Biographical Sketch of George E. Seely

George E. Seely, justice of the peace in the third township was elected to office two years ago. This was his first experience in public life and since first taking his oath of office he has by fairness, thoroughness and soundness of his decisions, attracted county-wide attention as a magistrate. Mr. Seely is a machinist by trade and has worked at his profession in Redwood City for nine years. Being an able mechanic and of an inventive turn of mind, Mr. Seely has several patents which in time bid to make him famous. Justice Seely’s modesty has made these almost … Read more

Biography of James Dodwell

James Dodwell. The career of James Dodwell, pioneer harnessmaker of Butler County and a well known resident of the county seat, El Dorado, is one considerably apart from the ordinary and of unusual interest. In its unfolding it had invaded various fields of endeavor and the occupations of war and peace, and through it Mr. Dodwell had worked out an admirable destiny and had established his right to be numbered among the self-made men who have attained success in spite of the most discouraging circumstances. James Dodwell was born in the City of New York, in 1845, and, having been … Read more

Will of Philemon Dickinson, – 1672

Letters of administration granted to Mary Dickinson, relict of PHILEMON DICKINSON, late of Southold. “She being made sole executrix in his will, which was proved at Court of Sessions in Southold in July last.” October 28, 1672. LIBER 1-2, page 101

Will of Francis Munsy – 1675

“Whereas FRANCIS MUNSY, late of Setalcot, upon Long Island, died intestate.” His wife Hannah is appointed administratrix, September 10, 1675. LIBER 1-2, page 120

Biography of Hon. E. D. Shattuck

HON. E.D. SHATTUCK, – Judge Shattuck has been prominently connected with the public affairs of our state for more than thirty years, and is so closely identified with our interests and society as to be a distinctively representative man among us. His mental strength and clearness, combined with remarkable accuracy and absence of personal bias, have made his services of the highest value. He has ever maintained a peculiar coolness of judgement, and neither has been swayed by popular excitement nor has resorted to sensational methods to advance his own views or interests. He has ever been above suspicion of … Read more

Biography of James Claude Wilhoit, M. D.

James Claude Wilhoit, M. D. This is the name of a prominent young physician and surgeon at Manhattan, but a man who in spite of his years has attained an enviable prominence in the professional and business life of his home state. Doctor Wilhoit has those natural gifts which together with thorough training make the proficient surgeon. His work is now largely surgery and diagnosis. He was born at Westmoreland in Pottawatomie County, Kansas, July 14, 1885, a son of Dr. John W. and Jennie (Armstrong) Wilhoit. His parents were natives of Kentucky, where they married, and they came to … Read more

Biography of John R. Tercy

John R. Tercy, present prohate judge of Ellsworth County, possesses in a distinguishing degree that fine balance of qualities and faculties which enables a probate judge to handle the many delicate problems of administration in a manner that means the approximation of justice to them all. Judge Tercy is not so much a lawyer as a man of affairs. He had had a long and active experience and for many years was a prominent minister of the Presbyterian Church both in Kansas and other weetern states. Judge Tercy was born at Indianapolis, Indiana, September 19, 1858, and is of English … Read more

Will of Thomas Sayre – 1671

THOMAS SAYRE, Southampton. “In the Name of God, Amen. I, Thomas Sayre, of Southampton upon Long Island, being in perfect strength of memory, blessed bee ye Lord for it, but weake in Body.” Leaves to son Francis two acres of land “next unto his owne in Captains Neck, in ye Great Playne, and 2 acres more lying in ye 8 acre Lots in ye said Great Playne,” also “a Pewter flagon, a Pewter bowl and a great Pewter Platter.” To son Daniel “2 acres of land lying next ye above said 2 acres, in ye 8 acre lots, and 3 … Read more

Will of Thomas Hood – 1671

THOMAS HOOD, New York. “I, Thomas Hood, lately a souldier in ye Garrison of Fort James, being since my arrivall taken sick,” makes loving friends, Richard Patum and John Bugby, executors, and leaves them “my share of Log wood in the Ketch, ‘Society,’ now riding, at anchor in the road of New York, of which Thomas Edwards is master.” “I give ye summe of 300 guilders, wampum, or ye value thereof, to be spent among my fellow-souldiers in the Garrison of Fort James.” Legacies to friends John Clarke and Richard Charlton. Dated October 7, 1671. Witnesses, Francis Yates, John Laureson. … Read more

Will of Charles Morgan – 1668

CHARLES MORGAN, Gravesend. Makes wife Katharine sole executrix. Leaves to son Charles the lot or Plantations recorded to him in the Towne Books of Gravesend. To my other three sons, Thomas, John, and Daniel, the land and Plantation I now live on, and the barn that was formerly Slynihah Loras. His wife is to have the use of the said premises, “to dwell in soe long as shee shall keepe herself a widow. All this is my mynde and will soe to be.” Mentions daughters Mary, Rachel, and Susannah. Dated “Thirteenth day of 7th month 1668.” Witness Wm. Goulding, Sam’l … Read more

Will of James Naybor – 1671

JAMES NAYBOR, Huntington, “Cooper.” Leaves to youngest daughter, Martha, “my Great Trunk and best chest with linnen and woolen clothes.” “To my grandchild, Mercy, when 21, £10, to be raised out of my house in Boston,” which I leave to my five daughters, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Rachel, and Martha. Makes his daughter Martha executrix, and Mr. Wm. Bartholemew and Goodman Sundall, both of Boston, executors in trust. “I desire Thomas Scudder and Joseph Bayley, of Hunttington, to be helpfull to my daughter Martha as executor.” Dated January 27, 1671. Witnesses, Matthew Owen, Peter Floyd, Joseph Bayley. Proved at Court of … Read more

Will of Anna Hall – 1669

ANNA HALL, widow of Thomas Hall, of New York, was made executrix of his will, and confirmed March. 15, 1669/70. LIBER 1-2, page 51

Will of John Daverell – 1673

“Whereas JOHN DAVERELL of this city dyed in ye Province of Maryland intestate.” Mrs. Sarah Hawkins of this city, widow, “the naturall mother of him the said John Daverell,” is appointed administratrix. Given under our hand and seal at Fort James, May 12, 1673. Francis Lovelace. LIBER 1-2, page 66

Tammany Society

The Tammany society – occasionally at first known as the Columbian Order took an Indian title and formulated for itself a ritual based upon supposedly Indian custom.

The Hazard family of Rhode Island 1635-1894

The Hazard family of Rhode Island 1635-1894

The Hazard family of Rhode Island 1635-1894 – Being a genealogy and history of the descendants of Thomas Hazard, with sketches of the worthies of this family, and anecdotes illustrative of their traits and also of the times in which they lived.

Biography of Andrew Roberts

ANDREW ROBERTS. – Andrew Roberts was born in Dundee, Scotland, August 12, 1822. When one year old he had lost both of his parents. He was then removed to Forfar. As soon as he was of proper age he learned the trade of a tailor, and when he had earned and saved sufficient money he left his native land for the United States. He thus states that venture: “I left my home in 1842, and on foot started to Dundee, distant fourteen miles. I took the steamer from there to Edinburgh, and traveled thence by rail to Glasgow. I then … Read more

Biography of Hon. Theodore L. Stiles

HON. THEODORE L. STILES. – Honorable Theodore L. Stiles was born at Medway, Clarke county, Ohio, July 12, 1848, and was the only child of Daniel J. and Marie S. Stiles. His mother’s maiden name was Lamme; and she, too, was a native of the same county as her son. Mr. Stiles’ father was born of German and English parents, in Danplin county, Pennsylvania. His mother’s family were emigrants from Virginia in 1809. Until the age of sixteen, he remained at his birthplace, which was a small interior farming village. But, his mother having died in 1863, his father removed … Read more

Letters of Administration for Francis Cregier – 1666

FRANCIS CREGIER “dyed lately intestate at New Castle, in Delaware Bay.” Letters of Administration granted to his father, Martin Cregier, and brother-in-law Laurence De Silles, July 10, 1666, by Gov. R. Nicoll. LIBER 1-2, page 7

Biography of Lewis Fleischner

Fleischner, Lewis, one of the leading merchants of Portland was born in the village of Vogelgesang, Bohemia, in 1829. He was educated in his native village and at Tissan a small town near his home. At the age of fifteen years he came to America, and for a short time remained in New York City. He then went to Philadelphia, where he was employed for five years by a dealer in horses and cattle. At the end of this period, in 1849, he came to Drakeville, Davis County, Iowa, and for three years was engaged in merchandising. In 1852 he … Read more

Will of Thomas Pell, – 1669

THOMAS PELL, Westchester. “It hath pleased ye all wise God many years to exercise me with much weakness of body, and having lately taken to Himself my beloved wife Lucy,” “I give my body to a comely burial, that it may be decently buried in such a comely manner, that God may not be dishonored.” Leaves all real estate to “my nephew John Pell, living in ould England, the only son of my only brother John Pell, Doctor of Divinity, he had by his first wife.” Legacies to Abigail, wife of Daniel Burr, Nathaniel French, Elizabeth White, Mary White, and … Read more