Biography of Hoy Harsha

Hoy Harsha, Mayor of Haskell, also figures prominently in financial circles as cashier of the Haskell National Bank and in both connections his record is such as to secure for him the respect, confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. Oklahoma is proud to number him among her native sons, for his birth occurred in Muskogee, this state, on the 14th of December, 1881. His parents are William S. and Laura E. (Newcomb) Harsha, the former a native of Iowa, while the latter was born in New York. The father came to this part of the country in pioneer times, … Read more

Biography of George Henry Walker

George Henry Walker occupies a prominent position in business, circles of Muskogee as vice president and general manager of the Osage Cotton Oil Company and has also served as mayor of the city since April, 1920. His birth occurred at Union Springs, Alabama, on the 1st of October, 1872, his parents being Merriott W. and Rexie (Goodwin) Walker, the former a prosperous planter and merchant. After mastering the elementary branches of learning George Henry Walker pursued a high school course in his native town and subsequently attended a business college at Poughkeepsie, New York. When his textbooks were put aside … Read more

Biography of Mandly Board

Mandly Board, organizer of the Exchange National Bank of Muskogee and President from the beginning to the present time, belongs to that class of substantial citizens who are the real promoters and up builders of a community. Steadfast in purpose, progressive in his views and at all times reliable in his methods, Mandly Board has ever been classed with those who have promoted the material and intellectual progress of the community and upheld its legal and moral status. A Virginian by birth, he claims Front Royal as the place of his nativity and the date as October 19, 1868. He … Read more

Biography of Judge Napoleon B. Maxey

Judge N. B. Maxey has the distinction of holding the oldest license to practice law in the Oklahoma courts. Notwithstanding the fact he is still active in the profession, maintaining his once in Muskogee but frequently called to other sections of the state in connection with his specialty of insurance and surety law. He was born in Smith County, Tennessee, July 15, 1853, and the fact that his father, Thomas J. Maxey, was of French extraction probably accounts for the name given to the future Muskogee lawyer, Napoleon Bonaparte Maxey. Whether the name carries with it any qualifications that to … Read more

Biography of John Downing Benedict

John Downing Benedict was born in Clermont, a suburb of Indianapolis, Indiana, on the 27th of May, 1854, and there began his education in the common schools. Accompanying his parents on their removal to Vermilion county, Illinois , he there worked on a farm during the summer months, while the winter seasons were spent as a student in the Rossville high school. When eighteen years of age he took up the profession of teaching, which he followed through the succeeding five years in the country and village schools. Subsequently he attended the University of Illinois for one year and then … Read more

Biography of Willis Grafton Robertson

Willis Grafton Robertson, member of the Muskogee bar, his attention being devoted to civil law practice, was born in Jefferson county, Missouri, December 10, 1850, and is a son of James A. and Mary J. (Cundiff) Robertson. The father, a farmer by occupation, was born in the year 1818, in what was then the territory of Missouri, and in the early days he hauled iron ore to St. Louis with ox team. He died at the notable old age of ninety-three years, while his wife lived to the advanced age of eighty-nine years. She was a native of Kentucky and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. J. H. Gainer

(See Ghigau and Oolootsa)-Cynthia, daughter of Thomas Jefferson and Jennie (Taylor) Pack, married Daniel Harmon and they were the parents of Emma Henrietta, Jennie, Laura, Elizabeth, McGilbra, Benjamin Franklin, and Lena Modesta Harmon. Lena Modesta Harmon was born October 23, 1885, and married Dr. John Harris Games, born April 29, 1870 in Washington County, Arkansas. He graduated from the Memphis Hospital Medical College in 1906, and is at present practicing medicine at Warner, Oklahoma. They are the parents of Daniel Benjamin, born September 26, 1910; Helen Elizabeth, born September 8, 1912 and Dorothy Gaines, born April 28, 1916. Gaines was … Read more

Biography of O. H. P. Brewer

O. H. P. Brewer, member of the Muskogee county bar, who on the 8th of August, 1921, retired from the office of postmaster, having filled the position for eight years, has devoted no inconsiderable part of his life to public service and his labors have constituted an important force for public good. Mr. Brewer was born at Webbers Falls, in the Indian Territory, a little village situated twenty-five miles southeast of Muskogee. His parents were Cherokee citizens, who voluntarily removed from Georgia to the Indian Territory in 1838, in accordance with the terms of a congressional act. His father, O. … Read more

Biography of M. B. Scott, M. D.

Since 1908 Dr. M. B. Scott has been practicing in Delaware and has won an enviable position among the medical men of Nowata County. A native of Muskogee County, Indian Territory, he was born on the 9th of August, 1879, a son of F. M. and Mary (McClain) Scott. The father was born in Tennessee and removed from his native state to Indian Territory in 1850. Locating in the Canadian district, he engaged in farming and stock raising, and achieved more than gratifying success in that connection. His demise occurred in 1896. His wife was a native of Oklahoma and … Read more

Biography of Robert I. Allen, M. D.

One of the best known surgeons in northeastern Oklahoma is Dr. Robert I. Allen, who was born at Coodys Bluff on the 9th of September, 1877, a son of Dr. R. M. and Mary (Journeycake) Allen. His father was a native of Illinois, in which state he resided until after the close of the Civil war. Upon the outbreak of that war he enlisted in the Federal army and became a member of the medical staff. He was a stretcher bearer at the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. Dr. R. M. Allen received his medical training at Rush … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Looney

Charles A. Looney, editor and general manager of the Muskogee Times-Democrat, with which he has been identified for more than two decades, is a well known and influential factor in journalistic circles of northeastern Oklahoma. His birth occurred in Shelbyville, Missouri, on the 27th of April, 1877, his parents being William Thomas and Annie B. Looney. After acquiring his preliminary education he pursued a course of study in the high school at Eldorado Springs, Missouri, and subsequently entered the University of Missouri, thus being well qualified by liberal educational training for life’s practical and responsible duties. When his textbooks were … Read more

Biography of Thomas F. King

Thomas F. King, who has devoted his entire time and attention to the banking business since making his initial step in business circles, is now the cashier of the Exchange National Bank of Muskogee. A native of Ohio, he was born in Marion on the 13th of May, 1886, and is a son of James and Margaret (Martin) King, the latter a sister of T. H. Martin, former mayor of Muskogee. The father was commissioner of public safety under the charter form of government. With the removal of the family westward, Thomas F. King pursued his more advanced education in … Read more

Biography of Joseph L. Hull

Joseph L. Hull, member of the Muskogee bar since 1915 and now engaged in the practice of civil law as a partner in the firm of Gibson & Hull, was born in Athens, Georgia, May 6, 1885, and is a son of Augustus L. and Callie (Cobb) Hull. He is also a nephew of the Hon. Hoke Smith, at one time governor of Georgia and afterward United States senator. Augustus L. Hull was born and reared in Georgia and for a number of years was secretary and treasurer of the State University at Athens, while his name is found on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Levi Ackley

See Grant and Ghigau) -Mary Jane, daughter of John Joshua and Minerva Elizabeth (Lillard) Patrick, was born March 12, 1868. Educated in the Cherokee National school. Married January 20, 1887 Levi Ackley, born June 28, 1861, in Bruce County, Ontario, Canada. They are the parents of Oliver Frederick, Madge Elizabeth, Lee Etta, and Edna Almira Ackley. Mr. and Mrs. Ackley are residents of Muskogee.

Biography of Webb Littlefield

Webb Littlefield, treasurer of the Guaranty Trust. Company of Muskogee, was born March 12; 1884, in Knobnoster, Missouri, a son of Charles B. and Theodosia (Webb) Littlefield, who were at one time residents of Kentucky and afterward established their home in Johnson county, Missouri. The father engaged in banking in Missouri for thirty years and in 1906 came to the Indian Territory, settling at Claremore. Webb Littlefield pursued a public school education in Missouri and afterward attended the Teachers’ College at Warrensburg, that state. He started out in the business world as a clerk in the employ of the National … Read more

Biography of Francis Marion Crowell

Afton owes much to the enterprising spirit and business ability of Francis Marion Crowell, whose identification with the town dates from the time of its establishment, and he is now conducting one of the leading department stores in this part of the state, displaying marked executive force, energy and determination in the control of his interests. He was born on a farm in Tallapoosa County, Alabama, March 14, 1859, his parents being Dr. Marion and Nancy A. Crowell, the former of whom was born at Mecklenburg, North Carolina, February 15, 1830, while the birth of the latter occurred in Henry … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. H. Ballard

(See Grant, Ghigua, and Ward)-William, son of Archibald and Annie (Fields) Ballard, was born May 29, 1852. Married December 26, 1871 Charlotte Mayes and they were the parents of: Janana, Anna, Ruth May, Ethel Savilla and Zoe Wyly Ballard. This family furnished the largest number of graduates from the Seminaries, they being as follows: Janana in 1896, Anna in 1897, Lucinda in 1899, Sarah Eleanor in 1902, William Houston in 1904 and Ruth May in 1906. Miss Janana is and has been a teacher in the Northeastern State Normal since its inception. Anna married Crawford Conner. Lucinda married William Lee … Read more

Biography of Robert Paris Harrison

Robert Paris Harrison, city manager of Muskogee, was born June 6, 1867, at Oakwood, Illinois, and is a son of W. C. and Nancy (Graybill) Harrison, who were farming people of that state. He acquired his education in the public schools of his native town and in the district schools near Ladoga, Indiana, and starting out in life on his own account, he became identified, with newspaper interests as a reporter on the Lebanon (Ind.) Pioneer. He was afterward associated with the Michigan City (Ind.) Dispatch and in time became city editor of the Chicago Daily Globe. At a later … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Hubert Ambrister

(See Grant)-Julia Theresa daughter of William Columbus and Jane (Davis) Patton, married Dr. Francis Bartow Fite; and they were the parents Frances Fite, born Sept. 24, 1893, in Muskogee. She was educated in National Cathedral School, Washington, D. C., and graduated from Vassar College. She married at Muskogee July 7, 1920, Hubert, son Samuel A. Ambrister, born Feb. 1891, in Norman County, Oklahoma. Mr. Ambrister was educated in Norman High School and is graduate of University of Okla. He is practicing law in Oklahoma City. He served two years in the Aviation Corps during the World War. Thomas James Adair … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Dexter Halfhill

William Dexter Halfhill, who has been a representative of the legal fraternity for a period covering forty-three years, took up his abode in Muskogee in 1904 and has here since engaged in general civil practice, in which connection he has built up a clientage of enviable proportions. He is a native of Morrow county, Ohio, and a son of Moses and Lydia (Kingman) Halfhill, the former a farmer by occupation. The public schools afforded him his early educational advantages and on attaining his majority he began teaching school. This he considered but an initial step to other professional labor; however, … Read more