Biography of Levi Livermore Tucker

Levi Livermore Tucker, late superintendent and president of the Kansas Wesleyan Business College of Salina, devoted practically his entire life to the training of young men and women for business. Fully forty years were given to that profession, and few men accomplished a more satisfying aggregate of results in this field than Professor Tucker. He was of New England birth and ancestry. The farm in Orange County, Vermont, where he was born December 10, 1853, was also the birthplace of his father, Levi Livermore Tucker, Sr., and the house that thus served as a birthplace to these two generations was … Read more

Biography of Maj. J. A. Connolly

Maj. J. A. Connolly, attorney at law, Charleston; was born in Newark, N. J., March 8, 1838; his parents removed to Chesterville, Morrow Co., Ohio, when he was about 12 years old, and at the age of 18, he went to Mt. Gilead, the county seat of Morrow Co., and began reading law with Judge A. K. Dunn, of that city; he was admitted to the bar in September, 1859, and began practice in Mt. Gilead; in 1860, he removed to Charleston; while living in Mt. Gilead, he held the position of Second Assistant Clerk of the Ohio Senate for … Read more

Descendants of William Swift of Sandwich, MA

Noble Parker Swift

William Swift, the founder of the family on Cape Cod, was a native of Bocking, County of Essex, England, and came to New England in 1634, stopping first at Watertown, of which he was a proprietor in 1636. He sold his property there in 1637 and removed to Sandwich, where he spent the remainder of his life and where he died about 1641. His wife Joan bore him two children, William and Hannah, and after the death of her husband she married Daniel Wing, Nov. 5, 1642. She died Jan. 31, 1664.

William Swift (2), son of William, born in England, came to the New World with his parents and settled at Sandwich, Barnstable county. He represented his town in the General Court, 1673, 1674, 1677 and 1678. He died in the latter part of 1705.

Biographical Sketch of Moses J. Gries

Gries, Moses J.; rabbi; born, Newark, N. J., Jan. 25, 1868; son of Jacob and Katie Gries; educated, Hughes High School, Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College; married, Cleveland, June 15, 1898, Frances Hays; issue, two sons; pres. Central Conference of American Rabbis; member Board of Governors, Hebrew Union College, Board of Editors, Department of Synagogue and School Extension; member committee on Municipal Arts and Architecture of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce (group plan); member board of trustees Cleveland Associated Charities; trustee Cleveland School of Art; Federation of Jewish Charities; director of The City Club of Cleveland; also … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. A. Mulford

J. A. Mulford, wholesale dealer in hides, leather, findings, furs, pelts and tallow, Mattoon; was born in Newark, N. J., May 16, 1839; he completed a course in the high school, but did not enter upon a college course; at the age of 17, he began the trade of a jeweler, and worked under instructions till his majority; he followed his trade about five years; subsequently he was employed as accountant, and had charge of the wholesale department of Davis & Elcox, in Maiden Lane, New York, for some length of time; in the spring of 1867. he came West … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Emanuel Lowith

Lowith, Emanuel; retired; born in Austria, 1841; educated, University of Prague; married, Newark, N. J., 1880, Marie Wilhemina Schnal; served in the Austrian Army before coming to Cleveland in 1883; late vice pres. The W. P. Southworth Co.; pres. The Highland Realty Co.; member Ezekiel Lodge, No. 90, I. O. B. B.; member Chamber of Commerce. Favorite recreation: Literature.

Sereno Edwards Todd of Newark NJ

Sereno Edwards Todd6, (Josiah5, Abner4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born June 3, 1820, married first, June 26, 1844, Rhoda, daughter of Benoni and Hulda Peck. He married second, March 19, 1888, Dorcas Amanda Peterson, who was living at Newark, N. J., in 1911. He was an editor and writer on agricultural subjects, and became an authority of some note on matters relating to agriculture. Children by Rhoda Peck: *1063. Naomi Myrtilla, b. June 11, 1848. *1064. Sereno Edwards, b. Oct. 10, 1852. *1065. David Peck, b. March 19, 1854. Children by Dorcas Amanda Peterson: 1066. Theodore R. I., b. Dec. 24, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Livingston L. Taylor

Rev. Livingston L. Taylor, who enjoys a well earned reputation as a forcible and eloquent preacher, and whose life is a consistent and unvarying example of the doctrines he preaches, is the son of William J. 1. Taylor, D. D., and Maria L. (Cowenhoven) Taylor. Rev. Livingston L. Taylor was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 16, 1860. His education has been a varied and thorough one at the following named institutions : Newark Academy, Newark, New Jersey; Rutgers College, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1881, and which conferred the degree of Master … Read more

Establishment of Fort Smith in 1817

Quapaw Cession Map

The white population in Arkansas in 1817 had increased to several thousand, whose protection, as well as that of the Cherokee people living in that territory, from the continued hostilities of the Osage, required the establishment of a military post at the western border dividing the white settlements from the Osage. From Saint Louis came further news of threatened hostilities by the Osage near Clermont’s Town, and a report that Major William Bradford with a detachment of United States riflemen, and accompanied by Major Long, topographical engineer, had left that city for the purpose of establishing a military post on … Read more

Ancestors of Mereitt G. Perkins of Bridgewater, MA


The Perkins family is one of long and honorable standing in America, being one of the oldest in New England, where it is first found of record in Hampton – then in Massachusetts, now in New Hampshire. This family has numbered among its members men who have been prominent in the learned professions as well as in the business and financial circles of this country. This article is to particularly treat of that branch of the family through which descended the late John Perkins, of Bridgewater, of which town his ancestors were early settlers, and where he was actively identified with the iron manufacturing industry for a number of years. The ancestral line of this branch of the family is here given in chronological order from the first American settler, Abraham Perkins. Through his grandmother, Huldah Ames Hayward, who became the wife of Asa Perkins, Mr. Perkins is also descended from another of the oldest and best known families of Massachusetts. The progenitor of this family, Thomas Hayward, came from England to New England, becoming one of the early settlers of Duxbury before 1638. In the early part of the eighteenth century many of the Haywards changed their name to Howard, the two names in all probability having been the same originally, as both have the same Norse origin. Among the distinguished descendants of this Hayward or Howard family may be mentioned William Howard Taft, president of the United States. The branch of the family through which Mr. Perkins descends is herewith given, in chronological order.

Biographical Sketch of Lewis Hall

Hall, Lewis; life insurance; born, Ox Bow, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1S57; son of Caleb G. and Catherine J. Lewis Hall; educated, Cazenovia, N. Y., Evanston, Ill.; married, Theresa, N. Y., March 31, 1896, Henrietta C. Simonds; twenty years representative The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., Newark, N. J., at present with The Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford Conn.; director T. H. Geer & Co.; member of Wade Park Lodge, No. 800, I. O. O. F.

Biography of George B. McKinney

George B. McKinney is the vice president of the investment securities firm operating under the name of b’. J. Matre & Company in St. Louis. Before establishing his present business he had gained an enviable record as a salesman who was relied upon from year to year by a large clientele of bond purchasers who found him thoroughly posted and reliable in every way. Before coming to St. Louis he was employed on Wall street in New York city and had become thoroughly familiar with the methods and opportunities of the financial world. He is an eastern man by birth, … Read more

Biography of Thomas W. Hallock

Thomas W. Hallock, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Jan. 20, 1811; he was raised on a farm until he was 15 years old, and then went to Troy, N. Y., where he learned the trade of a coachmaker; he worked for Eaton & Gilbert, at that time one of the largest coachmaking firms in the country; he helped to build the first railway-coach in this country, in 1829; this coach was run on the Amboy & Burtontown R. R., and was drawn by horses. Going to New York City in 1833, he … Read more

French Genealogy of Fall River Massachusetts

Job B. French

The Fall River French family here considered springs from the early Rehoboth family of the name, and it, as will be observed further on, according to Savage, perhaps from the Dorchester family. John French, the head of the Dorchester family and the immigrant ancestor, was a native of England, born in 1612. He had land granted him at what became Braintree for five heads Feb. 24, 1639-40. He was admitted to the church in the adjoining town of Dorchester, Jan. 27, 1642, and the births of his first two children are recorded in Dorchester. He became a freeman May 29, 1639. He was active and prominent among the early settlers. His son John was born Feb. 28, 1641.

Biography of David Milton Boyd

David Milton Boyd, secretary of the Traffic Motor Truck Corporation of St. Louis, was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, August 1, 1878, and is a son of Trustin Brown and Emily (Tousey) Boyd, who are now residents of St. Louis. Their family numbered two sons, the younger being Ingram F., who Is the president of the Boyd-Richardson Men’s Apparel Company of this city. In the acquirement of his education, David Milton Boyd attended Smith Academy of St. Louis, which he entered in 1887, completing his course by graduation in June, 1896. He afterward attended Yale University and won his Bachelor of … Read more

Ancestry of Thomas Beatty Inness of Brockton Massachusetts

Old Families of Southeastern Massachusetts

Thomas Beatty Inness, of Brockton, one of that city’s enterprising and progressive citizens, is a native of Pennsylvania, born at Pottsville March 4, 1848, only son of the late James A. and Mary Williams (Beatty) Inness, and a descendant of sturdy Scotch-Irish.

Biography of Carl E. Kayser

Carl E. Kayser, son of Carl F. and Lillian P. (Eble) Kayser, was born May 20, 1889, in Newark, New Jersey. His father was born in the Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, and his mother was born in the state of New Jersey. His father came to the United States at the age of eighteen years and has been in the teaching profession ever since, being now professor of Germanic languages in Hunter College, New York city. Carl E. Kayser attended the public schools in Newark, New Jersey, and in New York City, and from 1905 to 1909 he attended … Read more