Slave Narrative of Phyllis Petite

Person Interviewed: Phyllis Petite Location: Fort Gibson, Oklahoma Place of Birth: Rusk County, Texas Age: 83 I was born in Rusk County, Texas, on a plantation about eight miles east of Belleview. There wasn’t no town where I was born, but they had a church. My mammy and pappy belonged to a part Cherokee named W. P. Thompson when I was born. He had kinfolks in the Cherokee Nation, and we all moved up here to a place on Fourteen-Mile Creek close to where Hulbert now is. ‘way before I was big enough to remember anything. Then, so I been … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Clarence Alexander Ambrister

Clarence Alexander Ambrister, engaged in the general practice of civil law at Muskogee, was born in Nebraska City, Nebraska, on the 10th of February, 1888, and is a son of Samuel Alexander and Sallie (Gillispie) Ambrister. The father was engaged in the operation of a cottonseed oil mill. The son was accorded liberal educational advantages, which he pursued at Norman, Oklahoma, following the removal of the family to this state. He supplemented his early training with a university course. He became a resident of Norman in 1892 and through the intervening period has resided in this state, where he has … Read more

Biography of Jefferson D. Cox

Jefferson D. Cox is actively connected with a profession that has important bearing upon the progress and stable prosperity of every community, and one in which advancement depends upon individual merit and ability. Ability becomes in a measure prominence, and that Mr. Cox occupies a leading position in the ranks of the legal profession is an indication of his learning and skill in his chosen field. He is also a successful stock man and he owns a large ranch where fancy Duroc hogs and Durham cattle are raised. Jefferson D. Cox was born in Walhalla, South Carolina, on the 1st … Read more

Biography of Myron White

Myron White, an active representative of the Muskogee bar for the past two decades, has been accorded an extensive and gratifying clientage in recognition of his skill in the handling of intricate legal problems. He is numbered among the native sons of Kangas, his birth having occurred in Brown county on the 6th of September, 1875. His father, Jesse H. White, a native of Ohio, came of Revolutionary stock and was of English lineage. He served as a soldier of the Union army during the four-year period ‘of the Civil war and after the close of the conflict he married … Read more

Biography of Joseph L. Hull

Joseph L. Hull, member of the Muskogee bar since 1915 and now engaged in the practice of civil law as a partner in the firm of Gibson & Hull, was born in Athens, Georgia, May 6, 1885, and is a son of Augustus L. and Callie (Cobb) Hull. He is also a nephew of the Hon. Hoke Smith, at one time governor of Georgia and afterward United States senator. Augustus L. Hull was born and reared in Georgia and for a number of years was secretary and treasurer of the State University at Athens, while his name is found on … Read more

Biography of Jesse L. Blakemore, M. D.

Dr. Jesse L. Blakemore, a physician and surgeon of Muskogee since 1891 and now president of the Physicians and Surgeons Hospital of this city, was born in Greenwood, Arkansas, and after acquiring a public school education continued his studies in the Emory and Henry College of Virginia, there completing his course with the class of 1885. His liberal literary training has served as an excellent foundation on which to build the superstructure of professional knowledge. Desiring to become a physician, he matriculated in the medical department of Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tennessee, and was graduated with the class of 1888. … Read more

Biography of Henry Holmes White

Henry Holmes White, President and manager of the Oklahoma Engineering, Machine & Boiler Company and thus identified with one of the leading industrial enterprises of Muskogee, was born in Charleston, South Carolina, December 13, 1868, and is a son of Isaac DuBose and Caroline Octave (Holmes) White. He was educated at the Citadel, the military academy of South Carolina, from which he was graduated with the class of 1889, and, following the completion of his course, he occupied a position as draftsman with the South Carolina Railroad. He thoroughly learned the machinist business in the railroad shops in which he … Read more

Biography of James J. Rooney

James J. Rooney, contractor and builder of Muskogee, who died July 8, 1922, was well known throughout the state. His building operations carried him into various cities where there stand as monuments to his skill and ability some of the finest structures found within the borders of the commonwealth. Mr. Rooney was born in Iowa City, Iowa, January 2, 1864, and was a son of Lawrence and Maria Rooney. The father devoted his life to merchandising. The son obtained a public school education and then started out to make his own way in the world. He first learned the trade … Read more

Biography of Robert Milligan Mountcastle

Robert Milligan Mountcastle, a member of the Oklahoma bar since June, 1912, and now filling the office of United States commissioner, to which he was appointed in 1919, comes to this state from Tennessee, his birth having occurred March 17, 1888, in Jefferson City, Jefferson county. His parents were W. H. and Maude C. (Milligan) Mountcastle and while spending his youthful days in their home he was accorded liberal educational privileges, becoming a student in the Carson Newman College, from which he was graduated with the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1908. During his college days he took a most … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elizabeth Thatcher Stokes

(See Foreman) Herschael Vetran, son of Jeremiah Young and Mary Malinda (Walker) Stokes, born Sept. 21, 1882 educated in Cooweeescoowee District. Married at Muskogee June 28, 1909 Elizabeth, daughter of Joel T. and Mary L. (Kitchum) Thatcher, born in Delaware District November 12, 1883 and educated at Vinita. They are the parents of: Herschael Owen, born, April 2, 1910 and Darwin Clark Stokes, born September 13, 1911. Minerva Jane Taylor married Robert Wesley Walker and they were the parents of Mary Malinda (Walker) Stokeg. Robert Wesley Walker was elected Judge of Going Snake District March 24, 1879, appointed Attorney General … Read more

Biography of Robert Garner Emmert

Robert Garner Emmert of Muskogee, a partner in one of the large life insurance agencies of Oklahoma was born in Humboldt, Kansas, October 21, 1873. His education was largely acquired in Mount Carroll, Illinois, and he initiated his business career by becoming identified with a building and loan association as a salesman. At the same time he sold life insurance and for years conducted a life insurance business in Colorado and in Texas. In 1904 he came to Muskogee, where he joined his brother in establishing the firm of Emmert Brothers, general agents for the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Dexter Halfhill

William Dexter Halfhill, who has been a representative of the legal fraternity for a period covering forty-three years, took up his abode in Muskogee in 1904 and has here since engaged in general civil practice, in which connection he has built up a clientage of enviable proportions. He is a native of Morrow county, Ohio, and a son of Moses and Lydia (Kingman) Halfhill, the former a farmer by occupation. The public schools afforded him his early educational advantages and on attaining his majority he began teaching school. This he considered but an initial step to other professional labor; however, … Read more

Biography of Gabe Edward Parker

Actuated at all times by high ideals having to do with all of the duties and relations of life and particularly in connection with the Choctaw and other civilized tribes of what was once the Indian Territory, Gabe Edward Parker of Muskogee has left the impress of his individuality and ability in large measure upon the history of this section. He retired from the office of Superintendent of the Five Civilized Tribes on the 31st of May, 1921, and is now concentrating his efforts and attention upon the management of private business interests, being the President of the Muskogee Ice … Read more

Biography of Ezra Brainerd, Jr.

Ezra Brainerd, Jr., has been an active representative of the legal fraternity of Muskogee for the past seventeen years, enjoying an extensive clientage that has connected him with much important litigation tried in the courts of the district. He was born in Middlebury, Vermont, on the 26th of August, 1878, a son of Ezra and Frances (Rockwell) Brainerd, the former at one time president of Middlebury College. Excellent educational advantages were accorded him, for his public school training was supplemented by a course of study in Worcester Academy of Worcester, Massachusetts, and in Colgate Academy of Hamilton, New York. His … Read more

Biography of Guy W. Bain

Although but twenty-five years of age, Guy W. Bain has already made his influence felt in financial circles of Muskogee county and as cashier of the First National Bank of Boynton he is adding prestige to the institution, discharging his duties in a most conscientious and efficient manner. A native of Illinois, he was born in Massac county on the 20th of August, 1896, his parents being William and Minnie B. (Fitch) Bain, who were also born in that county. There the father engaged in farming and merchandising, also devoting his attention to the buying and selling of cattle, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Kelly Morgan

William Kelly Morgan, engaged in the monument business in Muskogee, was born in Independence county, Arkansas, on the 2d of September, 1874. Having completed his public school education he devoted his attention to farming until 1908, manifesting at all times that spirit of industry which has characterized him in his later commercial pursuits. He brought his land under a high state of cultivation and carried on the work of the farm until 1908, when he became engaged in general merchandising at Colegate, Oklahoma, where he remained for two and a half years. On the expiration of that period he turned … Read more

Biography of Hoy Harsha

Hoy Harsha, Mayor of Haskell, also figures prominently in financial circles as cashier of the Haskell National Bank and in both connections his record is such as to secure for him the respect, confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. Oklahoma is proud to number him among her native sons, for his birth occurred in Muskogee, this state, on the 14th of December, 1881. His parents are William S. and Laura E. (Newcomb) Harsha, the former a native of Iowa, while the latter was born in New York. The father came to this part of the country in pioneer times, … Read more

Biography of Finis Waldo Ewing, M. D.

Dr. Finis Waldo Ewing, engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Muskogee since 1915, his ability in his chosen calling being widely recognized, was born in Missouri, January 10, 1876, and is a son of Dr. Lee D. and Bettie (Harris) Ewing. At the usual age he became a public school pupil and having mastered the regular branches of the public school curriculum and had one year of university preparation, he went to Baltimore, Maryland, where he entered the Baltimore University in preparation for a professional career. He won his M. D. degree upon graduation with the class … Read more

Biography of Judge Napoleon Bonaparte Moore

A life of great usefulness and far-reaching influence ended when on the 10th of October, 1911, Judge Napoleon Bonaparte Moore was called to his final rest, after a long illness, at the venerable age of eighty-four years. Long a leader of public thought and action, he left his impress in notable measure upon the history of Oklahoma along agricultural, legislative, political and moral lines. A native of Alabama, he was born on the 8th of January, 1827, of the marriage of William and Lucy (Chemathla) Moore, who were also natives of that state, in which the father spent his life, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas S. Roach

(See Ghigau and Sanders) -George Roach married Nannie Pritchett, and they were the parents of Thomas Snake Roach who married Wycie McDaniel. Mr. Roach who has been for several years Special Field Man for the U. S. Indian Agency at Muskogee, is one of the most prominent full-bloods of the tribe. Besides being cautious and diplomatic, he speaks both the English and Cherokee languages fluently, and is of inestimable value to his employers.