died late Wednesday night [October 23, 1940] at his home, 825 North Yakima Avenue, of a heart attack. He appeared to be in good health during the afternoon and ate a hearty dinner Wednesday night. Following dinner, he sat down in his living room and fell into a sleep from which he never awakened. He had been at his office as usual Wednesday. About three years ago he suffered a slight stroke, from which he seemed to have … Read more

Scanlan, Jay Chester – Obituary

Jay C. Scanlan, 80, of the State Soldiers Home in Orting, died in a Puyallup nursing home Tuesday [April 1, 1969] following a long illness. He was born in Minnesota and lived in Western Washington most of his life. He was a retired carpenter and a veteran of World War I and had been a resident of the State Soldiers Home for the past 10 years. He also belonged to Eagles Aerie No. 1, Seattle, and the Disabled American Veterans. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Orphia Stone and Mrs. Shirley Rudnick, both of Orting; six grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren. … Read more

O’Farrell, Owen E. – Obituary

Owen E. O’Farrell, 74, Rt. 13, Box 650, died at his home Sunday. O’Farrell, a grocer, had lived in Pierce County all his life, having been born at Orting. He was a member of the St. John of the Woods Church and the Clover Creek Grange. He is survived by his wife, Anna; daughter, Mrs. Leo Fanning, Tacoma; sister, Mrs. William Swain, Tacoma, and three grandchildren. Gaffney’s will announce arrangements. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Fix, Phillip William – Obituary

Phillip W. Fix was born in Decatur County, Indiana, in 1835, and died at his home in Orting, January 16, 1924, aged 89. Mr. Fix was a Civil War veteran, having enlisted in Co. “A” Fourth Minnesota Regular Volunteer Infantry in 1861 for three years. He re-enlisted at Huntsville, Alabama in the winter of 1864 and served until the close of the war when he was mustered out at Louisville, Kentucky, on the 26th of July, 1865. He was married to Susan Bowman in 1856 and ten children were born to this union; Susan Bowman Fix died in 1899 and … Read more

Lee, Mary O’Conner O’Farrell – Obituary

This community was saddened on Christmas day when the news reached here of the passing of Mrs. Mary C. Lee [December 25, 1926], at the home of her son in Tacoma. She had made her home for the past few years with her son Daniel. Mrs. Lee was born in Ireland and spent her early life in Melbourne, Australia, being married in New Zealand. In September she met with an accident and broke a hip and since that time had been confined to her home and with her advanced age, she soon grew weaker, quietly passing in the great beyond, … Read more

O’Farrell, Thomas E. – Obituary

Thomas E. O’Farrell, 77, of 4506 No. 27th St., died Sunday [November 16, 1952] in a local hospital. Born in Orting, he had lived in Pierce County all his life. A retired machinist for the Northern Pacific Railway, he was a member of the Catholic Church, the Washington State Pioneer Society and the 50-Year Club of Tacoma. He was formerly chief park ranger of Rainier National Park. Surviving are three sons, Howard, Tacoma; Allen, Everett, and James, Las Vegas, Nev.; a daughter Mrs. Ethel McNabb, Tacoma; a brother, James R. Orting; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements will be … Read more

Fix, Clara Jane Harris – Obituary

Mrs. S. E. Fix, 78, former Pierce County resident, died Tuesday in a hospital at Olympia. She was born at Rockford, Ontario, Canada, and came to the United States with her parents in 1884. The family made its home at Auburn, and prior to her marriage, Mrs. Fix taught in Orting schools. She was married January 28, 1903 at Auburn and for many years the couple made its home at Kapowsin, later moving to Olympia. She had been ill the past few years. Mrs. Fix was past matron of the Narcissus Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Besides her husband, she … Read more