Biographical Sketch of Harvey Stephenson

Frederick P. Stephenson, a well known resident of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, is descended from a family which for many generations has displayed courage and patriotism in defence of the rights and liberties of their country. Calvin Stephenson, a pioneer settler and a soldier of the revolution, had six sons who took part in the war of 1812: James was taken a prisoner and died near Montreal, Canada; William served gallantly throughout the war, then joined the regular army and lost his life on the western plains; Luther served in the contest at Raisin river and in the battle … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Bowerman

(II) Thomas (2), son of Thomas (1) Bowerman, was born in Barnstable on Cape Cod, September, 1648, and settled in what is now (1910) Falmouth, on Cape Cod. He and his family joined the Society of Friends early. He bought a hundred acres of land, April 22, 1690, of Jonathan Hatch and Robert Harper, agents of Suckanesset (Falmouth), on the easterly side of the Five Mile river, bounded northerly by the pond and southeasterly by the river. He was town clerk in 1702-04-05. He served on a committee to lay out lands in Woods Hole. He resisted the law obliging … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Fordon

(III) William, eldest child of George and Hannah (Stephenson) Fordon, was born near the city of Hull, England, April 15, 1824. He was the last of the family, and died April 29, 1911. He followed in the footsteps of his father as a farmer, keeping well abreast of the times in his management of the land entrusted to his care, and was unusually successful. His religious affiliations were with the Episcopalian church, and he gave his political support to the principles of the Republican party. He married in Geneva, New York, December 21, 1848, Honor Matilda Durrant, born in Syracuse, … Read more

Biography of Gilbert T. Aldridge

(II) Gilbert T., son of Gilbert Aldridge, was born at Victor, New York, March 4, 1819. He learned the trade of blacksmith and followed it many years. He had an iron foundry and manufactured wagons in the town of Victor. He cast the first iron beam plows used in Victor, manufacturing being his principal business for a short time. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he was a steward, trustee, and superintendent of the Sunday school for thirty years. He was always an active worker in the church and a man of exemplary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick P. A. Clark

Frederick P. A., son of Cephus and Deborah (Wilbur) Clark, was born in Glover, Vermont. May 2l, 1819, and was engaged in farming throughout the active years of his life. He married, December 9, 1845, Eliza J. King, who was born in Glover, Vermont, November 6, 1823. Her great-great-grandfather was the son of a slave owner in the south, migrated to the north and took part in the revolutionary war, during the progress of which he was killed.

Biography of Herbert Beattie

(IV) Herbert, son of William and Mary E. (Barnes) Beattie, was born on the family homestead in Ontario county, New York, March 23, 1866. For a time he attended the district school, but as the health of his father was impaired, he was frequently obliged to remain away from the school sessions, and take charge of the farm management, while still at a very early age. This interfered with the acquisition of knowledge from books, but he has overcome this difficulty in a great measure by his keen powers of observation, and the deep thought he has given to all … Read more

Biography of Henry Francis Granger

Henry Francis, son of Henry Martyn and Sarah (Smith) Granger, was born in Hornell, Steuben county, New York, August 18, 1868. His ancestor Francis Granger was postmaster-general under President Harrison, and was the son of Gideon Granger, who held the office of postmaster-general under President Thomas Jefferson. At the conclusion of his preparatory education Henry Francis Granger matriculated at Columbia University, from the Law School of which he was graduated in 1892, and admitted to the bar in the same year. The following year he associated himself in a partnership with James Lindsay Gordon, a member of the senate from … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Salisbury

John, son of William (2) Salisbury, was born in Boston, December 8, 1769. He and his brother Stephen resided for a time in Conway, Massachusetts, but about the year 1800 they removed to Ontario county, New York, and John settled as a pioneer in the town of Phelps.

Biography of Dr. Jay Byington Covert

Dr. Jay Byington Covert, one of the leading physicians of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, while still young in years, has already attained a foremost rank in the medical profession. His quick perception, sound judgment and thorough training, command the respect and confidence of all who know (1910) him, and he is held in the highest estimation by his fellow citizens. The fact is amply evidenced in the record of his daily life. He has devoted his life to a noble profession, and in all professions, but more especially in the medical, there are exalted heights to which genius itself … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Collins

(III) John (3), son of John (2) Collins, was born in Connecticut in 1665, died January 24, 1751. He married, July 23, 1691, Ann Leete, born August 5, 1671, died November 2, 1724, daughter of John Leete and granddaughter of Governor William Leete, descendant of a distinguished English ancestry. Children, born in Guilford: Asa, May 9, 1692; Mary, April 11, 1694, died February 2, 1729; John, February 23, 1696; Timothy, February 11, 1698, died February 19, 1698; Timothy, April 13, 1699, mentioned elsewhere; Daniel, June 13, 1701; Susanna, September 25, 1703, died October 30, 1703; Samuel, November 2, 1704; Mercy, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leonard Cotton

Leonard, son of Isaac Cotton, was born in Farmington in 1822, and was educated there in the public schools and the :Macedon Center Academy. He learned the trade of carpenter and was also a farmer. From the age of fifteen he supported himself and engaged in business before he was of age. In politics he was a Whig. He was a member of the Society of Friends. He married Amy Ann Gardner, born at Farmington, in 1828, died in the spring of 1873. he died in the fall of 1872. Elisha Gardner. her father, married a Patterson. Children, born at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Henry Stilts

(II) Thomas Henry, son of John Robert and Elizabeth (Hennion) Stilts, was born at Bradford, Steuben county, New York, in 1835, died May 16, 1898. He was a farmer. He married, December 14, 18J5, Sarah Parks, born December 13, 1838. Children: John R., mentioned elsewhere; Robert C., born April 28, 1861; Carrie, March 16, 1863

Biographical Sketch of David White

David White, the founder of this family, was the son of George White, a sea-captain, and was born in Scotland, in 1844. Emigrating to America, he settled in Phelps, Ontario county, and engaged in farming. He was elected road commissioner at one time. He married Melissa Van der Mark, who died in 1884. Children: Edith, married Myron D. Crozer; Lillian, married George Peirce; Charles D., referred to elsewhere.

Biography of Captain George Henry Bell

Captain George Henry Bell, believed to be son of Frederick Bell, married a sister of General Herkimer and was a man of considerable note in the revolution. He was well educated and wrote a neat, compact hand with much rapidity, we are told in an account of him in the old history of the Mohawk Valley. Although not among the officers of the militia appointed in 1775, he commanded a company at the battle of Oriskany and was wounded. In later years he was pensioned for this service. He remained on the field with General Herkimer until the battle was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel Tilden

Nathaniel Tilden, the immigrant ancestor, came in the ship “Hercules” of Sandwich, England, from Tenterden, England, in March, 1634, bringing with him his wife Lydia, seven children and seven servants. He settled at Scituate where he was living and had a house built according to Parson Lothrop, as early as September, 1634. He was the first ruling elder of the Scituate church, indicating that he was one of the foremost citizens. He held many town offices. His was the third house on Kent street, south of Greenfield lane. He also had lands at Long Marsh, and in 1640 land on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Preston

Samuel (3), son of Samuel (2) Preston, was born in 1708. He settled in Littleton, Massachusetts, and was captain of the Littleton company in the Crown Point expedition in the French and Indian war, ill 1755, being accompanied by his son, Dr. John Preston, afterward of New Ipswich, New Hampshire. He married. April 8. 1728, at Andover, Hannah, daughter of James and Sarah (Marston) Bridges. She was born in 1702, in Andover, her father afterward settling at Littleton. Children, all but the eldest born in Littleton : I. Samuel, mentioned elsewhere. 2. Dr. John, married Rebecca Farrar. 3. James, January … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Caleb Horton

(II) Caleb, son of Barnabas Horton, was born at Southold in the autumn of 1640, and married there, December 23, 1665, Abigail, daughter of Peter Hallock, the Pilgrim. They settled at Cutchogue, Southold township, Long Island, and he was accepted as freeman, of Connecticut, 1664. He had land deeded to him the same year. In 1683 his valuation was three hundred and fifty pounds. In 1686 he had four males and six females in his family. His wife died in 1697, and he, October 3, 1702. Children, born in Cutchogue: Barnabas, September 23, 1666, mentioned elsewhere; Jonathan, 1668; Nathan, 1670; … Read more

Biography of George H. Preston

George H., son of George W. Preston, was born in Ontario, November 13, 1837. He attended the district school on the Ridge Road, Ontario, passing thence to Macedon Academy and Walworth Academy. At the latter institution, while still a student, he was employed in teaching classes. He also taught two terms of district school, working on his father’s farm during the summer months. At the age of twenty-seven he was married to Ellen F. Graham. and the year following removed to Shortsville, and entered the service of the Empire Drill Company. He was gifted naturally with mechanical skill and made … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Oaks

Jonathan (2), son of Jonathan (1) and Sarah (Wheeler) Oaks, was born in Harvard, Massachusetts, died in Oaks Corners, Ontario county, New York, in 1802. He is named in his father’s will in 1784 as the oldest son, with a legacy of ten shillings “if he ever comes back to this place.” He was in Sunderland, Massachusetts, in 1767, in Deerfield, in 1770, and in Conway, Massachusetts, in 1773. In 1789 he settled in what is now (1910) Oaks Corners, New York, preempting six hundred acres of land on which he erected the Oaks Corners tavern. Here the first town-meeting … Read more

Biography of Terrence W. Rice

Terrence W. Rice, nurseryman of Geneva, New York, belongs to that class of citizens who, although undemonstrative in their natures, nevertheless form the character and mold the society of the communities in which they live. This class it is that develops our great manufacturing interests, spreads our commerce, and furthers enterprises of all kinds. They, above all others, develop our cities and towns, and they alone deserve the credit for it. John Rice, father of Terrence W. Rice, was born in Dundalk, Ireland, in 1845, and came to this country about the year 1868. He was industrious and painstaking, and … Read more