Biographical Sketch of Josie Gertrude Bass
Bass, Josie Gertrude, (See Foreman, Cordery, Grant and Riley)—.Josephine Gertrude daughter of John Anthony and Eliza Mary Blythe Foreman was born Tuesday November 19, 1872. Educated at Oowala and Female Seminary. Married at Talala, September 30, 1897 William Robert Bass, born September 15, 1872 in Wilson county, Tennessee. He died February 3, 1912. They were the parents of: Robert Morris. Educated at Ramona and Oklahoma University, born July 20, 1898 and Harold E. Bass, born May 16, 1903. John Anthony, son of Reverend Stephen and Sallie W. (Riley) Foreman was born at Park [Jill, June 10, 1844. Educated at Park … Read more