Biography of J. S. Mason, M. D.

J. S. Mason, M. D., who was graduated in medicine over twenty years ago, has found his time and abilities more and more taxed as a. competent physician and surgeon, and in that field he ranks among the foremost in his section of the state. Doctor Mason is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, an honor conferred only upon surgeons of distinctive rank and attainment. He was born at Newark, Ohio, May 22, 1868, a son of Jacob W. and Elizabeth (Smith) Mason, both natives of Ohio. His father came to Vermilion County, Illinois, in 1881 and followed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward W. Kingsbury

Kingsbury, Edward W.; belting business; born, Newark, O., Jan. 15, 1870; son of Wilson Webb and Mary Ellen Little Kingsbury; common school and business education at Newark and Canton, O.; bookkeeper at Canton for a number of years; commercial traveler, four years, with The Scandanavia Belting Co., of New York; Jan, 1, 1913, assumed management of their Cleveland Branch; member Elks Lodge No. 18, and several Commercial Traveler’s Associations; came to Cleveland in 1904.

Biographical Sketch of Albert William Smith

Smith, Albert William; college prof.; born at Newark, O., Oct. 4, 1862; son of George H. and Mary (Sanborn) Smith; Ph. C., University of Michigan, 1885; B. S., Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, 1887; Ph. D., University of Zurich, 1891; married Mary Wilkinson of Cleveland, June 5, 1890; prof. chemistry, Case School of Applied Science, since 1891, Yellow A. A. A. S.; member American Chemistry Society, American Institute Mining Engineers, American Electrochem. Society, Society Promotion Engineering Education; has contributed to technical papers in society proceedings.

Biographical Sketch of George E. Hartshorn

Hartshorn, George E.; attorney-at-law; born, Newark, O., May 6, 1879; son of Martin D. and Flora Laird Hartshorn; educated, Dennison University, B. L., Western Reserve Law School; married, Beloit, Kansas, April 19, 1906, Pearl Mead; partner Kerruish, Kerruish, Hartshorn & Spooner; member Chamber of Commerce, Baeta Theta Pi Fraternity.

Biography of David T. Miller

In both the military and political service of his country David Truxton Miller has won distinction by his loyalty to the public good, his fidelity to the trust reposed in him. On southern battle-fields he has followed the stars and stripes to victory, and in the civic department of the nation’s service he has labored to promote the principles which underlie good government and form the foundation upon which all stable prosperity must rest. He has inscribed his name high on the roll of Boise’s distinguished citizens, and is now serving as deputy collector of internal revenue there. Born in … Read more