Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Nannie Foreman

Foreman, Mrs. Nannie (See Grant, Downing, Foreman, Watie, Conrad and Halfbreed)—Return, son of Ellis and Sarah (Phillips) Foreman was educated in the Cherokee Na­tional Schools. Married at Muskogee, Nannie, daughter of Thomas Jefferson and Susannah (Watie) Bean, born March 25, 1881. They are the parents of Joseph, born October 16, 1917 and Samuel Foreman, born February 6, 1911. John Alexander Watie married Eliza Fields and they were the parents of Mrs. Susannah (Watie) Bean. Ellis (commonly called “Tyler’) son of Samuel and Sallie (Gourd) Foreman married Sarah, daughter of Elijah and Sidney Crittenden) Phillips and they were the parents of … Read more

Biography of Major J. Berry King

J. Berry King is now engaged in the general practice of law in Muskogee. Born in Harrison, Arkansas, May 29, 1888, he is a son of Alfred and Laura (McCormick) King, the father a banker and merchant of Harrison for a number of years, there successfully carrying on extensive business interests. In 1909, however, he removed to Oklahoma, where he resided until his death, which occurred in December, 1918. Major King received a public and high school education in Springfield, Missouri, and afterward attended the University of Arkansas, from 1903 until 1907. He then made preparation for his professional career … Read more

Slave Narrative of Lucinda Vann

Lucinda Vann, born between 92 and 100+ years old, recounts her life on the Vann plantation in Webbers Falls, Oklahoma, where she was born to enslaved parents in the master’s bedroom during an emergency. Raised in the Vann household, Lucinda describes a plantation managed by wealthy Cherokee owners Jim and Jennie Vann, boasting decent conditions for slaves, who were well-fed, finely dressed, and participated in plantation festivities. Lucinda had a favored horse, Black Hock, gifted by Missus Jennie, with earnings saved for her. Post-war, Lucinda, reflecting on the social inequalities, elected to join the Catholic church and later attempted to flee to Mexico during turmoil, only to return to a depleted plantation. The narrative captures a blend of personal triumphs amid the harsh realities of slavery, retaining a deeply ingrained cultural heritage and the complexities of identity and belonging in post-Civil War America.

Biography of Edward D. Hicks

Edward D. Hicks is numbered among Tahlequah’s representative business men and is one whose life record should be a stimulus to the effort and ambition of others. He was born at Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, on the 1st of January, 1866, a son of Daniel R. and Nancy J. (Rider) Hicks. His grandfather on the paternal side Elijah Hicks, was chief of the Cherokee Nation in Georgia and Indian Territory and died in 1856. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks came with the immigration of Cherokees in 1837 and 1838 to Indian Territory and the father became a successful farmer and stock … Read more

Biography of Hon. Eugene Mortimore Kerr

The records of Muskogee and the state would be incomplete and unsatisfactory were there failure to make prominent reference to Eugene Mortimore Kerr, who has served as a member of both the house of representatives and senate in the general assembly and who in many other ways has contributed to public progress and improvement, while in business circles he has gained a most creditable name and position. Mr. Kerr was born in Granville, Ohio, November 11, 1869, and is a son of E. M. and Elizabeth Triphena (Roberts) Kerr. The father was engaged in the real estate business for many … Read more

Biography of John Downing Benedict

John Downing Benedict was born in Clermont, a suburb of Indianapolis, Indiana, on the 27th of May, 1854, and there began his education in the common schools. Accompanying his parents on their removal to Vermilion county, Illinois , he there worked on a farm during the summer months, while the winter seasons were spent as a student in the Rossville high school. When eighteen years of age he took up the profession of teaching, which he followed through the succeeding five years in the country and village schools. Subsequently he attended the University of Illinois for one year and then … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter S. Agnew

(See Grant, Foreman and Cordery) Walter Scott Agnew was born May 16, 1842. Served the Confederacy in Company B, First Cherokee Mounted Rifles and Company E, Second Cherokee Mounted Volunteers. He married in December, 1866, Sarah Seabolt nee Riley, daughter of Felix and Susie (Bigby) Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew had one child, Laura Agnew, who married William H. Robinson. Mrs. Sarah Agnew died and Mr. Agenew married in July, 1870, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew Jackson and Lucy (Vickory) Cobb, born May 19, 1849. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew are residents of Muskogee. They are the parents of: Ellen, John … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Levi Ackley

See Grant and Ghigau) -Mary Jane, daughter of John Joshua and Minerva Elizabeth (Lillard) Patrick, was born March 12, 1868. Educated in the Cherokee National school. Married January 20, 1887 Levi Ackley, born June 28, 1861, in Bruce County, Ontario, Canada. They are the parents of Oliver Frederick, Madge Elizabeth, Lee Etta, and Edna Almira Ackley. Mr. and Mrs. Ackley are residents of Muskogee.

Biography of Henry O. Valeur

Henry O. Valeur, architect and builder, of Muskogee, was born in Norway, April 30, 1882, a son of Alrik and Dorothy Valeur. He enjoyed liberal educational advantages, receiving his more advanced training in universities of Norway and of Germany, pursuing university studies in his native country for three years and in Germany for four years. In young manhood he went to sea, spending three years as a sailor, and it was subsequent to this time that he became a student in Germany, thus qualifying for important and responsible duties in life. It was with the belief that he would have … Read more

Slave Narrative of Henry F. Pyles

Person Interviewed: Henry F. Pyles Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma Date of Birth: August 15, 1856 Age: 81 That’s how the niggers say old Bab Russ used to make the hoodoo “hands” he made for the young bucks and wenches, but I don’t know. ’cause I was too trusting to look inside de one he make for me, and anyways I lose it, and it no good nohow! Old Bab Russ live about two mile from me, and I went to him one night at midnight and ask him to make me de hand. I was a young strapper about sixteen years … Read more

Slave Narrative of Victoria Taylor Thompson

Person Interviewed: Victoria Taylor Thompson Age: 80 My mother, Judy Taylor, named for her mistress, told me that I was born about three year before the war; that make me about 80 year old so they say down at the Indian Agency where my name is on the Cherokee rolls since all the land was give to the Indian families a long time ago. Father kept the name of ‘Doc’ Hayes, and my brother Coose was a Hayes too, but mother, Jude, Patsy, Bonaparte (Boney, we always called him), Lewis and me was always Taylors. Daddy was bought by the … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Martin

Benjamin Martin, who has been actively engaged in law practice at Muskogee for more than a quarter of a century, has also been a prominent factor in financial circles of the city as vice president and director of and attorney for The Commercial National Bank, which he has thus represented during almost the entire period of its existence, his efforts contributing largely to the continued growth and success of the institution. His birth occurred on a southern plantation near Allendale, in Barnwell county, South Carolina, on the 7th of July, 1873, his parents being Benjamin and Catherine M. (Maner) Martin. … Read more

Biography of Mandly Board

Mandly Board, organizer of the Exchange National Bank of Muskogee and President from the beginning to the present time, belongs to that class of substantial citizens who are the real promoters and up builders of a community. Steadfast in purpose, progressive in his views and at all times reliable in his methods, Mandly Board has ever been classed with those who have promoted the material and intellectual progress of the community and upheld its legal and moral status. A Virginian by birth, he claims Front Royal as the place of his nativity and the date as October 19, 1868. He … Read more

Slave Narrative of Nancy Rogers Bean

Person Interviewed: Nancy Rogers Bean Location: Hulbert, Oklahoma Place of Birth: Boggy Depot, Oklahoma Age: 82 I’m getting old and it’s easy to forget most of the happenings of slave days; anyway I was too little to know much about them, for my mammy told me I was born about six years before the war. My folks was on their way to Fort Gibson, and on the trip I was born at Boggy Depot, down in southern Oklahoma. There was a lot of us children; I got their names somewheres here. Yes, there was George, Sarah, Emma, Stella, Sylvia, Lucinda, … Read more

Biography of Walter George Gibbons

Walter George Gibbons, vice president and cashier of the Chestnut-Gibbons Grocery Company, a wholesale concern, doing business in Muskogee, has since 1908 been in charge of this establishment. The business was founded here in 1902 and since Mr. Gibbons took charge material advance has been made in the trade connections of the firm. This results from his close study of every phase of the business, his persistency of purpose and his thorough application. Mr. Gibbons was born in Tiskilwa, Illinois, October 1, 1868, and is a son of George and Mary (Cook) Gibbons, the former a harness manufacturer, devoting his … Read more

Biography of John H. Plunkett, M. D.

Thoroughly equipped by liberal collegiate training for the profession which he makes his life work and in which he has ever displayed the strictest fidelity to high principles, Dr. John H. Plunkett is numbered among the leading physicians and surgeons of Porum, where for the past eight years he has been engaged in practice. A native of Arkansas, he was born in Logan County, April 12, 1874, his parents being Jasper and Mary (Bennett) Plunkett, the former also a native of that state, while the latter was born in Tennessee. The father engaged in the cultivation of a farm in … Read more

Biography of James J. Rooney

James J. Rooney, contractor and builder of Muskogee, who died July 8, 1922, was well known throughout the state. His building operations carried him into various cities where there stand as monuments to his skill and ability some of the finest structures found within the borders of the commonwealth. Mr. Rooney was born in Iowa City, Iowa, January 2, 1864, and was a son of Lawrence and Maria Rooney. The father devoted his life to merchandising. The son obtained a public school education and then started out to make his own way in the world. He first learned the trade … Read more

Biography of Frank J. Boudinot

(See Watie, Grant and Ross)-Frank Josiah, son of William Penn and Caroline (Fields) Boudinot, was born August 20, 1866, in the Cherokee Nation. Educated in Bacone College or Indian University (near Muskogee), Flint High School (Michigan) and University of Michigan. He took a course in law at the University of Michigan in 1894-5-6. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias fraternity. His Cherokee name is Kaw-la-nah (Raven) and he belongs to the Cherokee Holly clan. He has been the attorney, counselor and adviser of the Kee-too-wah Society of Cherokees since 1899 and was elected Principal Chief of the … Read more

Slave Narrative of Annie Groves Scott

Person Interviewed: Annie Groves Scott Place of Birth: Lyonsville, South Carolina Date of Birth: March 18, 1845 Just before the war broke out I was fifteen year old and my mistress told me I was born March 18, 1845, at a little place she called Lyonsville, South Carolina. Maw (that’s all the name she ever called her mother) was born at Charlotte, N.C., and father was born at Lyonsville, same as me, and his name was Levi Grant, which changed to Groves when he was sold by Master Grant. That was when I was a baby and I wants to … Read more

Biography of James N. Dunbar, Hon.

Hon. James N. Dunbar. As lawyer, judge, farmer and stockraiser, Judge Dunbar has long been one of the prominent citizens of Cherokee County, and has taken an active and valuable part in local affairs. It was the confidence felt by the people in his judgment and integrity as well as his sterling reputation as a lawyer that brought about his election to the district bench, and his administration of that position has more than justified the expectations of those who supported him for the office. Though most of his life has been spent in this section of Kansas, Judge Dunbar … Read more